Comments on: Saturn in Scorpio Unlock your destiny with karmic astrology Mon, 07 Oct 2024 20:51:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dianne Paulsen Thu, 28 Jun 2018 00:54:28 +0000 Celestina,
I’m a star-crossed lover. I just discovered your site–I’m lovin’ it!!!
I wrote a letter to my lover, after 45 years, mailed June 9. As you know, Mars is retrograde! I know Barry is coming, because God told me, that He is giving me, the desires of my heart, and healing me. So far, so good. I’m ready to fly!

Follow Him, and He’s Yours

Loved One,
I’m going to tell you a very mysterious thing, because I love you.
If you want to have the life, that God intended for you, follow these very simple instructions. You will never regret it. It will change your entire life, for the best.
Trust me, with this, give me 24 hours.
Lie down on the bed and relax, face up. Relax through the cares of the day. Shake them off, they only get in the way. Try to empty your mind. Feel your question to God, maybe, “How do I learn to hear, when it’s Your Voice?” Now, let it go . . . relax. God speaks to us, through our heart, using feeling vision. Don’t try to manipulate any feeling or idea . . . go with the flow. Relax, follow Him.
He will lead you, but He will only start with very small things, that He is asking you to follow. Like, if you feel thirsty, drink water. (you have followed Him.) If you’re hungry, eat food. (you have followed Him.) If any idea comes to mind, in your relaxed state of trust in God, He is speaking directly, to you. If he tells you to take a shower, do it immediately. (you have followed Him.) If you wait, you have not followed Him. You are back to square one. If He leads you to do something, do it immediately. If you follow Him, you will have His power, behind you. You will have the ability, to achieve anything you have your heart on.

Love, Dianne
