Comments on: Gemini Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility Unlock your destiny with karmic astrology Sun, 20 Oct 2024 23:18:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Noms Thu, 02 Dec 2021 09:56:11 +0000 In reply to sexy-sag.


By: Teddi Sat, 13 Mar 2021 04:26:19 +0000 In reply to aldo4.

You’re very fortunate to have caught the affection of a Sagittarius woman. I’m an older Sag. female, but can well remember having the energy and enthusiasm of a puppy, never running out of energy. We also have a natural affinity for learning new languages. But, the ball, as they say, is in your corner. You must never lie, miss a date nor underestimate our level of intelligence, simply because we have a good sense of humor or make a silly joke. We may act like clowns, sometimes, but that does not mean we’re stupid. It’s completely the opposite. So, you must be a grown up, too. I’ve wondered why so many of my friends’ fathers are Gemini. My father and my ex- husband’s father is also a Gemini. Donald Trump is a Gemini. What am I trying to say? A Sagittarius woman is especially attracted to a man with integrity, as much as she is to a man who’s fun and witty; equally. Treat her with respect above all

By: Kirstie Earnhardt Tue, 17 Jan 2017 06:02:32 +0000 I was with a Gemini for 13 years and had two children with him. He never married me, was one of the most selfish people I have ever met. He did nothing with his children, was upset if I got more attention than him, was not overly generous as a man, would 70% of the time never listen to me when I was talking with him and was somewhere else totally, he lied constantly about the most tiny things and I do think he cheated on me when I was pregnant with my son. He would never admit to anything in a million years and was self-absorbed beyond belief.

He did everything to woo me. I ignored him the first time I met him as I got side tracked and forgot about him. He wanted me to move in, then have children. I didn’t instigate anything, but loved him, so was happy to carry on.

When my children were born he took it very badly. He hated being disturbed, he never helped me during the night with my children and he resented his world being changed.

I know quite a few Geminis all of which have been attracted to me. I think some people are afflicted with really heavy planets and others have the more positive side going on. I have made a friend with a younger man who is a gemini. He has a lovely bubbly personality. A great communicator, warm and very sweet, he cheers me up so much. I keep my distance from him as I love the way we miss each other and don’t want to lose him as a friend. We made love once and it was amazing. It took my breath away literally. We are meeting again and I feel energy between us leading up to it. Its quite strange but in a good way. I am not looking for a relationship so it is nice to have positive feelings, but not having to do anything with them other than accept that they are good and cherish them. It sex was as good as the Scorpio intimacy I have had, if not better and that is saying something, but with more genuine friendship behind it, rather than games. Although my first Scorpio boyfriend was madly in love with me and did not play games – just to set the record straight. I think sex with all the Gemini’s I have been with has been pretty wonderful.

Anyway, my advice is and this is how I am going to be with all signs – Just be really busy and focus on your life and don’t see people all of the time even if you are dying to. I have naturally found this out through being genuinely busy as I am virtually all of the time and it has made us closer somehow. I am tired of being hurt so I am going to stand back from things more and let others make the effort for me. When the right man comes along I will marry him, but until that happens I am happy doing all of the things I am involved in now, which are for my own growth and progression through life. I get to be intimate with my true young Gemini friend, as no sex would probably drive me bonkers, so I feel in balance.

With regards to my Ex, BEWARE they can really turn. What they are like when you first meet, is not necessarily what you are going to end up with. Actually a lot of men are like that. My last boyfriend a Leo was totally guilty of that. The Lazy streak really came out. Out of 13 years with my past Gemini, 1.5 were genuinely happy. Mine was extremely negative though. A nicer one I can imagine would make a great partner. We had sex all the time for 13 years without fail. The attraction was dynamite and it is true how this keeps couples together.

Good luck to you all.

By: SexiChic Tue, 30 Aug 2016 15:52:09 +0000 He not gay and he not suffering from shit, he just plain fucking lazy and stubborn, blocking his mind because of a bad past experience, man that bitch sure fucked him up in every sense of the word 😐

Listen if someone does not want to get intimate with you, there is no power in the pussy or on the dick that will change that, you have to establish that deep propelling mental bond to sexually connect with someones soul and thats why I dont be fucking with just anyone who has an erection either! You could be the sweetest person in the world with a dick standing to attention about to give a gun salute, it dont matter, if my soul isnt into you it ain’t happening, once the soul starts losing interest the pussy loses it too (for different reason, mark you I dont believe in withholding sex or using it as a weapon of revenge – for me my soul stops connecting once you have been unfaithful and it stays like thats forever unfortunately lol), and people will think maybe you are cheating, but for me, its not so, I just cannot connect if its not on all levels. I dont fuck for fun orgies if u know what I mean, neither talking about hooking up for sex.

