Comments on: North Node in Aries — South Node in Libra Unlock your destiny with karmic astrology Sat, 12 Oct 2024 18:37:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hank Thu, 10 Dec 2020 07:32:19 +0000 Thank you,this is all of me ! i am from taiwan and my english is not good.
I am working hard towards north node.

By: Janice Sun, 03 May 2020 05:39:16 +0000 How is the answer to Aries north node #5 not A?
Irrational behavior in relationships comes from an attempt to be fair to everyone (something like that.)

Or is that a trick question because Aries north node careers include “editor?”

By: Ella Sat, 26 Oct 2019 06:58:40 +0000 I love your nodal series. You have an amazing ability to bring each node through for us readers. Thank you much!

I have this Aries north node conjunct my venus Jupiter and MC in the ninth (in the eight of equal).
I grew up to be a damn doormat,now I grow it out. I had so much desire to get into the fashion branches,I had so many opportunities even,but the more I had the worse it became for me to decide,I wanted to have the best so everyone would profit from it,the fairest and limitless. But I gave seriously way too much weight into other’s opinions. In the end I left it cause I thought others deserve it more,those who are less complex,the leaders,little did I know I am a leader too.
Still I do care about others view,but I am now aware it is not
the end of the story,it is my life and my decision what I do,want or make. It’s scary and not easy sometimes and can be lonely,but that’s really needed to become a better version of myself.

By: Eduardo Thu, 05 Jul 2018 23:26:28 +0000 THis is amazing! The whole thing resonated with my current struggle. Thank you!

By: Demi Sat, 16 Dec 2017 19:51:50 +0000 Me too! I don’t get it. I have the same node and house placement. I don’t get it! It s like a constant struggle I have.

By: Lea Fri, 20 Oct 2017 13:33:04 +0000 I really appreciate the depth and knowledge you have brought to your articles. The Aries/Libra position seems to be a common theme in my life. My brother, step daughter and my husband’s sister all have this placement but what is even stranger is they all belong under the sign of Taurus. I am an Aries with Gemini/Sagittarius position. My question would be why I feel so uncomfortable around these people? I feel like they are fake,self-obsessed,greedy and manipulative.My brother stole money and personal possessions from me all the time growing up and now my step daughter is doing the same thing. My brother and I have very little contact except at family events and even then he just wants something from our parents. Any insight into how I can find peace with my family would be so very much appreciated. Thank you.

By: Agata Sun, 23 Apr 2017 06:57:36 +0000 In reply to Mary.

The Nodes are guidelines to find the way for a soul to incarnate and ascend to its fullest. Aries energy guides a person to discover her unique frequency, while 7th House indicates the best harmonies to play. It’s a brilliant match because one can harmonise the experiences of Libra’s South Node quite naturally. The metaphor of music is accurate – you know the cords, then you find the tune, then the rhythm (while making sounds all along the way so it helps to scratch the word “noisy” out of the vocabulary ASAP).

By: Agata Sun, 23 Apr 2017 06:40:20 +0000 In reply to Z.

The commentary You try to make coherent refers to something that is shaped like a sphere. And You are inside. The sphere is cohesive even though it’s hard to comprehend details that are opposing each other. But mind is flexible – it will naturally get accustomed to this global outline.

By: Z Fri, 02 Sep 2016 03:45:15 +0000 Hi. What about the north node aries in the 8th house. They both seem to contradict one another

By: Ghada Tue, 23 Aug 2016 19:06:16 +0000 Hi, I’m a libra sun sign, Scorpio rising with N node in Aires at 9 degrees. Born in New York 23/9/1968. I work as a consultant putting parties together. Is this a good career for me? I used to work in media when I was in my 30s and my life has been quite unstable especially lately. Pls advice. Thank you.
