Capricorn Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility
In ancient esoteric astrology, Saturn ruled the signs of both Capricorn and Aquarius. Thus the Capricorn man and Aquarius woman have a secret connection. Saturn is the most conservative planet, while Uranus, modern-ruler of Aquarius, is the most progressive, the most revolutionary. Sometimes you find them combined in an individual like Abraham Lincoln, who epitomizes the best qualities of both, but sometimes you find a rather conservative Aquarius, such as Ronald Reagan. So that’s what’s going on when these two get together in a relationship? The Capricorn man is looking for his more conservative element and the Aquarius woman is looking for some vision to test her practicality. This can be a great — albeit serious — match.
How to Attract an Aquarius Woman as a Capricorn Man:
If you’re a Capricorn man trying to attract an Aquarius woman, you can be as serous as you are, Capricorn. If you’re attracted to this lady it’s because you want a visionary. You need to build your castles in the sky first, where they belong, and she is the one to help you, so get into a good conversation with her, let her into your mind and let her re-arrange the furniture there and put some potted plants around in colors you’ve never heard of. Pretty soon you’ll be thinking outside the box.
How to Attract a Capricorn Man as an Aquarius Woman:
If you’re a Aquarius woman trying to attract a Capricorn man, it actually works okay to use craigslist, or another site of your choice because the Internet is ruled by Aquarians. They were using special means for dating long before these sites became popular. Aquarians are able to reach out to people of like mind using the invisible plane of vibrations in a process akin to telepathy. It also works to picture clearly the person you have in mind in a process called creative visualization which was invented by an Aquarian. In other words distance is no problem. You can have what you want. Just use extra-sensory means.
Degree of Romance:
If any sign would bring out romance in an Aquarius woman it would be a Capricorn guy. He is so old-fashioned as to be quaint. This touches her heart in an uncharacteristic moment of tenderness. They may also find it helpful to play beautiful music while courting. Aquarius men are highly sensitive to musical vibrations. It is really their favorite language and it can certainly be the language of love. If you want romance, play Chopin. If you want passion play Rachmaninoff.
Degree of Passion:
Speaking of passion, this sensory oriented experience can be approximated by these two if accompanied by music. It lowers the high Aquarius vibration down into the lower chakras where energy is transmuted from mind to sex. Aquarius do a lot of transmutation of energy. If you’re a Capricorn you may not understand, but your Aquarius lady does. Capricorn is by nature quite romantic and lusty which brings out any ladylike qualities the Aquarius woman has hidden in there somewhere and despite her protestation that they’re just friends.
Degree of Friendship:
Aquarius women talk endlessly about friendship and elevate it to an ideal over romantic love, and even agape but Capricorn is actually one sign that might be able to turn into a real friend. There is a puppy-like quality to a Capricorn in the presence of relaxed others. Like the little dog yapping at the heels of the Aquarius Fool of the Tarot deck, they can be great traveling companions. She reaches for the visionary limits while he trots along with four feet on the ground.
Degree of Marriage:
This makes a good marriage, particularly in very young or very old couples, or those not planning on having children. The relationship has a studious, productive, practical quality to it that makes for a good partnership. Aquarius is the idealist. Capricorn is a realist. Together they can set the limits for what is really possible. Also as I mentioned both of these signs are basically conservative in nature and they do honor the collective advantage of legal marriage.
Progression of Relationship:
This relationship between a Capricorn man and Aquarius woman will follow a predictable pattern of courtship. Capricorn is slow and cautious, conservative and sure to follow all the rules — also because he is shy and afraid of rejection. The Aquarius lady will not be particularly impressed by this because she’s spacing in and out all the time. Her mind is pretty much bound to always be elsewhere but she does appreciate his attentiveness when she stops to think about it and she also enjoys the fact that he does not pressure their friendship into more until she is good and ready.
Having sex together is a way of staying grounded. It is an important day-to-day bond between these two that adds flesh to the vision, so to speak. Their world is full of possibilities. They are chasing rainbows and building castles in the air. The real event of sex that takes place between the two real people is probably as real as they’ll ever get together. Capricorn is an ardent and lustful lover while Aquarius provides the imagination and playfulness that keeps it lively.
