Comments on: Libra Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility Unlock your destiny with karmic astrology Fri, 11 Oct 2024 04:22:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sam Sun, 27 Nov 2022 00:43:51 +0000 Very well fitting.

Im libra my exboyfriend is pisces. We had a fairytail relationship.
When we broke up we both agreed, the other one will always stay in our heart.

And he is still my best friend.

By: piscesWorls Tue, 13 Jun 2017 01:10:37 +0000 great relationship between these two just talk without ego regularly each and every day

By: Elizabeth Kelly Wed, 18 Jan 2017 03:57:33 +0000 I was friends with a Pisces man before we actually started what I guess you can call dating, but it was really at a bad time in his life. He lost his only child who was 18yrs old in Nov 2008 and then his girlfriend ended the relationship with him and he had to move out of her house in Jan of 2009 which left him distraught and a basket case. Well I was a shoulder fort him to cry on for weeks and then he moved and got his own place and we were always together doing things.

Until around his B-Day which is March 10 and he started slipping away and then he would be distant off and on throughout the year and then around Oct we really became close again and for the rest of the year until Dec2009. I was always there for him anytime and anyway. I would always stopped whatever I was doing to help him and be with him and I believe that was my mistake in this relationship. I would loan him money and he would always pay me back with no problems, he was needy in a lot of ways but I didn’t mind helping him because he had lost 2 important people in his life and I knew he needed me or someone to have his back. But once he got stronger he started being a little critical of me, mean in sarcastic and downright disrespectful sometimes. But being the dignified person that I am and loving person that I am I let him make it, which was wrong to. Because when you make a Libra women mad, she can really be a Bitch that you hate you ever met.

Well in the month of Nov and Dec we got along fine until I took him shopping and bought him a Xmas present and later on that day I reminded him that he owed me $60.00 from earlier that week and he got mad at me and left and he stopped accepting my phone calls and texts. He has recently changed his number and I found out that he has met someone else and He still owe me $200.00. I am giving him until Feb to pay me back and if he don’t I will take him to small claims court and sue him.

I cannot believe this supposedly sensitive and caring Pisces man has done this to me. I was a true good friend to him and he just turned on me. I thought he was strong person but he is not even man enough to break off what I thought was a good friendship, He is a user and a loser. Can someone explain this Asshole of a Pisces man to me please.

By: Stevie Thu, 03 Nov 2016 04:07:34 +0000 Brendan, you based your “research” off of celebrity relationships. A great model of the real world

By: Brendan Wed, 19 Oct 2016 00:59:44 +0000 THIS IS @ PISCES WORLD

You have posted on several different websites saying about how these two signs should stick together and is the most romantic combination.

I am here to tell you that you are looking at it all wrong.

It’s a nice idea to think “Let’s put the two most romantic star signs together and it’ll be even MORE romantic.” > But it doesn’t work that way.

Instead, you should consider how two different star signs (well, sun signs) react to eachother, and what they ‘bring out’ in eachother. For example, you could use the same argument and say that putting the two least romantic signs, say Capricorn and Aquarius, together, and they wouldn’t have any love… but from what I’ve read they actually bring out the ‘romance’ and ‘passion’ in eachother, a lot of the time anyway.

A lot of what astrologer say is not a hard fast rule. They used to talk about ‘opposite sign of the zodiac’ being the perfect match’ and signs at ‘right angles’ being a difficult match. Now they talk about the ‘element’ of the sign, for example Pisces being a water sign is more compatible with other ‘water’ signs. – I personally think this is an oversimplified view of a whole picture.

I like to look at little ‘patterns’ that form when you analyse different sign compatibilities. I don’t believe any sign will be ‘excellent’ with ALL THREE water signs and terrible with ALL THREE fire signs. I think that if you highly compatible with a sign from one element, for example Pisces is HIGHLY compatible with the water sing Scorpio, then they won’t be highly compatible with at least one of the other water signs.

