Comments on: Gemini Woman and Cancer Man Compatibility Unlock your destiny with karmic astrology Sun, 20 Oct 2024 23:01:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Charles Wed, 19 Jul 2017 07:05:29 +0000 I wanted to know about a platonic relationship between Cancer man and Gemini man. friendship

By: Katheryn Allyss Thu, 23 Mar 2017 01:11:31 +0000 So thats what happened! ….. OK.

By: Rodney Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:30:56 +0000 I am a cancer and I have never felt so in-love in my entire life as far as I can remember all thanks to this Gemini who came into my life at just the right moment…..I am gonna scream it loud from my rooftop for the entire universe to hear that I LOVE YOU and wants to be with no one else but YOU… you ignite a something in me I just cant put my fingers on and to be honest, whatever it is, Its filling me with passion overload.
Asking me to explain why I love you and how much do I love you, would be the same as asking me to describe the taste of water… absolutely impossible!!

Sorry babe, but I’m having one of those days that makes me realize how lost I’d be without you, given that there’s this piece of my heart that smiles every time I think about you, babe you have this incredible way of making my heart happy, infact meeting you, I saw the perfect person and so I loved you, but then when I saw that you weren’t perfect, It made me loved you even more… are the reason for my smile and you melt my heart ev-e-ry single time.

By: Renee Fri, 18 Sep 2015 20:06:44 +0000 My current man is a Cancer and my ex is a Cancer. I am a Gemini and I must say that this is pretty accurate. The Cancer men in my life are gentlemen with a great sense of humor! My man is very sweet, thoughtful, and very attentive to my needs and my ex is a great loving father who is very involved in raising our children. I am a lucky gal….it didn’t work out with one Cancer and I still ended up falling in love with another Cancer! Lol

By: a housewive Wed, 27 May 2015 09:18:22 +0000 and i’m so speechless reading all the comments about gemini girl and cancer boy, i’m gemini girl my ex waz cancer, i feel like he was my soulmate. i found myself in his eyes, we had had a great story.. but unfortunately there is a huge wall between us, which made us couldn’t be together, cancer boy isn’t able to make decision as always, or dare to fight for his girl to be his wife… he’s not a real hero yet a sweet guy. i love everything about him, like to kiss his armpit. now i have been married with libra man, even though he’s not as sweet as cancer man, isn’t romantic as cancer man but at least he had fought for me to be his wife. sometimes i miss my cancer man, because of great passionate of love that i ever had.

By: Boonie Wed, 09 Nov 2011 01:29:04 +0000 Hello, I would like to have some cancer man’s suggestion~
I am a Gemini woman and had broken up with my ex who is cancer man. We were together for 3 years and almost 1 year since separate.
The main reason we broke up was because he wasn’t sure what is missing, since his married buddies told him “you just know if she is the right girl to get marry”. Well, besides this “just know” we loved and cared for each other, even up till today.

The day we broke up, we decide to stay good friends cause we do love and care for each other; and lately he has been telling me that he felt confused lately. I wasn’t sure did he mean he is confused his love for me or he is confused if he sees me only as friend and nothing else more.

What should I do? Should I give him more time to think? I felt it’s real hard to find a good partner, who I find mentally & physically attractive. Beyond this, he is the only person I ever felt so close with, whom I could share all my thoughts and feelings with. I still remember the days when we were together, how anxious I was to see him, how much smile on my face whenever I looked at him, all these feelings just kills me cause we aren’t together anymore.

I am confused, what does cancer man wants after all..^^”..

By: Jessica Wed, 02 Nov 2011 21:13:25 +0000 And the only bad thing about mycancer man he BLOCKED FACEBOOK from me and accused me of cheating for nothing ! just because and old guy friend messaged me and asked how our daughter was ! I didnt even respond to it and i still get accused of cheating ! then he unblocked it so i could tell my couzin happy birthday and got a message saying he cheated on me by one of his ex girl friends best friend . . . What should i believe ? ? He says that he blocked fb is because its to over rated and he doesnt want to loose me over fb ! Then he says that He aint never cheated or gets mad everytime i ask him but my heart says he has , but something else tells me he wouldnt . . he comes home to me every night i even have his work schedual we are always together if he aint workin and not only that he is always loving on me . . . i havent caught him cheating i just a confused gemini women right now not knowing what to believe ! ):

By: Jessica Wed, 02 Nov 2011 21:01:55 +0000 I Honestly can say that Ifell in love with my cancer man in a week! i def believe in love at firsr sight ! He is the best to me and our daughter ! Yes he is overly controlling and very jealous over me , but i love it . . . what man do you know that would be like that ??? none ! I am glad he is like that it shows that he doesnt want to loose me . . which is always a plus , Sometimes we have our fusses that are small but tend to make a big deal out of it. . yes i am a gemini and love to laugh and have fun with him but no when to get serious as well . The only thing i do not like is he doesntopen up to me enough as i would like him too ! But we have real strong connection mentally , emotionally etc.

By: In relationship with Gemini men and Cancer men Fri, 28 Oct 2011 05:36:56 +0000

Missing my cancer :

I happened to come across this website while trying to understand why i love my ex cancer man so much. Needless to say I’m a gemini female. We dated for 3 1/2 years and hoped to one day be his wife. That didnt happen as i discovered 3 years into the relationship that he was cheating. What i do know about cancer men is the need to feel secure and loved….or they will cheat! as a gemini woman i worked hard at being home more and molding myself into what he was needing, all the while losing myself and my self-worth. It has been 3 years since our break-up and yet i still love this man. I just cant seem to get him out of my mind! Some one please offer some advice!!!!!

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You just need to meet a new guy and Fantastic sex , you will be able to get your ex of your mind , remind yourself of the hurt he has cost you. You know it for yourself you deserve better , you just lonely now , that you keep missing what you had .

By: In relationship with Gemini men and Cancer men Fri, 28 Oct 2011 05:32:21 +0000 Cancer men can mostly likely be a good friend then a husband for a Gemini women , don’t expect to much of roller coaster ride like dating a gemini man , every gemini women gemini men they have love and hate relationship that keeps making gemini women coming back for more , and hate it at the same time . With cancer men you can expect loads of security , he will put the effort , same time can bore you , but he will keep reminding you how good a person he is to you and for you. You looking for security and stability , choose cancer , which may lack fun but worth it for security .
