ABOUT THE SITEKarmic Astrology
Welcome to Aquarian Astrology, a complete guide to understanding the karma of your horoscope. Learn your limits with the Saturn Return, find your karmic destiny by Node, decode the pattern of relationships with Zodiac compatibility, and benefit from the ancient wisdom of personality with Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign traits.

COMPATIBILITY ANALYSISRelationship Compatibility
Expert astrologer Nancy Fenn unlocks the secrets of zodiac sign compatibility. During her lifetime, Nancy helped bring thousands of people together, supporting them in understanding themselves and each other better. Nancy recognizes that men and women of the same sign manifest the characteristics of the zodiac differently and has written accurate and helpful descriptions for both males and females of each sign.
NORTH NODESNodes Calculator!
Find your North and South Node placements using our North Node Calculator or the table.
Click on the result to be taken to your placement or use the drop-down menu above to read about your karmic destiny!
ZODIAC SUN SIGNSZodiac Sun Sign Traits
A person’s sun sign is perhaps the most basic astrological insight one can gain into the personality of an individual. Master astrologer Nancy Fenn’s accurate and poignant descriptions of the solar energy as manifested in males and females will give you a better understanding of yourself and others and is the best starting point for any astrological interpretation.
LUNAR NODESNorth & South Nodes
The most comprehensive resource on the moon nodes. Use astrological keys to harness the positive energy of the universe in your life. Complete with quizzes to test your mastery.

MOON SIGNSYour Moon Sign
There’s an old saying in astrology: Your Sun Sign is what you aspire to be but your Moon Sign is who you are. Read Nancy Fenn’s Moon Sign descriptions to learn what the most relaxed part of you is like, what stresses you most and what to do about it. You can also learn how best to love and support someone else by understanding their Moon Sign

Saturn ReturnYour Saturn Return
Saturn’s journey around your horoscope is the key to understanding your life lessons. Learn about your Saturn return to find out when and how you will be tested. You can also read about the karmic expectations at your 1st and 2nd Saturn Return, a time for introspection and self-evaluation.
RISING SIGNSYour Rising Sign
Your ascendant — also called the rising sign — rules your physical appearance, personality, and the things you project onto others. Read Nancy Fenn’s descriptions of your rising sign to learn more about how you are perceived by others and the unconscious assumptions you make about the world.
Horoscope Compatibility
Learn all about the compatibility of zodiac signs!