If you look at the personal lives of FAMOUS PISCES MEN, (God Bless Wikipedia) you will notice that they don’t marry star sign Cancer very often, and about half the time it ends in divorce. They have a fair/medium compatibility with Pisces women. Based on the amount of marriages and divorces, giving each a rating out of ten, I would rate:
Scorpio 9
Pisces 6.5
Crab 5
which adds up to about 20

Also, notice how each sign represents something the previous sign was lacking, (and perhaps vice versa) so if you are highly compatible with a sign you may not be that compatible with one of the signs either side. Since you have high compatibility with Scorpio women then there is something that Libra women lack that makes you incompatible.

More interestingly, notice how some signs are both ruled by the same planet. Libra is ruled by Venus, and so is Taurus. My guess is that each star sign will be compatible with one and not the other. Pisces men tend to be quite compatible with Taurus women. So they ‘don’t need’ to be compatible with Libra women.

In a Taurus woman, A Pisces will find a lady who has much better tact with which to treat him, a greater sense of intuition about his feelings, and has that romantic streak, like the Libra.

Also, although water and air is not a good element mix, Pisces men tend to have a medium – high compatibility with Aquarius, especially February Pisces, and a fair – medium compatibility with Gemini, so it would follow they would have a low compatibility with Libra.

I was able to identify 17 marriages or long term relationships (including the unconscious coupling 😉 ) between famous Pisces men and Libra Women – 10 of which ended in divorce, one suicide (second wife of Dr. Seuss). That leaves 6 couples. This compares with famous Pisces men married to Sagittarius woman (also considered a poor match), with 18 marraiges and 8 divorces – a considerable improvement.

Of the 6 couples that made it, five of them were September born, four on the cusp of Virgo, perhaps.

They include the parents of Christie Brinkley, Bon Jovi and his wife Dorothea, as well as The playwright Victor Hugo, who wrote Les Miserables and Hunchback of Notre Dame, and his wife.

There was an old poet called Henry Longfellow. After his first wife died, he married a lady by the name of Frances Appleton, A Libra from october.

I would rate this match about 3/10, it can work but not that often.

By: PiscesWorld Wed, 05 Oct 2016 19:02:46 +0000 Dear all libra bossy woman,

Keep him interested, use your intelligence, don’t use against him & don’t take advantage of his kindness he can see every diplomatic move or lie, tell him truely all about zodiac difference. totally kill your ego if he is not calling you, texting you, meeting you. You must make it first move. Don’t be bossy. Tell him all what you really want, what you really think. Don’t ignore him, Keep teach him and give him your intelligence regularly.

Pisces goes for “thinking” & libra goes for “ego” in which both cut communication don’t do that, don’t end communication at all. don’t end communication at all. Keep talking daily.

By: PiscesWorld Wed, 01 Jun 2016 00:31:11 +0000 @samantha

Well I read all you write it here, YEAH you have to deal with some emotions and some kind of not required distance, but everything will be fine if you show him his zodiac nature and how to deal with it, might be a chance you will win in this relationship, describe/talk about each and everything honestly to him & specially make him interested in you.

To be honest pisces look and attracted to women easily but once pisces man fall in love he is yours for lifetime, either he is with you or not. that’s a childish thing to observe if pisces is friend with any girl so he is cheating no that’s not true we are very kind and we are able to help anyone anytime. we are always ready to serve mankind.

