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Having North Node in the 4th House, you came into this lifetime with an assumption that you would always be in a position of authority and that naturally you should be in control. While you have this memory from past lifetimes, in fact, you are here now to focus not on others but on putting your own house in order. Attempts to manage or direct people will lead you to feeling empty and frustrated in this lifetime. When you organize your affairs and address your own emotional problems, the universe will support you.
In your childhood, one or perhaps both parents may have been exceptionally demanding, instilling in you a belief that you were destined for some great achievement. Astrologer Martin Schulman cautions that this conviction may be afflicted to the point that the person with North Node in the 4th House “firmly believes that without his achieving some great destiny, life is utterly worthless.” Schulman suggests you learn the value of the old adage “A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush.” Do not forsake what you have for the possibility of what you might achieve, he warns.
Your relationship with each of your parents is more important for you than for others. People with these nodes are known especially for a deep connection with their mother. You are keenly aware of your dependence on your parents, now and in the past, but also struggle for independence. Coming to terms with your roots is part of your lifetime task of subordinating career to personal life. This does not mean that you cannot have a career, however. Consider Anton Chekov, Alex Haley, and Tennessee Williams, who all share this placement of North Node in the 4th House and found great acclaim through their writing about families.
Be aware of your motives for any goal. If you are pursuing something for the sake of recognition, to make yourself valuable in the eyes of a third party, or to give yourself legitimacy, then you will surely be unlucky. When you act for the sake of your own happiness, to further a healthy home life or to nourish your own emotional growth, good luck will follow, for this is your karmic path.
As the emphasis in this lifetime is on home and family, you will most likely be blessed in this area. Serene domestic surroundings, solitude, and privacy are good for your soul. Balance lifetimes of public acclaim and responsibility with long periods of soul development. Above all, attempt to develop emotional maturity. You are not the center of every situation. You are here to learn to nurture others.
Do not indulge your desire for power or recognition. Surely you will only exacerbate your feelings of inadequacy and provide evidence for your conviction that you are underappreciated. Also beware a tendency to climb the social ladder or indulge feelings you will someday take your rightful place in society. Such thoughts will lead you from your spiritual path.
While you find it easy to organize for others at the office, this is just a distraction. You must turn and face your emotions at home. Learn to express and honor them. You will find the love and appreciation you long for only by opening up the emotional faucet. Resist the temptation to bury yourself in work. Rather, plunge into the dark night of the soul: devote your time to loved ones, garden, cook, heal, tend to your home and spiritual matters.
Look within and you will find a brave new world even more exciting than the one outside you. What’s more, you are bound to discover at the end of the long journey that everything you are you owe to your parents. As T.S. Elliot wrote, “We shall not cease from exploration/ And the end of all our exploring/ Will be to arrive where we started /And know the place for the first time.”
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Recommended reading:
Karmic Astrology, vol. 1, Martin Schulman
Astrology for the Soul, Jan Spiller
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