Comments on: Aries Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility Unlock your destiny with karmic astrology Sun, 20 Oct 2024 22:35:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Graham Sat, 11 Jan 2020 02:23:29 +0000 This turned out to be 100% spot on. Especially the last paragraph.

By: cynthia Tue, 25 Jul 2017 16:25:02 +0000 I am an Aquarius female from Florida who met this Aries man about 2 years ago. When I first met him I was freshly out of a relationship so I wasn’t ready for something serious. Which I very soon found out that’s what he wanted with me. The day I first met him… I mean this guy, tall, his cologne, the way he hugged me, it wasn’t a hug, he held me. I fell for him right away. Yet, i am a very independent aquarian who likes her freedom. I want to have my space but still come back to him. Which he didn’t seem to understand my way. Made him think I didn’t care about him. When I really did. I still do… we went our seperate ways, I would talk to guys, eventually he got inTo a relationship which he still in. I have not seen him for a year now and he just can’t seem to be able to loose contact with me. I’ve deleted him, and he still messages me. He adds me again. He tells me he misses me, he wants to see me. He wants us to go away for vacations for some days which is so shocking to me because he does have a girlfriend. His girlfriend knows about me and they always break up because of me, EVEN THOUGH I DONT SEE HIM!!. He tells me he still thinks of me after so long…. WHAT IS ITTT??? COULD HE HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME? IS IT A SEXUAL THING? OR DO WE JUST BOTH FEEL THE SAME WAYY??

By: Big Ram Rod Tha Truth Sun, 12 Feb 2017 04:11:31 +0000 I just wanna wish all the beautiful Aquarius Queens a Happy Happy Bday for the entire year…I just love aquarius woman mostly all are my friends are either aquarius female and family members are male…My current lady is a aquarius and i love her very much….I wish the planet had nothing but Aries and aquarius women man i wouldnt never wana go nowhere lol i love yall more than any other zodiac sign cause we the best and the brightest thats why we get along so well and see eye2eye..By the way watch out for scorpios leos virgos taurus pisces cancers etc they aint no good for yall especially the ones i named and a some other clown signs….And another thing virgos get on my last nerves and they be down low gay ass hell especially the males and they big ass liars and manipulaters but they cant manipulate us period lol…And the females like beyonce ugly and cant sing and i cant seee what jayz see in her period i bet he be wanting to kill her i dont blame him but better him than me lol i dont like scorpios or virgos period hell they kinda stupid to me and to most aquarius i know lol i just dont trust them orr like them period…They think they smarter or slicker than aries an aquarius and they are most definitely notttt smh…Aquarius i love yall even though we both something serious i still let you have your way….Cant no body handle either of our signs like we can each other thats why we the best Zodiac signs hell we the FIRST even though they hating lol who cares i know plenty of aries and aquarius couples and they been together happily 20 an 40plus years….And alot of them rich…Remember God n Family over everything and everybody else…Peace love happiness…

By: Kendra Thompson Sat, 21 Jan 2017 07:37:10 +0000 I’m and Aquarius woman going with a Aries man I been going with mine for 7mo and we haven’t even meet so all this shit said about Aries is false mine is cyllibouis for 1yr21days are we going to have sex are meet and mine said I stress him when I tell him I get into with ppl and I’m going to push him away and he said he loves me and he told me I’m his girlfriend so what is he wait in on by meeting and have in sex I told him I’m not like the other girls he went with

By: Dd Tue, 19 Jan 2016 20:18:52 +0000 Who cares what you non Aquarian people think of us. Aquarius, we are all love. Life without love for the Aquarian is like life with no water no air no heat. We need love to live. It’s the dominating controlling person that we have a problem with because we are free spirits. Like the movie legend with Tom Cruise. That movie should represent the Aquarian.

By: Welcome Thu, 22 Oct 2015 06:23:21 +0000 Hmmm!!! M so #Wowed an Shocked at the same time… (touched) M an Aries guy who has jst falled inlove wit d aqua gal, is abt a year for now We jst meet occasionally because of the distance between us, an we already hvng agurments sometimes, m so scared 2 loose her. So i think the solution 2 keep her is to sacrifies alwals an stick 2 satisfyng her accrdng 2 to aqua gals needs…. Hmm! Can any1 help wit tips 2 keep her as my wife 4ever??? 🙁

By: Luci Sat, 19 Sep 2015 04:31:58 +0000 Thanks 34 years. Aries man. Aqua woman. Trust is incredible he has been away at war more then 12 years of the marriage! Explosive battles at home , awesome sex, I see fireworks most times! Finally I am the one that wears the pants and he grants my every wish. I’m glad I stuck to him he is my true mate! 8 separations 1 devorce chance. Adultry on his side and mine. We’re still together! Rollercoaster

By: lissa Fri, 07 Aug 2015 06:16:36 +0000 I’m a skeptic when it comes to this stuff..well I used to be anyway. I fit my aquarius sign to SUCH AN EXACT DEGREE …I can deny it no longer…and my Aries man fits his to the same degree. I found this particular take on at least this Aquarius female’s relationship with her Aries man …disturbingly accurate..about some things anyway. I’m a warm loving mother..but I didn’t see that she said otherwise about us as mother’s….As far as my relationship with this Aries man…it’s my first time with one…and my last. I say this with no malice whatsoever … a bit of sadness .. yes.. maybe it’s just this particular Aries that I have such a difficult time not losing my religion with and bashing over the head with a blunt instrument , on a daily basis …. idk… but his complete self involvement is truly … what it appears to be.. I have fought and conquered my aloof ..sometimes cold appearing tenancies … he however has remained steadfastly self serving …isn’t interested in anything if it isn’t about him..will find a way to bring it back around to him…and has no interest nor does he even see the problem with never again.

By: BabsieBaby Sat, 07 Mar 2015 01:29:19 +0000 Some of this is very true! I’m an Aqua woman who was seeing an Aries man in college. When we were good, it was great. When things got bad, it got ugly.

By: lalala youwillneverknow Wed, 21 Dec 2011 19:00:05 +0000 so true! i love my aries man! everything i have read is so true. Iv been with my aries ex/bf (really don’t know whats going on) for about 2 years now and we’ve been on and off and break up over any argument, currently not together but act like we are :S and don’t mind having our sex :$

hes really supportive and can be quite childish but treats me like a queen! and i really miss him i wish i never broke up with him. 🙁
