Comments on: Cancer Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility Unlock your destiny with karmic astrology Thu, 10 Oct 2024 21:38:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sunshine Raison n Nuts Sat, 28 Oct 2023 06:19:32 +0000 No matter how much one tries to evade….…they can never truly conceal the emotions that reside within. …its in the way he cant control being in the same space for too long without been confronted by the inner self

By: Kayla Wed, 29 Nov 2017 20:44:13 +0000 In reply to Joshua brandon allen.

Go get an Aquarius Virgin then cause there is no turning back and she is only going to put up with you throwing that in her face for so long before she completely walks away

By: Joshua brandon allen Sat, 02 Sep 2017 20:44:15 +0000 OK so I’m a cancer male and my girl is an Aquarius but the thing is my girl don’t really know how I feel because of something she done before me. Ok now hear me out ik I’m crazy an ik shouldn’t think like this and I love her but at the same time I hate the fact another guy took her Virginity and idk y but this is what kills me and our relationship would be amazing if I was the first and ik it sounds dumb but they way I look at it the cancer is very emotional and sensitive and it would make me feel better to know I was the guy she chose to take her virginity but when were together we can have those moments were like they say “you can hear the fat lady sing” and its like heaven its amazing and I don’t wanna lose that but I just want an Aquarius virgin and I’ll be happy

By: admin Tue, 15 Aug 2017 17:21:30 +0000 In reply to Hmm.

Thank you for pointing that out. I think they just got duplicated from the other post by mistake.

By: Hmm Sat, 12 Aug 2017 21:21:10 +0000 Interesting how this is supposed to be about Cancer men and Aquarius women compatibility, but all of the famous pairings listed are Aquarian men and Cancer women.

By: salvatrice E dean Fri, 09 Sep 2016 10:36:17 +0000 i have a question i am an aquarius woman and i have a big time crush on cancer male and im not sure what to do i am friends with him and his sister so i met his family already… ive known him for five years and he wants to be friends with benifits but i want more. what do i do?

By: Jhanelle Fri, 02 Sep 2016 11:44:32 +0000 I must say; being with a cancer man does have its rewards.

By: Angie Fri, 23 Oct 2015 20:52:42 +0000 Jen!! Your comment is great!!! I can’t imagine having a “good housekeeping” relationship. That would make me barf!!!! It doesn’t seem this article understands Aquarius women very well. I think I’m attracted to a Cancer man because he is so different than I am. I find it interesting and cute. I would like to start something, but I don’t see it lasting very long. He lives in the country, and I live in the city… both figuratively and literally.

By: Jen Wed, 20 May 2015 04:27:59 +0000 …. Is this a joke? Is this entire site supposed to be satirical or sarcastic? A 9/10? To attract a conservative Cancer man, “acting like you gotta wear the pants” is the way to go? Being aloof will attract him?

That’s one of the biggest problems in a (doomed) Aquarius/Cancer relationship. He can’t handle how aloof and insensitive she seems, and she feels constantly smothered. He wants to stay home and cuddle, she wants to go out and play. He doesn’t want to experiment in bed, because of the stigma attached to it, and she gets bored easily.

Aquarius craves what she thinks everyone else has? That’s the exact opposite of an Aquarius! The ruling planet is Uranus, which is all about being unconventional and not wanting to go with the flow. She can’t stand feeling like “just another sheep.” She doesn’t want a “Good Housekeeping” relationship. That’s what HE wants. She wants freedom, independence, and a trusting, secure partner who will let her be who she is, rather than being possessive and jealous.

I’ve read two compatibility articles on this site so far, and both have been laughably far from the truth. This whole site is a bunch of nonsense.

By: SmartAir Fri, 23 Dec 2011 19:11:16 +0000 Sorry, with a stable and secure water sign lol! I’ve dated a Cancer and a Pisces before.
