Aries Compatibility

By tradition, Aries is said to be most attracted to its opposite, Libra, whose detachment and diplomacy will fascinate the ram. The ancient astrologers also taught that Aries will find compatibility with other fire signs Leo and Sagittarius, as they alone can match the ram’s enthusiasm and energy. On the other hand, most likely to clash with Aries are fellow cardinal signs Cancer, Libra (mentioned above), and Capricorn who refuse to be dominated. Such is the conventional wisdom, but does it still hold true? See what professional astrologer Nancy Fenn has to say about today’s modern couples. Click through to the specific pairings of Aries man and woman with every sign to see Nancy’s analysis.

Below you will find Aries compatibility pairs — one for Women and one for Men. You will also see a link you can click that will take you to an in-depth analysis of the pairing.

Aries Female Compatibility

The Aries woman is the catch of the Zodiac. Here is a woman who has it all, does it all, and wants it all. An Aries woman is a handful and a challenge. She will get the best out of you no matter what it takes. Click through to see the compatibility of Aries female with each sign and
why we rank Scorpio and Leo her best pairings and Aries, Virgo, and Aquarius her worst.

Aries Female and Aries Male
Aries Female and Taurus Male
Aries Female and Gemini Male
Aries Female and Cancer Male
Aries Female and Leo Male
Aries Female and Virgo Male
Aries Female and Libra Male
Aries Female and Scorpio Male
Aries Female and Sagittarius Male
Aries Female and Capricorn Male
Aries Female and Aquarius Male
Aries Female and Pisces Male

Aries Male Compatibility

The Aries man is the most masculine male of the Zodiac, the manliest man. If you’re Jane looking for Tarzan, you’ve found him. There is no one more romantic or more prepared to sweep you off your feet than an Aries male. Click through to see the compatibility of Aries male with each sign and why we rank Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, and Cancer his best pairings and Aries and Aquarius his worst.

Aries Male and Aries Female
Aries Male and Taurus Female
Aries Male and Gemini Female
Aries Male and Cancer Female
Aries Male and Leo Female
Aries Male and Virgo Female
Aries Male and Libra Female
Aries Male and Scorpio Female
Aries Male and Sagittarius Female
Aries Male and Capricorn Female
Aries Male and Aquarius Female
Aries Male and Pisces Female