Comments on: North Node in Gemini — South Node in Sagittarius Unlock your destiny with karmic astrology Sat, 12 Oct 2024 18:36:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Celestina Mon, 25 Mar 2024 03:54:25 +0000 In reply to Elderberry.

Every chart is unique, and the only validation of the information is whether it works for you. You will not doubt it when you find the right situation.

By: Elderberry Wed, 20 Mar 2024 15:39:07 +0000 In reply to Joe.

He seems to have his north node Sagittarius and south Gemini?

By: Elderberry Wed, 20 Mar 2024 13:38:33 +0000 Is astrology written in stone? Having to depend on someone my entire life by this interpretation is a scary seed to plant. I was born in the city and now live in a rural area. Wish I was flourishing, and admittedly that matches that I am not right now. So how do you work around/with your NN when someone can’t just get up and move to a city? Can you live remotely and make dealings in a city? Not sure how this information works for someone?

By: Karen Mon, 31 Jan 2022 19:51:29 +0000 I gave myself permission to pursue art as a potential career last year, and I must write too because I've looked deep to find some solutions for some common widespread worldly and human and spiritual problems. If I didn't lose you long ago, thank you for continuing to read and hear me.. I am interested in advice for honoring my Taurus North Node more and silencing South a bit more (I have a triple conjunction of Moon, Venus and Pluto at 0/1 degrees of Scorpio in the 7th house where my Libra Sun is at 4 degrees.. then Saturn is at 13 and South Node 28 both in the 8th house .. ok so there's heavy emphasis on my interactions and relationships with others.. and since I was slightly less rude here than the person who's comment I'm commenting on, and I'm preparing to share myself with the world hopefully in a big way, I know I need to be a lil more presentable and a lil less rude.. I've tamed myself a lot over the years but I'm still afraid to be bothering or alienating people, and as you can see I let myself be more liberal with words than I probably should be.. rather than try to pose any more questions, I'll just ask humbly please what is your opinion on this trainwreck]]> In reply to Fraya.

It’s interesting how Sagittarous South Node gone wrong this comment is. Almost as if they did it on purpose to prove your point lol.. I love your response but I have a something of a stellium near my Midheaven in Sagittarius and all my planets are in Virgo-Capricorn with a Pisces rising .. and a Scorpio South Node with a stellium there lol so here I am not minding my own business.. Libra Sun too I just couldn’t help myself

But since I’m here, Lynn if you feel any inclination I am open to advice for myself.. I know this is not even the right article, but since I decided to comment here maybe it’s meant to be..

I’m trying to honor my North Node in Taurus 2nd house more and more, and plan to make myself a website soon to share my art and writing (Gemini Chiron & IC might be making this harder too) and hopefully finally get the stability I need my own way..

I’m 37 and never got myself the self-sufficiency I need.. (in the second serious longterm relationship of my life, which for me long is over 6 months of which thereve only been 2.. I was wise to stay out of relationships most of my life and work on myself.. anxiety ruled & crippled me.. I lived with my mother who I later realized was classic narcissist toward me, til I was in my 30s, I guess I better stop there or I’d go on forever.. but I wanted to note that I’ve been in very typical Taurus/Scorpio nodal situations and relationships.. My ex-fiance and his mother carried out a terrible plot to separate me and my then almost two year old daughter.. I need to build my stability and support myself so I can get a lawyer and the judge to stop ignoring their lies.. there are even conflicting police report & court motions that the judge just let fly and ignored me and all my evidence and it gets worse but anyways I’m sorry..

but throughout life I’ve been busy studying how to help people and found quite a lot.. and poured myself into Art, so I’ve used idle time pretty wisely.. but still those tiny Taurean steps get caught in my head and I’m stuck in scorpionic pincers about my own worth, and being frozen afraid that I’ll be burdensome or bothersome to others.. but I’ve already shrugged my shoulders and decided I am doing it.. it’s just the doing it part that escapes me 🤣

I gave myself permission to pursue art as a potential career last year, and I must write too because I’ve looked deep to find some solutions for some common widespread worldly and human and spiritual problems.

If I didn’t lose you long ago, thank you for continuing to read and hear me.. I am interested in advice for honoring my Taurus North Node more and silencing South a bit more (I have a triple conjunction of Moon, Venus and Pluto at 0/1 degrees of Scorpio in the 7th house where my Libra Sun is at 4 degrees.. then Saturn is at 13 and South Node 28 both in the 8th house .. ok so there’s heavy emphasis on my interactions and relationships with others.. and since I was slightly less rude here than the person who’s comment I’m commenting on, and I’m preparing to share myself with the world hopefully in a big way, I know I need to be a lil more presentable and a lil less rude.. I’ve tamed myself a lot over the years but I’m still afraid to be bothering or alienating people, and as you can see I let myself be more liberal with words than I probably should be.. rather than try to pose any more questions, I’ll just ask humbly please what is your opinion on this trainwreck

By: Sanna Fri, 04 Dec 2020 08:01:14 +0000 In reply to Malene.

There is no such big contradictory as you feel I think. I think that your task in this life is to learn to live emotionally independently while you work in groups and in social life. It is good for you to learn to acclaim your inner power. I can imagine that this could make you become a strong individual person who can be very helpful in society. You can become a leader. The 1sh house is about leadership.

By: Sanna Fri, 04 Dec 2020 07:56:05 +0000 In reply to Isar.

There is no such big contradictory as you feel I think. I think that your task in this life is tp learn to live emotionally independently while you work in groups and in social life.
It is good for you to learn to acclaim your inner power. I can imagine that this could make you become a strong individual person who can be very helpful in society. You can become a leader. The 1sh house is about leadership.

By: Sanna Fri, 04 Dec 2020 07:45:41 +0000 In reply to Adrienne.

That sarcasm of yours sounds real Gemini!! 🙂

I feel the same as you. This description of the North Node is excellent and I recognise myself in that and also from the house placement. I am 55 years old already, so I have enough experience to realise what has worked in my life and what is not, and indeed: my life is guiding me toward the Gemini -things more and more.

I can understand that someone, who has not accepted her/his North Node and wants to stay at the comfort zone of her/his South Node, gets angry when reading the explanation. I do not like my North Node position.: I do not want to be a social creature at all. I became anxious when I realised what my North Node is about.

Sarcasm is a feature that I’d like to cultivate in myself and become softer in my expressions because seldom people understand it and it seldom helps anyone to reach anything.

By: Betony65 Sun, 04 Mar 2018 09:56:12 +0000 Hi,I have NN Gemini in my 3rd house and SN Sag in 9th close to my MC and sun/merc/moon in Scorpio with Pisces ascendant. I am in my 50’s now. I could relate to much of your article. As a child I was almost a recluse on a farm due to illness and to this day I still need my ‘alone time in nature’. Up until I was 30 I worked in accounts and had a different job every year. Then I found a job where research and sharing information in my local community was key and it transformed my life (23 years and counting). I am blessed with many friends, but find I have to keep some distance as all the politics, gossip and drama of social life/community still confuse or make me want to run! Interesting and for me sounds pretty accurate! x

By: Heather Wed, 14 Feb 2018 15:36:30 +0000 Can you please stop with gender bias language? It’s hard for me to take your spiritual advice seriously when you speak in such a toxic and unenlightened way. I’ve clicked on serveral of your articles and can’t get through a single one without the very essence of who I am being insulted and demeaned.

By: Celestina Sat, 24 Jun 2017 08:06:56 +0000 In reply to Laure.

Thank you for sharing your experiences.
