North Node in 11th House

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The traditional interpretation of North Node in 11th House is a bevy of friends who help the native achieve his goals.  The node also portends success in social causes and associations.  It holds the promise of a great leader.  There may be wealth through women in your life, usually mother or wife.

The Dragon’s Tail in the Fifth House is somewhat unhappy.  Hang-ups with gambling or other types of speculation are not unusual.  Sadly, unhealthy children or other kinds of trouble with offspring are also common for the North Node in 11th House carrier.

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In the past, you were too attached. You retain the soul memory of great romances and have an unconscious tendency to be always searching for the next affair.  Writers with the North Node in 11th House placement include John Keats, Jane Austen, Jack London, and James Joyce.  It also includes Boris Pasternak. All were romantics at heart who did not find such high drama in their own personal lives.

You incarnated this time to experience detached love.  You will find happiness in turning lovers into friends.  Avoid the temptation of following every romantic opportunity, for this will distract you from your true path of creating a life purpose.  You have a great need to be loved and seek to satiate that thirst with sex and romance.  The North Node in 11th House placement means that love affairs only weaken you while friendships make you stronger.

It is important that you learn not to be willful.  Your ego will only get in the way of achieving happiness.  Meditate on dissolving it.  It’s important to pay attention to your dreams, both sleeping and daydreams. They can bring you divine guidance and deeper self-understanding.

You have spent many lifetimes as a creator, enjoying all that you bring into existence.  However, such experiences will only leave you feeling empty in this incarnation.  Enjoy life as it happens to you — or actually through you — and resist the temptation to bring things about through your own energy.

While your lifetimes of giving love and your childlike naiveté mean you have a natural affinity and talent for dealing with children, you have come into this lifetime to experience something different than a particularly close relationship with your children.  You may find that they are unappreciative of your attention, sickly, or otherwise troublesome, or that you are unable to conceive your own children.

You probably have a vision of universal brotherhood or of the future to share.  Or maybe you have an insight into the connectivity of life, based on scientific reasons.  Charles Darwin, Stephen Jay Gould, and Buckminster Fuller, all with their North Nodes in 11th House, exemplify this type of energy.

Set your mind to work on becoming more scientific in your approach and placing the group’s needs ahead of your own.  You must be available to others but not emotionally involved with them.  See the people in your life not as minor actors in the drama of your story but as major figures in their own right. It is only through this kind of equality that you will find freedom.

The North Node in 11th House means you will find true happiness by improving the lives of others.  You achieve this through friendships and associations, a clear life purpose, a strong sense of ethics, and a commitment to freedom and equality.

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