Our Rating: 9/10.
wow. we are like opposites, but still the understanding is out of this world.. we can talk for hours and the sex is the best i have ever HAD. It started of slow and not that exciting but really quickly became WOW after 6 months im the happiest women on earth. Real potential here… love my cappy man 🙂
i think the key is giving the cap man his space and showing your affections to him… that is when they open up. so worth it
my best friends, partner in life and lover.
Thanks for the great feedback, Daniela! I”m glad you’re so happy.
Explosive is all I can say without getting in trouble. We met online, and after two months of talking we met each other. The connection was unbelievable, like wild fire.
So happy for you, Tom. It’s a great combination so enjoy! I also love how “Online” is working for my clients. What did we ever do before ?
mhh..what can i say. He was crazy about me when he first laid his eyes on me and I didn’t even want him next to me! ha! He found my numbers, pursued me untill I gave in. The sex …too mind blowing. he’s much older but sweet and kind. Somehow I think we’ll never trully connect ..dunno. I find him being too serious and I’m not sure if I can be tied down. mhh. not sure not sure. He calls sometimes, the he doesn’t ..I call. It’s a mess but when in bed, it’s a totally different story.
I met him on myspace!! lol.. It started out just “okay”, but now it’s awesome. We’ve been in a serious relationship for 7 months, and it really has only gotten better with time. The only minor flaws that affect our relationship are his overly serious manner and me being too playful and affectionate for him. We’re always pretty good at working through our problems though.
im an aqua girl and i LOVE my cappy man too!! we started out as friends but that didnt last long lol.. the chemistry between us was too powerful to deny. we’ve been together almost a year and i can truly say i have found the love of my life.. i want nothing more than to spend my life with him. its an intense relationship to say the least– he tries to dominate me and be like a father figure which drives me crazy, and i REBEL fiercely (im aquarius, what can I say) but we have an incredible bond, mutual respect and BIG, big dreams and with him for the first time my dreams seem possible. 🙂
I’ve known this Aquarius girl for over six years now. I want to get to know her on a more intimate level, but it’s a long-distance friendship at the moment. She’s in my life one moment, then gone for months at a time, yet I know she’ll be back to tell me all about how things are going with her. Just absolutely fascinating how it’s like we don’t even skip a beat.
Any way I can find a way into her life as more than just that friend from afar?
This is bogus.
It could be because you’re a LEO and you have a fascination for Aquarius (polar opposites).
Aquarius women are BAD mothers. Well, the majority that is. Capricorn men are the fathers of the zodiac. There is no way this match is 9/10. More like 6/10.
You already know this, you mentioned that marriage would be great for a Capricorn man and Aquarius woman if there are no kids involved.
Be real. Capricorn men WANT children. They would never marry a Aquarius woman.
If he does, it’s because Aquarius knows that the she is unfit for the Capricorn. What do Aquarius women do when they are UNFIT..they fake it.
Capricorn men will noticed that Aquarius women are fake.
Unfortunately for you, Nancy, being a Leo…Aquarius have you wrapped around their finger.
Get real.
Most Aquarians have Cap placements…You know people are more than their sun signs right?… if your family failed just say that
im an aquarius and i adore my little girl and i devote all my time to my daughter, bad mothers, bad attitude to have u should see the best in every body xx
One of the best articles I have seen on capricorn men with aquarius women.
I know more than you – the capricorn I like loves kids but does not want children of his own. He needs lots of attention and therefore would get jealous as a lot of men do when their wives are very dedicated to their children.
Also, I have very high standards about how kids should be raised and what makes a good mother. I guess I got it off my Aquarian (sun&moon) mother who is selfless and made my Leo (sun&moon) father and myself her world!
You sound very bitter but should realise that no two aquarians are the same. So please don’t tar us all with the same brush.
aquarius women ARE bad mothers.
get over it.
I agree with I know more than you. My mother and her husband are Aquarius & Capricorn. They stayed together to defy even their own children, who BEGGED them to divorce. My Aquarius mom did whatever the hell she wanted, without rhyme or reason. She took horrible care of us but was always socializing and being the life of the party and the belle of the ball. In public they acted like they were wealthy and carefree but at home they fought like cats and dogs. Their own children begged them to divorce…
Hi I am a Aquarian female with a Capricorn guy and three children. 19, 10 and 23 months
It relly dose depend on what your prioroties are as a Aquarian, some of us like to be the life and sole always out and socialising, then you have Aquarians like myself
My family comes first. Nothing before my family.-
I think you guys are being ignorant and narrow minded about aquariuses being bad mothers. I have a friend who has 6 children, who respect her and love her. Though, some could argue that she needs to be more strict. And me on the other hand, have wanted children since I was a little girl. Like Mel said, to some of us family comes first. You might as well say there’s no hope for love because a guy or two has been rude to you. Don’t take your experiences and blame the whole group for it.
