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True Node / North Node in Pisces Test

So, you’ve read about the North Node in Pisces placement and ready to test your understanding. Great! Take out a sheet of paper and record your answers to the following questions.

1. The longer you live…

a. the more discrimination you will become.
b. the less picky you will become.
c. the better your intuition becomes.
d. the more you will appreciate your parents.

2. How can you free yourself from the prison you’ve created?

a. Follow your higher guidance.
b. Spend hours in prayer and meditation.
c. Build yourself physically and mentally.
d. Let go and let God.

3. Stop ____ and start _____.

a. hoping, doing
b. dreaming, acting
c. thinking, feeling
d. thinking, moving

4. What is the antidote for your fear?

a. Logic
b. Faith
c. Companionship
d. Religion

5. A great mystery that you would do well to ponder is…

a. how each individual is discrete yet part of the Cosmic whole.
b. how each individual is unique.
c. how each individual is a reflection of your own soul.
d. how each individual reflects the beauty of God.

Test continued on the next page (see below) …

6. At your worst you are both…

a. illogical and insensitive.
b. silly and immature.
c. stubborn and scattered.
d. rash and autonomous.

7. You become so critical that you…

a. hate yourself.
b. can’t stand the company of anyone else.
c. stay in bad relationships so you don’t have to be alone.
d. both a and c

8. Something you fear which will bring you great enlightenment is what?

a. Organized religion.
b. An emotional connection with others.
c. Long periods of time alone.
d. Self-sufficiency.

9. What is your greatest potential?

a. Fame and fortune
b. A loving family
c. Saving others
d. Knowing God

10. Trusting your instincts…

a. is not likely to get you anywhere.
b. will undermine your plans and dreams.
c. is something you do naturally.
d. should be a big win for your in this lifetime.

Good job! Now, let’s see how well you did …

Click here for the answers!

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