Comments on: Scorpio Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility Unlock your destiny with karmic astrology Fri, 11 Oct 2024 03:28:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hell Bound Zodiac Signz Wed, 15 Feb 2017 08:27:04 +0000 An yes i am a Saggie…….

By: Virgo woman Sat, 12 Mar 2016 19:03:51 +0000 as I see, scorpio women are the best…that is why i never win. my Cap BF would be happier with a scorpio woman because they are just amazing. i am a failure because it´s the 3rd time in my life that i´ve fallen for a cap, and this time it is me who ended it…the previous ones just used me…scorpio women know how to have be with a man because they´re so awesome…I am just a bad shit

By: Jordanna Tue, 23 Feb 2016 03:16:28 +0000 I am a Scorpio and I’m very skeptical about meeting new people, making new friends and choosing a partner is absolutely right in those same lines but then I met a Capricorn man few months ago, at first I was having mixed feelings about him because he seemed rather “CAPRIcious” in my opinion so I didn’t pay him much attention and kept going about my regular day to day activities, I would run into him occasionally and our eyes would meet for a few seconds at a time and then I could still feel his glances at a distance, I could feel his eyes piercing through my epidermis going deep through my tissues and into my veins, but I ignored him just the same because I wasn’t sure it would be worth my while and neither do I believe in leading people on, though this was just a couple weeks of meeting him ( so it was still pretty early), though we talked on and off, BUT the off in his detachment now had me wondering more and more about him and what he was really about, so that kinda made me start second guessing letting him go, I knew he liked me for sure, but just how much, I had no idea……. I don’t mind chasing at all, but first have to get some kind of indication that the other person is interested as well, and the reason why I had stepped back was because I wanted to give him the opportunity to be direct with me so that way there would be no misunderstanding and then by this time he may have gotten much confused about what I really wanted or even if I truly wanted him….but what I was really doing was assessing stability in him, figuring out how fired up he would get plus I needed reassurance and without that then I would have moved on – and he did reassure me a few times at a time, he always knows just the right time to – always!!, but once I get that reassurance its home stretch all the way, “home of the braves” LOL…..but to be very honest if he had began a chase too fast or had it been too obvious, it would have made me extremely uncomfortable and for sure I would have taken the hills for it because then there would have been a billion question surrounding his intentions (so I am really, really, really glad he took his time), I much rather a guy approach me slowly and taking his time in getting to know the real me as an individual and also appreciates someone who takes the time in allowing me to get to know him as well, as I don’t really trust anyone quite so easily, plus he did provoked my mind in a playful way too, so that kept me interested and wanting him more, in addition I did see in him someone who is also determined , someone who had real life goals and who is also smart ( but a bit distracted somewhat and I sensed that – and overlooked it because I knew that could be addressed), and in the phase of getting to know him, I could tell if there is potential, at least as a friend first as that’s very important…..and I am happy to say, today I think I have found my new best friend, well my only ever best friend….he is strong, confident, sexy and has a highly intriguing mind….absolutely can never get enough of him.

By: Pudding Fri, 01 Jan 2016 22:24:14 +0000 Shudup LOL….but no he always pisses me off and last night was no different, he sent me a message to the effect of, where was the new years eve party been held (he lives in the north america’s), so I responded and said, ‘I don’t know, I’m in my bed’ and offcourse the combat was , “cant you get out of the house and go somewhere, you need to find a man in 2016”, so then when he mentioned the name, to myself I was like WTF?? where did you get that info from Lmaooooo , now that’s what you call ringing in the new year with a BIG BANG THEORY!

P.s – nobody likes to make plans with me, cause I will say yes and then the last minute I change my mind, lolol, but thats just me, I really dont like to make plans, I like to just go with the flow, wherever and whenever the wind leads me…. I cant help it, I try alot of time but I fail miserably LOLOL, so yeah nobody ever makes plans with me – they say I am dead stock lol, they always wait until they are dressed then call me and MAYBE I get dressed and go….sad but true LOL.

