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Leo Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

Famous Leo-Libra Couples:

Asif Ali Zadan and Benazir Bhutto, Pete Sampras and Bridgette Wilson-Sampras, Sam Mendes and Kate Winslet

This relationship should work very nicely, but rarely does, and I will tell you why:  The Leo man is basically looking for a loyal subject.  In fact, Leos are famous for “marrying down.”  They tend to choose a woman who is beneath them in some way so that they can be heroic and lift her out of whatever circumstances she’s in.  This is, in essence, a noble inclination.  However, there is not a Libra woman in this world who needs to be treated that way.  Libra has a reputation of being indecisive, which is confused with being weak, but nothing could be farther from the truth.  Libra is a cardinal sign.  They may take their time coming to the right decision, but they are brilliant strategists and initiate when necessary.  Your Libra woman is like the goddess Athena, who reigns over just wars, the wars that must be fought.  Does this like sound somebody who needs to be lifted up anywhere?  Libra might agree to be the power behind the throne, but not likely.

How to Attract a Libra Woman as a Leo Man:

The best thing you can do for yourself, if you are smitten by a Libra woman, is to find ways to honor her intelligence.  It must be an honest gesture.  She can tell if you really respect her mind or not, and she will balk completely at being patronized.  Chances are she is smarter than you anyway, so you might as well get used to it.  Ask her advice and by all means do what she tells you to do, and you’ll pretty much have her in harness.  It would help if you had a joint-venture to offer, such as starting a business interest together.

How to Attract a Leo Man as a Libra Woman:

It will be ridiculously easy for you to figure your Leo man out, so the best advice I can give you is — and you’ve heard this before and ignored it before — don’t be too smart for your own good.  The Leo man is guileless and naïve for the most part, so it will be easy for you to box him in.  Just make sure you want the box when all is said and done.

Degree of Romance:

Romance is so good between the two of them that it can go a long way toward masking other difficulties.  If they meet when they’re young, this will be even more of a problem because love is blind.  Libra is not inclined to face difficulties, preferring to ignore confrontation as long as possible.  Leo’s ego will lead him to believe that everything is fine as long as she doesn’t call anything to his attention.  Issues pile up as the months go by and there can be a horrendous face-off when Libra finally decides to even the score.  (Libra is the consummate score-keeper.)

Degree of Passion:

The Leo man is likely to feel very passionate toward the Libra woman.  It may blind him to other important essentials that are missing.

Degree of Friendship:

These two signs don’t come together easily in friendship.  Librans tends to be business-like and calculating in their approach.  The Libra woman would be inclined to say, “If I wanted a friend, I wouldn’t be dating him.”  Leos don’t date for friendship.  Period.  They are looking for an erotic and romantic connection.

Degree of Marriage:

Leo man and Libra woman can work okay in a first marriage where the emphasis is on accomplishing certain tasks, such as child-rearing and career-building.  Libra can help Leo stick to business, but, as the years go by, it may become more and more evident that they have little in common, and worse, they may singularly lack good negotiating skills because of the tendency of each sign to ignore what they don’t like and gloss it over “for the time being.”

Progression of Relationship:

The Leo man is very traditional and old-fashioned.  If he’s interested in marrying you, he’ll follow the rules meticulously.  He will make sure you know you’re special to him.  Libra, though, is the pace-setter, a cardinal sign and strategist.  Thus the Libra woman will move the relationship forward in increments.  They may have an especially good time dating, only to discover later, when the emphasis is less on fun and romance, that they lack some necessary ingredient for the hard work of marriage.  Since these are both good and well-meaning people, they may need to ask the opinions of others as to the appropriateness of their pairing.  Life is different than a vacation in Chinpinque Mesa in Monterrey.


Sex is a real plus in this combination.  Both partners tend to look at it as fun and want to “do their best.”  They are both inclined to get lost in the romantic aspects of sex, such as romantic foreplay, candlelight settings, and maybe a few wardrobe changes.  They are one couple that is likely to be able to talk about sex as well as enjoying it.  This should be a comfortable, fun area of the relationship and probably pretty carefree.

When It’s Over:

It may take a while for these two to get to the point because neither of them wants to give up their romantic illusion.  It is, however, quite likely to be mutual when the time comes, so that there are less hurt feelings than normal.  When all is said and done, they are both likely to shrug their shoulders and say, “Oh well, we gave it our best shot.”  They may even grow fonder of each other out of the relationship than in it.  There’s a lot of respect between these two people.  It’s just not the best combination for marital dynamics.

Our Rating:  6/10

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