My mom is an aquarius and she wasnt a very good mom to us growing up. She fed us and kept a roof over our heads but thats about it. Now that im older its easy to see that all this time she was waiting for us to show her love so that she could learn to show us love. She never understood that she had to show us first. I am an aquarius woman as well but i have learned from my moms mistakes. I have always wanted children and i know from the bottom of my heart that i will be a good mother that adores her child(ren).
also about capricorn male and aquarius female…i think this is dead on. I am in a relationship with a capricorn and this article is the most dead on in my opinion. My capi and i understand each other to the core. I know work is important to him he knows my fantasy world is where i am confortable…we love each others differences and similarities alike!
We actually knew immediately that we had found our ideal partner to have children with. I can see him being an amazing father and he can see the same in me.
My mother’s an Aquarius and is an extremely devoted, giving, affectionate mother…also a great friend. maybe it’s her Taurus moon? (btw I’m a Capricorn- maybe we just mesh well…) best of luck Aqua mom’s
I’ve been married to a capricorn man for 6 years and we have a son together. Were fine until he has a bipolar emotional breakdown at least three or four times a year. Then he’s normal again. When he’s normal he’s amazing to be around. Then all over again he goes in his bipolar phase and takes it out on everybody. I have noticed this in almost all aquarius and capricorn relationships. Im an aquarian woman with a capricorn rising. I live for my family and I’m a good mother.
Aquarius women are BADDDD mothers. It is sooo true!
well well well!! Whaddaya know! just when you think mommy’s little angel is studying hard she just aint. The bitch is bitchin about you.You just wait till you get ur bitch ass home missy!! I’ll stick my foot up #@$!#@$#@.. Dad should’ve wasted you in the toilet two decades ago..
Help meee I ‘ve been raising satan all along.Whatta biatch!
Aquarius women care more about their friends than they do about their family. I know an Aqua biatch who LEFT her daughter’s 3rd birthday JUST to go cater to her friend who was having some kind of crises. I feel so bad for kids with Aqua moms.. they are horrible!!!
this is the most beautiful combination..word cannot describe how it felt.i just love capricorn men!! (im an aquarius born on a aqua/cappy cusp). even though my relationship was casual,aloof and had more “friendly” vibe to it than romantic,it is still the most enjoyable relationship ive been in..i wish hed come back but i know he wont 🙁 lets just hope i find someone as divine
I’m an Aquarius and I’m currently not in a relationship with a Capricorn man but they seem like they would be the ideal match for me. I’m not a social butterfly type of Aquarius and I prefer the comfort of a small group of people to a crowd. The thing that I like about them is that they seem mysterious, honest, caring, the way they extend themselves for the one’s they love, intelligence and kindness. I also really sense that they have big hearts which I love. I hope I can find a man like that 🙂
To say that Aquarians are bad mothers is insulting to Aquarius women all around. Perhaps you’ve had a bad experience with an Aquarius mother and that sucks for you but it doesn’t make them all the same. I had a HORRIBLE relationship with a Taurus and it doesn’t mean all Taurus men are bad boyfriends. It just means that PERSON had something wrong with them. Calm down, where zodiac is true to a sense, people can deviate from their sign based upon how they were raised and things they’ve been through. In the end people are people, don’t assume.
I recently reconnected with my very first love, a cappy. I was 12, he 14 when we met. He was the first boy I ever kissed! I loved him then and I love him even more now, for the man that he has become. We are different in some aspects, but we connect in a real way…mentally, emotionally and physically. Never a more ardent, passionate, loving man! I’m crazy about him!
I am an Aquarian woman and I am deeply in love with a Cappy! We have known each other since we were toddlers. I never wanted to cross the line and mess up our friendship but I gave in recently and I am not sorry that I did! I feel that he is the one for me and I have felt this way for years. I feel so comfortable around him. We are not together just friends with benefits, as they say. But I do want more than anything to be with him, I am just scared to pursue it because I don’t want to push him away! I have never loved a man as much as I love him! Any ideas? I am so open to suggestions?!?!
