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Aquarius Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility

Famous Aquarius-Aquarius Couples:

John Brolin and Diane Lane

Most times when two of the same sign get together it is too much of a good thing. But not so when the Aquarius man finds an Aquarius woman. They will understand each other’s special language which requires them to refer to each other as “best friends” and never anything more. Their secret code also dictates that they live together without marriage; after all, marriage is soooo conventional. I like to think of these two trying to shock each other. That’s their favorite game with third parties, but I wonder if it works between the two of them. “Let me shock you.” “No, here, let me shock you.” “No let me slap you.” “Okay, slap me. Then I’ll slap you harder.” And so it goes, and so it goes. Of course it’s all just talk. These two are air signs and they tend to suck up all the air in the room. They can be so sure that they know everything and see everything and envision everything that has ever been and ever will be. I do wonder what they talk about very quickly.

How to Attract an Aquarius Woman as an Aquarius Man:

If you’re an Aquarius man trying to attract an Aquarius woman, of course you will know to give her lots of space. Aquarians have the reputation of being very friendly but they really don’t like people at all, so she is likely to be alone when you encounter her. If you have crossed her path, you are likely involved in a common cause which makes the perfect entrée into a conversation. This should keep you going for the first several dates. Nothing personal, please. After that, since you’re both pretending that you’re not dating, you’re just friends, a lot is left up in the air. You have to keep getting together, but under the pretense or guise of dating. Keep it cazs.

How to Attract an Aquarius Man as an Aquarius Woman:

For starters, interrupt the conversation he’s having with someone else. Act like you could care less about the social context of the meeting. Show your strong individuality and your preference for mental engagement, not emotional entanglement. It’s okay to be smarter than he is if you really are. Turn and walk away as abruptly as you walked over to start the conversation.

Degree of Romance:

I don’t think so.

Degree of Passion:

Only for other species.

Degree of Friendship:

For as much as they will tout their relationship as “best friends,” they are probably each other’s only friends as well.

Degree of Marriage:

This actually works well because they live in their own world of ideals and special values. Others might consider them cold, aloof, arrogant and absent-minded, but to each other, they are Two Master Minds creating Universes together. One wonders who’s doing the dishes and paying the bills, but eventually they get around to it. They would secretly be better off with step-children or adopted children so if it’s heading in that direction, embrace it.

Progression of Relationship:

The Aquarius man and Aquarius woman keep going back to start, because they insist that it’s just a friendship which makes for an expanded consciousness between them and it allows them the space they need to co-exist happily in their universe.


If they could, I’m sure they would prefer to do it on the holodeck or take part in the famous Vulcan Mind Melt. Aquarians are the one sign constantly at odds with the human body. They tend to think of themselves as energy circuits, or units of energy, programmable through the mind at a safe distance. They tend to look at sex as procreational and ironically they are singularly displeased with their own creations. The Greek god Uranus, the Ruler of Aquarius, ate his own children because they weren’t good enough. This leads us to a circular place regarding this most human of all functions. Sometimes the “problem” is solved with gadgets and “toys”, especially of the electrical shock variety. Sometimes the group gets involved. It was the Uranus in Gemini generation that invented swapping. Whatever can be conceived of — I’ll let you imagine — as long as it is at arm’s length and no messy bodily fluids are involved.

When It’s Over:

When it’s over, they turn their backs and walk away as if they were pacing off for a duel except the trajectory is exponential. They can’t get far away from each other fast enough. All the rest is just words.

Our Rating: 8/10

I give them this high a rating because (1) they are not likely to marry at all; (2) if they do marry, it should be to one another; and (3) if they do get together it will probably only ever be one of the same species.

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