Aries Man and Gemini Woman Compatibility

This bold and ballsy pair will play, “Liar, liar pants on fire!”  Gemini is the liar and guess whose pants are on fire?  A lot of the dynamic is Gemini catching Aries in a net of words like the net Vulcan used to trap the unfaithful Aphrodite.  Gemini is a complete verbal unmatch for the Man of Action who will sputter and stutter as he tries to figure out “What did she mean by that?”  The truth is they bring out the Feisty in each other and love to fight because make-up sex is soooooo much fun with Aries!

How to Attract an Aries Man as a Gemini Woman:

A man of few words himself, Mr. Macho Aries Man will likely be captivated by the live Chatty Cathy doll that has chosen to sprinkle fairy dust his way.  Her words are likely to enchant him as does the sound of her voice.   What they both have in common is a preference for living in the moment.  Nothing gets to either one of them very much.   Gemini is buoyed by a merry temperament and Aries doesn’t stand still long enough to get stuck anywhere.  By all means ask him to do the “manly” things.  Most Aries men carry the entire load of a relationship without so much as a whimper.  Get him involved with everything, picking your kids up from school, driving your aging dad to the podiatrist’s, planning a trip, carrying the luggage and paying for  your unemployed sister to come, too.  Load him up.  If he digs you, he’s here to help.

How to Attract a Gemini Woman as an Aries Man:

You love competition so just help yourself.  You’ll have your work cut out for you getting this little heifer roped and tied.  Don’t worry if you’re tongue tied by her charms, she’s never listening anyway.  She dances to her own music.

Degree of Romance:

Aries is the most romantic sign in the zodiac so where you find Aries you find Amour.  Aries loves the thrill of the chase and Gemini will often outrun him like a babbling brook.  The ways he wins her back is the stuff great romances are made of.

Degree of Passion:

This is a very passionate combination at least on Aries’ part.  Gemini’s flighty indifference and fairy like ways seem to fan the flames of Aries’ furnace.  There will be plenty of heated (and “hot”) words exchanged, plenty of chances to chase her down and get her back again after one of the endless break ups she stages for her own diversion.

Degree of Friendship:

These two are basically “independents” on the social scene.   They are both easily bored and don’t have the skills to develop lasting relationships with others for which they see no need.  If they aren’t an item they aren’t likely to be together.  What would be the point?

Degree of Marriage:

We vote Aries the man most likely to get down on his knees to propose to this Fairy Princess.  Their marriage can work because they both honor each other’s independence, wit and traveling speed.  They secretly find everyone just boring.

Progression of Relationship:

Possessive and jealous, Aries goes for closure pretty quickly but Gemini keeps the pace interesting because she has so many tricks up her sleeve.  We vote Aries most likely to impress his date with a dozen red roses, a ***** evening and a limo to boot.


Fast, fun and furious, likely multi tasking as well.  These two love the hands-on experience anytime, anywhere and they will keep up a running stream of upbeat extroverted commentary, like “That’s good, Baby, you know it.”  There’s bound to be some pretty x-rated texting and phone going on all the time, too.  It was a Gemini who invented tweeting just so she could get a rise out of Aries during the day.  This also serves to throw him off the scent when she  needs a little space to pursue Gemini Girl Stuff.

When It’s Over:

This relationship can come down as fast as you can say, “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”  Nobody wants to mop up either!  What’s the point?  It’s over!

Our Rating: 6/10

What do you think of this match? Who is your favorite famous Aries/Gemini couple? Share your thoughts in the comment below.