BTW I am an Aquarian mom and I love my two children to death. Nothing or no one comes before them ever! Everyone is entitled to their opinions as long as you know that they are just that…OPINIONS! Funny thing about opinions is they really don’t mean a thing to no one except that person!
I am also an Aquarian mother who is insulted by the rude comments. I have three children who I love to death an would do anything for. I also am not the typical socialite aquarian. I am quiet and shy and would rather hang out with my kids than friends any day! I also have a relationship with a Capricorn man and I wouldn’t trade it in for the world! He is wonderful… loving, thoughtful, helpful to everyone. He has his moments but I know when he needs space. We also have this undeniable bond that keeps us connected like two magnets flipped over pulling towards
eachother. For us this article is right on down to the music. I think it just depends on the Aquarius and Capricorn 😉
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Wow. This is just like it is for me.
I’ve known my Cappy man for a year and a half.. and he tried really hard to get me to notice him.. hehe, which I did not. He just wasn’t good enough for me. But, that was BEFORE we started talking to one another. Once we started.. we found it hard to stop! In three days, before we knew it we were in a relationship.
However, it is an on-off relationship and I’ve been dating a Leo guy for over three months now. The best part about my Cappy man is that we always know we’re going to come back to each other.. No matter what. =)
We have arguments about all the crazy things.. and it’s safe to say that he is the only constant in my life. I love you! <3
I’m no mother. But I highly doubt I would make a bad mother. The way I treat my younger siblings and cousins you would think they were my children. And how can Aquarius women be bad mothers when we’re the most loving and giving zodiac. We put others before us.
i totally agree with (aquarius goddes) how can others say we are/will be bad mothers when were the most loving and giving zodiac.? i am of course an aquarius and i can say when i have children i will raise them to the best of my ability and put them first and since my prioritys are straight my children will be staying in a childs place and wont be talking back unless they wanna get beat lol im’a also show love and respect them and give them room to grow….so I KNOW! ima be a damn good mother so f** wat anybody else thinks…
awhh this gives me hope 🙂 my relationship with my cappy guy is starting off kind of sketchy. but he shows me he is super sweet and devoted, so thats enough to keep me patient. he can make me laugh too!, so thats sort of the glue that keeps our chemestry in place. i hope it’ll get even better. i love how he goes out of his way to walk me to every class 🙂 so sweet! does anyone know if a aqua/cappy relationship normally starts off as “okay” and gets better with time?? if so, let me know! i have high hopes!
hey BB!
I am a Cap girl involved with Aqua guy. I’d say sometimes it works well (Ted Danson-Mary Steenburgen, Barbara Hershey-I forget his name), and sometimes it doesn’t. Depends on maturity level, rest of chart, etc. He will need to work on his need to direct you (Saturn), and you would probs need to be less crazy/chatty (Uranus), if that makes sense. plenty of space might help…and not thinking of each difference as a deal-breaker. I’ve heard of Cap-Aqua relationships that are great & long-lasting! Caps understand Aqua’s need for space.
hope it works out really well, keep us posted (and happy birthday, whenever yours happens 2 be! 😉
Hey Tropic of Cap!! haha thanks 🙂 mine was the 3rd. and actually today it got much better 😀 he made me laugh and it seemed like he was less nervous too, so that made it more fun. and yeah i can see what you mean by me being to chatty! haha, i’m pretty loud at times, but he looked passed that today. i think it may work out haha. i’m excited to find out what will happen (: are Caps usually kind of shy or tend to be nervous at first??
I’m an aqua mom and im not offended by the anti-aqua comments. I know my kids adore me and I need no one to tell me otherwise. As for my Cappy man.. what can I say? I was madly in love with him 11 years ago when we first met… Cap men are controlling, aqua women’s key is their freedom! Quoting what you said about Cap man “Have you ever felt rejected for not being good enough? That’s a taste of bitter Capricorn male energy. High standards are upheld at the expense of hurt feelings and damaged egos”–> Exactly how I felt for 11 whole years! Now ask him what he’s done? He did nothing but be perfect all the time. Right! Well, be careful aqua women, ’cause love blinded me at first and made me patient (Yeah, he made me laugh all the time for the first few months, and the passion was just amazing). But remember, aqua women are rebels and now it’s probably the end.. I’m not saying everyone’s the same, but just there’s great potential for fallout on the long run.