I crave spiritual sexual intimacy, I want to look into your eyes going deep down your soul on that sexual plateau. That raw pure energy of synchronistic ecstasy is what keeps me enthralled, the kind of experience that transcends into both our worlds.

By: Towanaha bass Tue, 30 Aug 2016 07:25:03 +0000 First of all from one Sag woman to another I am truly sorry. Something is definitely wrong here. Either he suffers from empotence or he is gay.

By: Kymbryiea Wed, 01 Jun 2016 12:13:59 +0000 As a Sag woman I have engaged in numerous sexual experiences going the gamut… From vanilla mission-style to 3-somes to 50 shades. It’s been quite a ride … Why then have I married this man who NEVER touches me sexually? He provides me a great deal of joy and brings great fun and friendship but after 3 years and I’ve only made love to him 3 times. I find myself wanting to break my own rules …. feeling somewhat justified in desiring an extra-marital affair.

My husband refuses to discuss my sexual desires. Calling me a cougar… All in humor in his typical sarcastic manner. He would be humiliated and betrayed if I spoke if this to any of my friends… But this frustrates me terribly.

By: Keyshea Thu, 03 Mar 2016 04:25:51 +0000 I think we need to touch the topic of COMMUNICATION… great depth!

For any union to be successful whether it be dating, common-law or marriage, communication is absolutely necessary infact I think its even more important than sex 😛 – okay serious now lol – its my belief that effective communication has to be of extremely high priority, its one of those essentials of the basic needs that we simply cannot survive without because great relationships flourishes on open and honest communication of ones desires, needs, beliefs and emotions and there is infact no way of understanding the needs of your partner if you are not able to communicate and communicate in such a way that leads to the achievement of the desired results. What I do find though is that most persons in a relationship when things aren’t going well or there is a slight glitch in the system, they tend to develop some sort of destructive pattern that ruins and defeats the entire purpose of the already intended and established result they were working towards achieving and this is where communication gets broken down or starts breaking down.

Yes we communicate with each other on a daily basis, infact even the silent treatment behavior is considered a method of communication where as depending on the signals, will let another know that you are either stressed, relaxed, happy or sad or simply just need some alone time for whatever the reason, how these emotions are communicated makes all the difference , actually there are numerous ways in which we communicate with each other that can lead to a positive reaction whilst not been misunderstood because the fact is communication does not only encompass verbal exchange of words as most persons be believe either, we communicate when we show emotions/facial expressions and other signals like a simple bodily gesture of a touch, but not been able to effectively communicate either of those is where the problem lies and thats when we get misunderstood but my favorite form of communication FIRST is VERBAL, simply because I don’t want to nor do I want to be misunderstood and by expressing what your desires are verbally and effectively, then that eliminates the prospect of ever been misunderstood by the non-verbal connotations that usually follows!

Communication does not have to be as complex as most people make it appear to be, yes it might be a tad challenging at times to process or express all the information at once but once we are able to sit calmly and be rational about the issues, I strongly believe that it’ll open up a whole new understanding of moving forward in the right direction.

By: Sam Mon, 15 Feb 2016 03:45:08 +0000 I’m a 32 yr old sag and I’ve been with a gemini man for 13 yrs, and all i can say is this is sooo true and accurate in my case.

By: katina Mon, 28 Sep 2015 00:10:44 +0000 I was always great friends with this one Gemini guy in High School and Junior High. In fact, my best friend dated him. We are now both divorced….kids are adults….and I really like him. He has invited me to his place when he returns from vacation on October 18th. Why so far from now…I don’t know. He said we need to catch up and talk and he is gong to make supper. I’ll bring the wine and dessert. I don’t know what this all means, I’m trying to figure it out. He’s on disability right now and he may not go back to work. He doesn’t know yet. I’m attracted to who he is and how he looks. He wrote to me and told me to listen to the words of a song from an artist of long ago, Jackson Brown. It was about how he shied away from people he loved because love never worked in his favor. It was a beautiful song…I don’t know why he made it a point of it to text me and tell me to listen to the entire thing. In the end the guy states that “how could I do anything else but be in love with you!” So I’m thinking what the heck is going on with my “friend” chuck. This is coming out of the blue….last I saw hime was in February and we texted on and off and still do. I almost feel like he is afraid to see me, because he cares. Am I right? I hope I am geting the right vibe.

By: kimberly Sat, 04 Apr 2015 09:19:41 +0000 Met a cute Gemini 12 years my junior and it is like dating myself almost like a mirror! we have so much in common,respect each other and are both like big kids trapped in adult bodies…our anniversary is coming up in may.. 9 years.
