59 or 60 and Waiting to Die? — Saturn Return Age Story
From the writings of Nancy Fenn…
What is the Second Saturn Return? There is little in our culture that prepares us for the magnitude of the Saturn Return and it consequences, not just immediately but for years to come. Sad but true, if the first Saturn Return is not handled consciously, the second one can be fatal! But read on for a true Saturn Return Age story… there’s an exciting alternative.
You see, the Saturn Return isn’t just for people between 28-30 years old. It is just as important when you have your SECOND Saturn Return. This occurs when you’re between 58-60. I’m just as interested in reaching second Saturn Return people as I am those in their late twenties. As the nation’s Saturn Return expert, I want you to anticipate the amazing changes that can come between 58-60 that usher in a fruitful and meaningful new stage of life. And I really mean this. It isn’t about the “golden years” of advertisements. It’s about something genuinely pure gold … something akin to the metal the alchemists were looking for.
There is nothing in our culture that prepares us for this!! Many people between 58 and 60 are shoring themselves up with a stockpile of supplies, waiting to die. They surround themselves with provisions, people and other “evidence” of security for “old age”. They turn life over to their kids — ask them what’s new and they tell you what their adult children are doing!! This is not living. This is waiting to die. Life is for the living. What about YOUR life? There will be new things on the other side of your second Return if you catch the wave.
You see, the second Saturn Return is intended to welcome in perhaps the most exciting cycle of all, a new cycle, the waning cycle. This is a cycle not of sitting around waiting to die but of GIVING BACK. I personally believe that mentoring becomes the #1 most significant and health affirming activity at this time in life.
My father mentored many people during his life. He was very successful in his career and a born teacher. He genuinely loved his work and he loved people. But there was one young man in particular he mentored intensely when he was in his late 50s and I remember thinking, “Why this is one of the most meaningful relationships my father has ever had!” It was very inspiring for me to do the same and to look forward to that time in my life. I always have an apprentice and as I get older it becomes a rich experience. After all, our own kids don’t want to listen to us anymore!!
If you’re not 58 yet, begin to position yourself for this … get a second Saturn Return mini reading for free and let’s see what YOU have to look forward to.
If you’re coming up on your first Return (between 28-30 years old) and you want an idea of what will happen, look at the people in your life who are between 58-60 — you work around them, shop with them, they teach your kids, maintain your car — look what happens to them…. Yes, some put themselves out to pasture and that’s the end of it. But some make vital changes and begin an exciting new stage of their life. The amount of change that can occur at an age when our culture leads us to believe we’re just going to settle back with what we have and wait to die is just amazing!
If you’re 58-60 and wondering what will happen at your second Return, look back 30 years ago and connect the dots. I can help you with that. As a rule of thumb, the worse it was them, the greater the magnitude of change, the more rewarding it will be this time around. Unlike the other planets, Saturn ALWAYS delivers the reward. Saturn keeps his promises.
Of course for people who are unconscious in some areas, there may be serious health issues to deal with around 60 as a result of the stress of having led a life which was not meaningful and now needs radical pruning. Still, it can be done. The result is renewed vitality and interest in living!! Truly, a new lease on life.
This is how Rob Hand describes the Saturn Return. I like the simple way he puts it: “Consciously or unconsciously, you are pruning your life of everything that is not relevant to what you really are as a human being. If this process is not happening consciously, you may experience a sense of loss for the elements of your life that are coming to an end now. However, do not dwell upon these losses for they are necessary in order to clear the decks for the major period of action in your life. ”
This statement is just as true for the second Saturn Return as it is for the first!
help! Saturn is in Scorpio, Sun in Gemini, Saturn return 2012 – 2015. Guess I didn’t do very well the first time around. I learned lessons but I fell down again. heart attack and surgery 11-5-2012, stroke 6-13-2015. just writing this makes me want to cry. I’m been waiting to die.
my first Saturn return was major move with 18 month and 9 year old, leaving drug addicted husband and a successful legal career in bay area in California to live in small town in west texas. now my second Saturn return, living in central texas living with another husband addicted to drugs! ive been studing astrology and focusing on NN of Virgo. I think I might have a better understanding now about helping the right people and saying no to the wrong people. ive alwys said yes, I can help, ill be there, you can count on me. And understanding the SN of escapism.
Our secibd Saturn return actually starts at 56 years old to 59 years old. Saturn comes round in 7 year cycles. 28 to 30 and 56 to 59 being the major ones.
I have Saturn in Pisces, and my first Saturn Return occurred in 1993-1996. I quit my job, and regretted it. I struggled during that period, but I didn’t fall into a life of drugs, alcohol or depression. I lifted myself up, and got out of that mess. Now I’m happy with my job, grateful and feel blessed. What should I be doing on my second Saturn Return? Art?
Thank you for this encouraging description! As I write this, Saturn has just entered Aquarius… I was born in 1963 with Saturn, Mercury and Sun in Aquarius, so I am prepared for Saturn to “do his worst”, haha, as he transits these planets. My natal Saturn is at 15° Aquarius… I turn 58 this upcoming February 17th, 2021. During my first Saturn return, I dropped everything– home, jobs, friends– and joined the US Army! While the military life was ultimately not for me (I was kicked out for being gay… whoops), that experience was invaluable to me, and totally opened up my eyes to many new perspectives. That life change did me a world of good, at the time. We’ll see what happens this go ’round…