By: Pudding Fri, 01 Jan 2016 05:47:55 +0000 OMG 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 :D, It happened again, at the beginning of the New Year at approximately 12:12am ( lucky time – any double up like that is) January 1, 2016, remember that series of torture I spoke of that the universe bestowed on me couple months back during our time of solitude….well having a convo with my brother on IM, he said something annoying to me, so I said to him, please not the beginning of the year, I am now a Greecetian, about two lines below, he responded with, Greece who?? ( as thou he was asking me about someone with that name)….I was like HUH?? to him (because I was wondering to myself how the hell he knew about Greece), then gather myself real quick and said oooooooh okay and just smiled to myself ( still am)…..”becoming impossible to ignore” – I see that now, its a good look, already started the new year on a ‘great’ note, universe made sure of that like it always do :D…. I love it!! – #cloud 9

By: Jaya Sat, 29 Aug 2015 06:32:58 +0000 How long you will wait and what he doesn’t come back?????

By: Shandelynn Wed, 26 Aug 2015 08:46:04 +0000 ————————-
I am a female Scorpio. I am currently single because of my own actions but at the same time, it wasn’t only my fault. I won’t get all into details, but I became friends with a male Capricorn just a few days to a week after my ex boyfriend left me in such a horrible way. My ex boyfriend was a Leo.. Me and my ex boyfriend were on a off for about a year or so, maybe a little bit longer. Anyways, after the break up I was devastated. I didn’t know what to do with myself, I was just lost all around. I loved this guy with everything in me and the way he left me was so out of line. It crushed me, but the bond between me and him were strong. Even before we started ‘messing around’, we were close friends for a few years. After the break up, I started acting different. I distanced myself from people. I barely spoke and just locked myself in my house. Then one day I was scrolling through Instagram, and of course a cute guy pops up, so I like his picture and keep scrolling. A few days later, I seen the same guy posting stuff. I remember I clicked on his profile to do a little stalking spree to see who this guy is. I ended up liking a couple pictures and a couple old ones, lol. Eventually he started liking a couple back, but I wasn’t going to let it go any farther. I didn’t want to show too much interest, that’s just who I am but inside, I was crushing on him. He was cute, but I didn’t know anything about him so I decided to comment on one of his photos, then one thing led to another. Eventually we started having conversations. The conversations we were having were just amazing. The funny thing is that we weren’t even flirting with each other. We had so much in common. Days later, we ended up being those friends that text each other all day long until one of us passes out. We got really close as friends. We’d make each other laugh so much. He honestly made my sadness go away. He made me forget about my ex. Then after time, I lost contact with him for a few months. Finally when I had the chance, I contacted him and told he better have not forgot about me and we ended up talking all night. A few weeks go by and I ended up getting a new phone phone. I didn’t hit him up immediately. I wasn’t obsessed nor did I get a phone just to contact him. A few days go by and I ended up hitting him up. Still really close friends. Still talked about everything together. I went to him for everything and even just stupid little things, he listened and I done the same for him. The vibe started changing. Nothing scary, but I always had a crush on him. I never spoke about the way I felt for him besides the fact that he was my best friend. Every now and then, of course I’d tell him how he’d look. I won’t lie, I told him he was very attractive. Then that’s when thing started changing. Over time, we ended liking each other. We never even brought up the subject about dating, we kind of just let things flow. We never titled anything, but if another female flirted with him or if he had anything to do with a female, I’d get jealous and he’d tell me not to worry. It went the other way around too. Then it got to a point where he was MINE and I was HIS, but nobody knew but us and a couple of other people. Our bond was strong. We would do anything to see each other. We would stay up late almost every night to Facetime each other when he went offshore. I can honestly say I loved this boy and I know he loved me. We would talk about how we were going to get a house together and get our favorite kind of dog. He wanted to spoil me just as much I wanted to spoil him. Me and him together was FUN and always hilarious. Yea, we had our ups and downs, but never necessarily a break up. Just him not talking to me like he usually does or as much, then me getting pissed off and going to my friends to party for the night or something. But we would always just fall back into place. Until, he went offshore and my ex boyfriend pops back up. I was only going to chill with him one night because he said he needed somebody to talk to, so I was there. Bad decision. I fell for my ex all over again; fatal attraction. My Capricorn felt the vibe, he wasn’t stupid. I ended up getting back with my ex for a little while. Maybe a month or two we tried.. but failed of course. In that time, my Capricorn and I slowly stopped associating, of course because I got back with my ex. But my Capricorn was still close to me. He was still my best friend so I would still hit him up time to time. Note: Me and my Capricorn never titled each others relationship. So we both looked at it like “We weren’t together anyways” or some type of way like that, if you get what I mean. I was wrong for that. I regret letting my ex come back to my home. Nobody liked him anyways. After me and my ex split again, I hit my Capricorn up, but nothing was the same. Not even the friendship. I felt like I hurt him bad and just hid that emotion from me and distanced his self. I know he did, because day after day, he slowly stopped talking to me. Conversations got smaller and smaller. Driving me CRAZY in the inside. Knowing I did wrong. Knowing I had to hurt him. Then one day, no reply. Another day goes by and no reply. No reply ever. Like he gave up on me or just didn’t want me no more. I could understand that. It hurt me to let go, but I had to. Even after months, the love I have is still there for him. Every now and then, I’d speak to somebody about him; about how I miss him, how I’d do anything to have him back, how I truly felt like he was the perfect person for me. We fit each other so well. I started thinking about him once again today. Ended up talking to my mom and grandmother about him again. I’ve been wanting to say “Hey” to him for a while, but I was scared of rejection still or something he would say. But, today was the day. I messaged him and we had a conversation. Not too long, but long enough to make me happy. The way the conversation went gives me faith on having more. I will not rush it, but it gets stressful, but I can wait. I honestly want him back, but I know that would take time. I just want his company again. I want him back in my life; together or not. I just wish somebody could give me advice on this.

