Oh how the heavens rejoice when these two find each other! The Virgo man and Capricorn woman is a truly blessed combination, very well-suited towards the demands of marriage, but also strong in friendship and romance. It’s like putting the two quietest but nicest people you know together and watching them join in conversation. Both signs have a tendency towards shyness which is probably an aspect of their natural humility. These two bring out nothing but the finest things in one another, and the angels rejoice at the degree of harmony and productivity that is possible when two like minds are smart enough to cooperate like this.
How to Attract a Virgo Man as a Capricorn Woman:
You can take your own sweet time to figure out how you want to do this. Virgo men are great flirts, but I’m sure you can see through this. Flirting is just flirting. The Virgo man probably has only been really interested in a few women in his whole life. If he gives you the nod, consider yourself a front runner. There probably is no competition. Still and all, he will expect you to follow the “whole person” protocol. This means, as you know, locking in the chakras in reverse order, making a spiritual connection, then an intellectual and emotional connection before having sex. Both of you are trying to assess whether the other person is respectable. You are not judgmental about this, but you have put a lot of effort and thought into becoming a respectable individual yourself, and you don’t want your love interest to undermine all your hard work. Both of you would probably say, “I stand the test of time, so let’s take our time and we will see.” Each of you is willing to prove that your word is backed up by deed. You are both aware of the important of timing in relationships as in the culinary arts – it adds a savory quality.
How to Attract a Capricorn Woman as a Virgo Man:
It’s okay to be your rather serious self. The Capricorn woman will appreciate knowing your intentions and that you do not intend to waste her time. She is just as practical as you are, and just as no-nonsense. She loves to be a help-mate, and you can approach her on that basis right away. Chances are she is doing well in her career or with other responsibilities, and will enjoy talking about how things are going. Likely she has plans for the future well under way, and will be eager to share them with you. Conversation will tend to be more serious than actual dating so don’t hesitate to share some of your plans with her, and hopefully get her to sign off on them. Stick to what you can do practically. The Capricorn female is a romantic, but not about life. She will want to know what you can provide and that you intend to do so. This lady was born responsible. Chances are she was the oldest daughter. She probably raised younger siblings or parented her own mother and father. She had a baby-sitting job in high school while the other kids were going to the beach. She’s just used to looking at the world from a position of authority. While she shows kindness and benevolence towards those who are weaker, she would not marry someone of lesser fortitude.
Degree of Romance:
Virgo has a very sensitive, romantic side to which the Capricorn will respond beautifully. There will be many tender moments of an exquisite nature that only the Capricorn woman and Virgo man could create together. In a rushed, Technicolor world of get-what-you-can-as-fast-as-you-can, these two create a private universe of indescribable delight.
Degree of Passion:
Passion is not really an appropriate use of energy where the Virgo man and Capricorn woman are concerned. Their interests tend towards a “passion” for goodness, kindness, and virtue.
Degree of Friendship:
These two will be friends even beyond the conventional meaning of the word. If they pair up, they will stick together through thick or thin, priding themselves on being steadfast and reliable in each other’s world. Each of them likes to think they are the consistent one.
Degree of Marriage:
There could be no better combination for marriage than Virgo man and Capricorn woman.
Progression of Relationship:
These are two are good planners who will likely succeed at anything they do, including courtship. This is because they are willing to take their time, tune in to the other person, and work for win-win scenarios. They tend to follow the directions of the recipe to the letter, which means that the ingredient of sex gets blended in last — and best. They understand this about each other and it makes them extremely comfortable together.
There is a shared understanding between these two and such an amazing degree of rapport that sex is bound to be pretty heavenly. Both Virgo and Capricorn are happy to find a steady supply of the stuff but are respectful of each other’s integrity so that sex becomes a thing of quality, not quantity. They say the mind is the greatest sex organ, but it is an act experienced through a body. Two earth signs such as Capricorn and Virgo know that best.
When It’s Over:
If it must end, each party will try to process their own regrets and grief in a way that allows them to fulfill their obligations till the end in a dutiful and respectful manner. This is one relationship where the two parties will tend to respect each other forever and have very fond memories of the time spent together no matter where else life takes them.
Our Rating: 10/10