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Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility

Famous Virgo-Scorpio Couple:

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds

This is one of the power couple combinations.  There is a precision, intensity, and devotion to detail that is natural to these two signs and which makes domestic partnership, built on things like housekeeping, budgeting, and car maintenance, a pleasant experience for each of them.  Both signs thrill to a job well done and both are likely to be very proficient at whatever it is they do.

How to Attract a Virgo Woman as a Scorpio Man:

Dress neatly, attractively, and successfully.  Appearances are no joke to the Virgo woman. You will be judged (don’t say I didn’t warn you).  Neatness is another big factor.  Keep your car detailed, your hair trimmed, and the cat box out of sight.  Virgo ladies are among the most desirable and they are very discriminating according to their own set of criteria which varies from woman to woman.  You must be willing to prove that you have integrity, which takes time.  By all means, for Heavens’ sake, mean what you say or don’t say it at all.  Small, tasteful gifts are always appropriate. Perhaps monogrammed or detailed in some way that makes them personal without being intimate.  She needs to know that you notice things.

How to Attract a Scorpio Man as a Virgo Woman:

I hate to say this, but your first line of attack is to convince him that you can be very useful to him on whatever trip he’s currently taking. Scorpios are interested in power and he would be very interested to know that you are interested in his power trip and can support it efficiently and productively.  If you can’t be that businesslike it would be better that you not even approach him.  This is not to say that he doesn’t have feelings or romantic inclinations, they’re just secondary.  You’ll never see them unless you first impress him with how much you have it together.

Degree of Romance:

If the romance comes, it comes late in the relationship after the work is done.  Pillow talk may be an important way to bond because you are sharing after the fact and helping each other lay the day to rest.  You can lie there sweetly next to one another going down your mental checklist of what has been accomplished and what remains ahead.  There is a lot of hidden tenderness in this relationship.  Virgo is one of the few signs for which Scorpio would ever let his guard down.

Degree of Passion:

Passions ebb and flow with the Scorpio tide, but this is pretty much okay with Virgo because she likes to put the kitchen in order in her spare time.

Degree of Friendship:

These two can make fabulous working partners and there are no better friendships than those based on the shared success of a project well done.

Degree of Marriage:

This is an excellent combination for marriage. Both partners are serious and devoted, intense and loyal.  Arguments will be few and far between with the focus being on accomplishment rather than demonstrative feelings or imagined slights.  Both partners are inclined to keep their word and be faithful, and tend to keep toxic energy away from their prime relationship.

Progression of Relationship:

When I think of how this relationship progresses, I think of the game hopscotch.  There is a set formula to be followed with a little variety but not much.  There are a few steps that have to be accomplished in the right order.  There is a definite start and a definite finish.  In other words, the rules are well-defined.  This is what you can expect with a Virgo Scorpio courtship.


The sex in this relationship lends itself to being ritualized.  You may find that you are most comfortable having sex on a certain day of the week, even at the same time on that day.  Both parties are able to be satisfied with “enough” if there is a steady and frequent supply which is the purpose of having it at a fixed and predictable time.  The act of making love may also lend itself to ritual.  You know how you have to touch first, second, and third base before you touch home plate?

When It’s Over:

Both parties will have a little trouble letting go if the ending is inevitable, but they’re likely to recognize the fact as soon as it becomes a reality which puts them way ahead of the game.  Neither party sees any point in dragging out a useless and unproductive exercise in human relationship when so much can be accomplished with the right partner at the right time.  There will be a clean, businesslike finish with a careful and conscientious tying up of loose ends and a respectful parting of ways.

Our Rating: 9/10

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