There’s some compatibility with Leo and Sagittarius because they are both fire signs, future oriented and enthusiastic about life but it’s not likely to be romantic enough for Leo in the long run. They may become best friends and running buddies instead which suits Sag but eventually will not work for Leo either. The virtues which are emphasized when these two team up are honesty, openness and good will. Each sign wears their heart on their sleeve and usually has nothing but the best of intentions towards others. Leo is a bit more formal and personal than Sag.
How to Attract a Sagittarius Woman as a Leo Man:
Emphasize fun and enthusiasm. Have some special activity in mind like sailing or a concert that’s coming to town. Keep your conversation positive and tell her out loud how much you try to surround yourself with positive people. Compliment her friends and the people she hangs with. Treat the waitress the same as you do her. Share your aspirations for the future with her. Be upbeat and dress down. When you pick her up, say something like, “I feel like we’re off on a great adventure!” Smile and laugh a lot, especially at yourself. Don’t banish her from the kingdom for spilling mustard on your upholstery (yes, she will do that). Get to know her parents. They could be some of your best friends later on. (They are pretty much bound to be in your corner.)
How to Attract a Leo Man as a Sagittarius Woman:
Be honest, open and positive. Give him sincere compliments and high maintenance attention. Try to take him seriously. Keep your feet on the floor and your hands on the table. Don’t scratch where it itches. Try to appreciate he wants to take you out on Saturday night even though it’s goofy to you. (You consider Saturday Amateur Night.
Degree of Romance:
Sagittarius doesn’t take romance very seriously. If you get too “intense”, Leo, she’s likely to bust out laughing. After awhile, you’ll stop trying and the relationship will have lost some of its luster for you.
Degree of Passion:
Leo may have passion for Sag but Sag has only passion for concepts such as “humanity” or “the future of endangered species”. This can become embarrassing and frustrating to Leo who is, after all in love with love not philosophy.
Degree of Friendship:
Leo puts more heart and real effort into friendship than Sagittarius who is “just passing through”. Sag isn’t loyal whereas that is a core quality for Leo in finding friends,
Degree of Marriage:
This can make a good marriage if Leo is wounded or hiding out and not wanting to risk his heart, in other words, a rebound second marriage.
Progression of Relationship:
Leo will want to follow a traditional courtship pattern (Wednesday and Saturday nights, 3 months before sex, 6 month engagement.) Sag could care less. She’s busy with other things like her new YOGA class, a quick trip to Dubai, Save the Cheetah Foundation and her horse or musical instrument. She doesn’t want to dress up for Saturday night, finds his predictability prosaic and boring and would rather keep it ad hoc and casual. When Leo takes pride in something, she’ll accuse him of being pretentious.
Lots of fun but not intense enough for Leo who is looking for the Holy Grail of Mutual Orgasms. Leo tends to spiritualize everything including sex. Sag may find his love making melodramatic and contrived, i.e., not like they do it in the barnyard.
When It’s Over:
Leo will be melodramatic and Sag will blow it all off. Why does Leo always have to take things so seriously? As soon ss they separate she’ll invite his single friends to shoot pool and go Scuba diving with her.