Understanding Your Saturn Return
The Saturn Return is an astrological occurrence that usually occurs twice in a natural life span. It takes Saturn 30 years to make the complete circle of your chart. The planet Saturn, the stern taskmaster, returns to the place it was when you were born twice for most people. It will return three times if you’re very lucky. The first time, it returns is when you are between 28 and 30 years of age. Saturn returns once again when you are between the ages of 58 and 60. If you are fortunate enough to live 90 years, you will see it again between the ages of 88 and 90.
The First and Second Saturn Return
On this site, we will examine the details of the First and the Second Saturn Returns.
The arrival of the first Return underscores one of the pivotal times in your life. It’s more than just a change of the first digit of your age. More profoundly, it’s a time for some deep self-assessment. You can read more about the First Saturn Return in another post — click here to read about the First Return. There, you will find tips to get you through this First Saturn Return.
The second pivotal period in your life, astrologically speaking, is the advent of the Second Saturn Return. This is a very important time. I go into some detail about this period, as well as refer you to some good resources which will give you a much more comprehensive understanding of dealing with the Second Return. Click here to read about the Second Return.
I have organized this site into a series of four (4) steps. Following these steps will enable you to attain mastery in learning about your Saturn Return. In conclusion, you will walk away with a thorough understanding of the inherent karmic lessons that the Return transits mean for your life.
The 4 Steps to Mastering Your Saturn Return
There are four (4) steps you must take if you want to attain mastery in understanding not only the Saturn Return but also the implications it has for your life. It’s only through a comprehensive understanding that you can use the knowledge to your benefit. This education will empower you in all areas of your life — your relationships, career, health, finances, and karmic destiny.
Below, I will briefly discuss the 4 Steps to Mastery. You can use the links below to navigate through but I would encourage you to make use of the handy menu for the site which I’ve organized to take you through these 4 Steps:
Step 1 – Understand the Saturn Return
If you have read this page from the beginning, then congratulations! You have completed Step 1 – Understanding the Saturn Return. You now know what the Saturn Return is and when to expect your First and Second Returns, which takes us to Step 2.
Understanding the above content “Understanding Your Saturn Return” is Step 1. So, by now, you should have completed this step.
Step 1 is understanding the content above.
Step 2 – Learn the 1st and 2nd Saturn Returns
The First and Second Saturn Returns have implications for your life. Completing this step will enable you to understand the energies with each return. You will learn what the returns will teach you. I also cover how to make the right choices for your life so you do not find yourself living with regret as you experience your second return. What are the implications for karma? How to deal with the pressures you will inevitably face? These are questions we will answer in this step.
Step 3 – Know your Saturn Return Sign
It’s not enough to understand the first and second Saturn Returns. You must also know what your Saturn Return sign is. This is crucial for us to hone in on your individual path. You will use our Saturn Return Calculator which will give you the sign. Once you know your sign, you will take the final Step — Step 4, learning your placement.
This is a personal favorite section of mine and from the feedback I have received, I am so pleased to learn that many of my readers concur. Many readers tell me they experience mental overload after reading all of the information about their particular placement. That is understandable! The knowledge is vast and, yet, powerful. So, I invite you to re-read the material again to allow the knowledge to resonate to the level it needs to in order for it to truly change your life.
Step 4 – Learn about your Saturn Return Sign
I have saved the best for last. This step will truly take your understanding to a level it needs to be in order to live your best life. We will take you through your individual placement. You will find your understanding has reached a profound level of depth and will “graduate” from the 4 Steps with armed with the necessary knowledge, mental and spiritual tools to carve our your truest path to greatness.
Once you have taken these steps, I invite you to exercise your new understanding by reading some of the bonus sections of the site. There is a section of Saturn Return stories which I hope you find enjoyable and educational. I have also included a section that discusses the Saturn Return’s effect on celebrities.