By: Samantha Mon, 30 May 2016 15:22:22 +0000 I am a libra woman with a pisces man. I am extremely logical. Emotions can be very overwhelming for me at times. What I really like about my boyfriend is that while he’s very emotional, he’s also really logical too. But… it’s frustrating waiting on him to make decisions because his brain and heart have to battle things out. I find I can easily influence his decisions, but I try not to a ton. I am a master manipulator but I don’t want to do that with him. For one thing, hes very intelligent and able to tell im manipulating him even as he’s letting me do it. So we just talk things out and I am very honest about what I think. I find that’s really the only way to handle him if i want it to work. He’s very self aware and highly observant. I don’t think I could bullshit him if I tried. The emotion from him does make it a very fulfilling and romantic relationship. I did laugh because all the calculating is so true, but I don’t verbalize it to him. He makes me feel like the relationship is secure and makes me feel like I’m loved well so I make great effort to keep my neurotic calculating to a minimum. If I ask questions, he will tell me anything, but he does need space and freedom to be himself so I don’t like to sound like I’m grilling him for information. It’s all about patience. He tells me whatever I want to know if I’m relaxed about it. He really likes the serenity I bring to his life. I’m all about balance and fairness. He’s very ADHD and doesn’t like to be on medication. It wasn’t long before he was ready to live together because he likes the naturally relaxed vibes around me. I do have a kid from a previous relationship with a Cancer (that was a total complete disaster). My son is aquarius. The two of them genuinely liked each other right away which was shocking because it takes my son a while to want anything to do with most adults. But anyway, we are talking marriage and kids. We’re excited about a future together. I notice in most of the posts… even for the ones that didn’t work out that they were totally swept off their feet by the pieces and are still in love with that person. That’s totally how things want for us too. We didn’t get together right away. He went through a period of being alone and sorting stuff out, but he’s been a blast to be with what since. Kudos to the awesome pieces guy somewhere in the comments explaining how y’all tick. It was awesome to read that and sounded very much like my guy and how he is.

By: Peter Sun, 20 Dec 2015 15:18:16 +0000 Pisces are too spoilt, clingy and too needy, I had to deal with one and it did not last a day, way to needy for my nature, too obsessive and expects the relation to be on their terms with no prospects for balance, Nope dont try to act as if you own me, not happening, I own me, talk about been super jealous and making mountains out of mole holes, could not deal with it, have a dispute, talk about it then move on, not them, they dwell on it forever until they kingdom cometh. There is no such thing as a long distance relationship, an hour or two away fine but another continent, I dont think so!

By: Lore Sun, 20 Dec 2015 10:06:45 +0000 I am a Libra.. And I met my Pisces man about two years ago. We met online.. Playing GTAV lol at first it was like a whatever thing we just added each other and texted every other day. But as the days went by we gott closer and closer. And so we really enjoyed talking to each other we would just laugh and mess around. Until he finally asked me out. We got even closer this time it’s phone calls.. We could talk for hours and hours laugh and be very happy.. But as some months went by our differences started showing 🙁 and I won’t lie I was very immature and I tried so hard to be patient and tried to understand him or just put my anger aside that I guess it all build up and I became a real b*tch to him what sucks even more is he has anger problems so our arguments got so bad to the point where we cussed each other out and I would get so so frustrated that I would want to end the relationship and through it all he never let me go. I started believing I didn’t love him any more and that the relationship just wouldn’t work. So it was about 6 months of straight arguing.. I wouldn’t listen to him.. I didn’t understand him .. My patience had run out. But he still didn’t let me go he said he really really loved me and even if he had 1%chance of me loving him again he wouldn’t let go 🙁
Arguments become a routine and slowly I came to understand him . I had to do a lot of reading and analyzing because through it all he is a very good and romantic guy.. He does make me feel very special and has taught me a lot .. Now I had to learn the hard way that he needs his space .. It would frustrate me so bad when I asked what was wrong and he said he didn’t want to talk about it.. I had to adapt and understand that I am way more patient than him. So now in disagreements I sit and wait till he is ready.. And when he is I sit and listen.. When I’m listening I try to remain calm,, and so far it has helped me out a lot . But he does hold grudges and in arguments he will tell me about how many times I have wanted to end the relationship .. Or about saying mean things 🙁 so he will be hurt for a while which hurts me cause I wish I would have never ever hurt him that way and that I would have known what I know now sooner 🙁 Although he does frustrate me and make me hella mad idk I still want to be with him.. And what makes this relationship even harder is that it’s long distance :/ :/
