Comments on: North Node in 2nd House Unlock your destiny with karmic astrology Sat, 12 Oct 2024 18:43:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: kat Thu, 07 Jul 2022 21:38:30 +0000 In reply to Celestina.

HI are you still active here cause ive alot to say hope i get response first from you then ill be able to express mysefl more freeliy

By: Sophie Tue, 09 Jun 2020 07:09:20 +0000 The north node is now in saggitarius. In my birth chart my north node is also in saggitarius. What does this mean?

By: Kay Thu, 23 Jan 2020 07:40:42 +0000 Interesting take, I love the detail and you’re helping me understand my chart a bit more.
I have a capricorn 2nd house north node, along with my venus, Uranus,, and mars placed in my second house. I’ve had self-esteem issues, I still have issues balancing my Masculine and feminine energy- I think this is the struggle of Capricorn(masculine) north node-Cancer(Feminine energy).

I struggle with not honoring my feminine energy, I tend to let others take advantage, I used to be susceptible to energy vampires, people would read my low self-esteem and they’re able to take advantage. But my scorpio moon and rising have me eventually snapping and they get scared and never speak to me again.
It must be the current transits of Saturn-Jupiter in Capricorn that’s making me more aware of this energy. In this lifetime, I truly believe I was meant to understand self-care and hard work, along with balancing my masculine and feminine. My Sun-conjunct-Saturn, supports this masculine energy to work hard, sometimes too hard at times, while my Moon-conjunct pluto in the 1st house has me going through sometimes a turmoil of trying to balance my emotional energy. I was always told I was a sensitive child who cared what others think. Maybe it’s time to understand the reason and value in why I work so hard at times, is it for others or should it be for more for myself? That way, when I put myself first, and find a job I can enjoy and work hard towards leadership (Capricorn north node, and Sun conjunt Saturn supports being a boss) I can service others through a true, pure place. The times where I was a manager I enjoyed taking care of my employees.

Sidenote-I’m a democratic socialist- I wholeheartedly agree with some of Karl Marx beliefs in community building, we live in a capitalist society that’s driven us to rip each other apart and does not help with the growth of our future generation. Must be my strong 3rd house, Aquarius rebel talking :).

By: Sono Arima Wed, 25 Dec 2019 14:26:36 +0000 This description of 2nd house true node is spot on with my ‘progressed true node.

The following is interesting as it pertains to me personally:
“In probing the values of others (which you do with an eye on establishing your own value system), you unconsciously lead them astray. You do not know it, but you undermine almost everything you touch.” though I have noticed opportunities to ‘undermine and lead astray’ which have manifested in revengeful thoughts that I have entertained but successfully refrain from acting out, this might explained why most of the corporations and smaller companies I have worked for have gone out of business…. not by my doing (my power is not that great) but coincidently, by being hired within the last 2-3 years of each companies’ collapse, (a not so impressive on my business resume/CV)… and,

“At worst, these natives are claim jumpers, with so little invested in themselves and with so little respect for others, that they claim what belongs to a friend, spouse, or other partner for themselves without even realizing it.” this statement manifests in my life as, ‘the overly enthusiastic friend,’ for example, I have to firmly tell myself (repeatedly), ‘this is not your home’ and stop myself from re-arranging a friend’s home if I feel they have not placed their furnisher appropriately.

I’ve studied astrology for decades now as a means to understand myself and others in my life. I’m glad I stumbled on this site, in my quest to learn more about Nodes.

With my natal Sun, Mercury and Mars in Gemini 8th house with my Scorpio Rising and Moon, I do feel like I have x-ray vision and or hyper hearing abilities into other’s thoughts and behaviors, which makes casual acquaintances uneasy.

By: Dennis Hodges Wed, 13 Nov 2019 10:29:43 +0000 In reply to Ronan Morley.

Came across this thread when trying to rationalise my own North Node in Scorpio/South Node in Taurus with North Node in the 2nd House when both general explanations tend to contradict each other. It’s interesting that no one (experienced astrologer or not) has commented so far on such a situation…can anyone throw some light on this please as I’m sure it would help many others with similar configurations.

By: Ronan Morley Tue, 30 Jul 2019 15:35:06 +0000 What if your north node is in the second house but in the sign of Scorpio? (the opposing sign to the ruler of the 2nd house ie. Taurus). Should we focus on the Scorpio reading or the 2nd house reading which seems to be the opposite? This is quite confusing for those of us born with such a natal north node house placement.

By: Emily Sat, 06 Jul 2019 15:30:07 +0000 Does this man I shouldn’t or can’t have intimate or established relationships?

By: Wolf Fri, 22 Mar 2019 00:04:47 +0000 I am so confused by this new information. I recently delved into my north node and what it means… and… well, at first it all made sense being that my North Node is IN PISCES and my Sun sign is Pisces and I felt I had already been going towards my true North Node purpose… away from Virgo and into Pisces energy which focuses on the inner-self and spiritual awakening.. but THEN I discovered that my North Node is ALSO in the 2nd house which utterly and completely contradicts everything I had just previously learned about North Node in PISCES. what gives? so, am I disregard the spiritual realm, take absolutely no monetary help (I am a student for God’s sake), and work myself to death in order to restore some past karma? when, in fact, my Pisces North Node tells me that I should disregard the physical/material realm which is the total and complete opposite of the 2nd house life purpose. evidently, my Virgo aspired past life had me far too deeply involved in materialism, facts, and perfectionism? I am SO CONFUSED! anyone else have North Node in Pisces 2nd house? it made me so depressed as at the moment I have very little ability to work for a livable wage because I have focused much of my life on academia (very little skills in basic min. wage work) … which I hope will eventually bring about financial stability but it just won’t happen anytime soon, but living with a spouse who works and I go to school, but apparently this is bad karma? it’s so discouraging and I feel like there are conflicting ideologies here.

By: Kani Wed, 01 Aug 2018 15:55:06 +0000 In reply to brownin329.

I agree. Even despite my tough childhood i never had a self esteem problem. A lot of this interpretation is utter rubbish

By: brownin329 Fri, 20 Jul 2018 18:53:27 +0000 I’m sorry. Maybe I’m tired of all the references people give about “self-esteem”, but I do not “undermine everything” I touch. If I ever have a problem with someone, it is usually because they are annoying me or doing something that could bring harm to me and mine. I don’t have a self-esteem problem and I do not believe that every time someone has a problem in or with society it is related to self-esteem or even psychology, for that matter. I just needed to get that off my chest. I don’t know. Maybe it’s my 2nd house north node in Aquarius.