By: Scorp33 Tue, 24 Feb 2015 18:23:02 +0000 I am Nov4 Scorp while he is Dec30 cap. We had really heart touched relationship in first 3 months while end up with my heart broken. I would say caps has no heart if he got hurt once before. Scorp is just like a business condition to cap. He has a list of requirements to women so that easily filter you out. They are honest at fist sight but good at planning to end up a relationship if you are not satisfy his lists. I would suggest scorp to go slowly with caps because scorps are willing to give all her love with tense love, while caps are so slow movers that could not give all his heart to her. This would be a challenge to her so she will not easily give up, while her good financial condition attract him not easily give up as well. This relationship will last for a while but fundamentally loving method will drive her crazy to end up a broken heart. They attract each other while they can not get a stable relationship for ever. So give up to cap, scorp!

By: Scruff6 Sat, 12 Nov 2011 06:54:28 +0000 im a capricorn male (12/23) with a Scorpio woman(11/20)@47 I know actually wut you mean. me and my woman say it all the time…..when its good, cant nobody tell us nothing but when its bad its like we are complete strangers. we have been together for almost a year now and I can say that I will do anything for the woman but as a capricorn sometimes we feel that we need more love then when are recieving and when we arent receiving like we think we should, we began to have all these insecurities run through our brain. our relationship started on the rocks but i can say that we are ironing out a great deal of our differences. I think that having heart to heart talks atleast once a week will keep refreshing the love. becuz it never fails for us.

By: goingmad Mon, 07 Nov 2011 04:42:27 +0000 im a scorp gal with a cap guy for 2 yrs and a half so far, been thru many ups and downs during the course of our r’ship, when things are going great, it’s really a fairytale, but when things are hell, it made me wonder if i should have called it quits long ago…cried countless times…don’t see eye to eye on many things….heck, we don’t even share many common interests! this match really taught me what it is to cry for love…if things end, i don’t thk i wanna seek another rship agn, it’s just too taxing….
