Comments on: North Node in Scorpio — South Node in Taurus Unlock your destiny with karmic astrology Sat, 12 Oct 2024 18:34:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: marta Venegas Thu, 13 Jul 2023 16:02:06 +0000 In reply to Celestina.

soy nodo norte en escorpio y me parece magnifico tener este poder transformador y resiliencia constante . De alguna manera ya lo sentia.despues de ejercer docencia he descubierto la pasion por la astrolgia y eltarot.GRACIAS, GRACIAS, GRACIAS

By: Nadia N. Contreras Tue, 18 Apr 2023 14:58:49 +0000 ]]> In reply to Jay.

Are you saying that you don’t resonate with one word in this article? Be real, even if not right here, at least be it within.. personally I resonate with this as if in the nick of time having a significant amount of TOUGH LOVE! no sugar coated ish no guessing mind games I have gone rounds within myself it’s become more relief to be reading this and knowing that it is not about what I wanted, thought I wanted , or claimed to want, it’s if I even understand why I got here and if I’ve been aware of the breadcrumbs that assisted in this very moment and the gift of it as I’m still faced with the free will choice to resist while pretending to be real ABOUT something , basically about ANYTHING I’ve ever spoke of regarding myself or what I through sensitivity of epic proportions have spoke of as if fooling myself about my intentions as well as simply the entire smoke and mirrors I’ve been playing with myself while paying attention to outside of myself as is this the overall census of any human collectively and myself included . This is spot on my friend. Infact, it’s even a confirmation of the resistance just through the comments u were triggered by to cause this. Really inevitably , do you even believe it was gonna be different if worded exactly how you deem worthy of the feelers you don’t like to be feeling. SHIT I GET you , don’t get me wrong, trust me I resonate with you as well. But I rather be having brutal without bullshit guessing game’s or self emposed madness and other’s to continuously be forever playing around and around the same ol same circle which inevitably is so humiliating and ran out of the thread’s of reasons given to hide from it. Its embarrassing asf to be realizing it personally humility and the feeling it feels like to experience, that alone has been a significant boost to be mindful of myself more than anything for the longest time before I understood beyond it. Sincerely I’m just keepin it real. As I am sure you have claimed to be about and want to be returned to you instead of fake lies and heart wreckage etc.. although I am ok with being completely off the mark in my question for u and what is simple fact, I’m not always gonna be spot on. And it’s ok . Its not about anything being ALWAYS THIS OR ALWAYS THAT, etc. Speaking for myself of course I must finish in clarifying just because it’s a thing. 🦋

By: Wendy Mon, 07 Mar 2022 00:35:24 +0000 In reply to raven.

what can you tell me about a person who has his north node in scorpio and ascendant in Taurus…his sun is cancer and his moon is cancer…I have finding it difficult to get thru to him about looking at his life, and facing changes he must make ,…he is very very stubborn, I am almost ready to give up…my north node is pisces and my ascendant is Capricorn…moon in gemini…it is hard for me to give up…he struggles with depression and yet went to University of Pennsylvania and Harvard medical school and is a Dr. but at 64 he sort of emotionally crashed…he appreciates what I share with him, but after I seem to enlighten him…he returns to lying down in his bed, He forgot that his father died in 2016…was earnestly trying to reach out to him. His fathers phone was disconnected, and for three weeks he never recalled this fact…until I read a site online noting the date when he passed…I could not get him to hold onto this symptom …forgetting …whatever the cause…can you assist me with some insight…

By: Cleo Wed, 26 Jan 2022 06:42:43 +0000 Yes how to interpret or understand it ?

By: Jay Mon, 27 Dec 2021 16:32:18 +0000 In reply to Jen Passavant.

They’re always retrograding, everyone has Rx.

By: La'Keilah Dunbar Mon, 04 Oct 2021 21:12:17 +0000 In reply to Jay.

Hi, thank you for your comment. It reminded me of my path and why I appreciated the hard truth of my north node. You said “blows to the ego” which is exactly the point. Spiritual growth comes easy when you recognize you are not your mind/ego/ personality. You are that which precedes the ego. If the ego is wounded, you’re on the right path.

Thank you, love and light.

By: Tom Bennett Fri, 24 Sep 2021 10:36:42 +0000 In reply to Jay.

I have been studying astrology for a long time. this is garbage.

By: Andromeda Fri, 04 Jun 2021 01:25:57 +0000 In reply to Anand.

I always felt this was my destiny. I have a fascination with creating new lives, identities, like a vampire who has to shed his human life to become a timeless creature. I’ve had to do this since I was a child, having to lose family, friends, sense of home, school etc. every single thing in my life is forcing me to have to constantly let go, and the more attached I am, the sooner that thing is taken away from me. I am fascinated by the idea of recreating your identity and mythologizing your life, like Anton LeVey, Marilyn Monroe, Theda Bara, Dita Von Teese, and others who completely recreate themselves according to their own fantasies and ideals, completely different from where they started off. My moon is conjunct my NN, which is exciting. I’m 26 and have only just begun transforming myself and my life, making peace with the past and letting go.

By: Andromeda Fri, 04 Jun 2021 01:14:36 +0000 In reply to Nari.

I’m definitely a giver, but I had to work on accepting money/help, because of this belief that I have to “deserve” something I need, which means “working hard” for it. When I worked hard for money, I kept running into problems over and over again. Eventually I found a balance, and now I don’t need anyone’s help/money, nor do I ask, but I get more than I’ve ever had and I don’t have to work hard for it!

By: Andromeda Fri, 04 Jun 2021 01:09:25 +0000 This is a very difficult placement to have, but I wouldn’t trade it for any other. I feel like I am going in places where no one else has ever gone, opening hidden doors, feeling like I am in on some great secret that’s only between the gods and I. There are definitely days when I feel like my silent suffering will never end, but what else can I do but go on? Transformation itself is a constant, a different kind of settlement, and can become a great adventure. Your description gives me strength.