I am also wondering how acquarians are said to be unemotional all over the internet.. I have a lot of acquarian friends, men and women and we all agree on being the hopeless romantics of the Planet. Please explain this Nancy if possible. I mean Valentine’s day falls in our Zodiac too!!!
Happy Birthday Acquarians 🙂
@ BB – Great to hear it’s going well, Happy Birthday! I have a lot of Aqua’s in my life (I’m Capricorn), and I’m always like, ‘will you pls lower your voice?’ and they’re always like ‘why r u whispering?’ If y’all can both seem the humor in those differing perspectives, it just might work! But it really depends on the rest of your charts & how badly y’all want to work at it, I guess.
In answer to your question: most Capricorns (incl myself) are shy/nervous, because a) we really do care what people think of us but try stoically to hide it, and b) if we like you, any little thing you say/do will be analyzed & over-analyzed. And sometimes Aqua’s are a little careless with those verbal barbs…LOL
A thought – if he’s ever losing you, give him plenty of warning. We Caps are sometimes slow to see & react to change.
Hope I helped, BB!
@ Tropic of Cap, i can totally understand what you mean by us Aquas being to loud. haha, i get told that all the time. but i don’t really care. i do it naturally and i can’t help being gregarious haha. anyway! as for your answer- yes, you did help a lot 🙂 thank you! and i feel better about things now haha. thanks so much for your insight and just over all help 🙂
I’m in love with a male Cappi, who I’ve been with for a year. There is not one day that goes by that he does not tell me he loves me or tells me how beautiful I am, or that he missed me at work today, ect……..he truly is like no other cap man I’ve been with before ( and I’ve been with two other caps in the past). With in a month of meeting each other he asked me to move in with him and our relationship has only gotten stronger and better. I’ve read in many texts that male caps don’t express their feelings much and they don’t rush into things unless they are sure, so I’m assuming it’s a good sign he’s this way with me?? He is hardworking, patient and really goofy (we can laugh about anything and everything). On the other hand though, he is jealous, extremely protective, and a bit standoffish. He’s told me that he was never jealous in his previous relationship (he’s only had one before me and it was with a Virgo. He left his wife a week before we met. She was extremely jealous). So he’s trying to work on his jealously – because I can’t stand to be asked 21 questions!….but other then that I love him to death and I never get tired of telling him or showing him either! He is the only man that’s ever made me feel genuinely loved, secure and safe. I’m 28 yrs young and I can say that I was the typical Aquarian girl before him. I pretty much did what I wanted, and I absolutely needed my space (a lot of space). The previous relationship I was in (5yrs and also a Capricorn) it was not a huge issue me having my own space. For lack of better way to put it, I guess you can say I trained him because he rarely made a big deal when ever I went out with out him or did things with out him. He even asked me to marry him!………..we did get married. Our relationship was perfect on a friendship level; he was fun to be around! He always joked around, he was social, friendly, caring, and had a golden heart the size of Texas. That’s what I love about him. We lacked intimacy. Neither him or I were affectionate towards each other, rarely displayed PDA, he rarely ever made me feel beautiful or tell me he loved me (he would only tell me when he had been drinking) and sex seemed more like a chore……….but I miss the bond we shared and the freedom I had when I was with him! I never had an affair but as you all can probably imagine, I left my husband to be with my new cap man. Nothing I’m proud of, because I hurt a lot of people. I’m the worst person in the world to a lot of people now. But the way I see it is….I had the balls to be honest with him and tell him the TRUTH and it was one of the hardest thing I’d ever done in my life. My husband and I are still friends, although I know in my heart he still resents me (and probably always will, but he denies it). We keep in touch because we own a home together which he still lives in (I moved out and left him everything and he’s keeping the house once our divorce is finalized). Once our divorce is finalized and all other ties with him are done, out of respect for my new cap man I need cut contact with him, so I’ll probably never see or talk to him again….I’m going to miss him deeply.
Before I met my new cap man I would have said the saying “love at first sight” was a corny cliché….but I really did fall in love the fist time I laid my eyes on him. REALLY!
I’m interested in a cap guy but I wanna see how this pairing ends the relationship.
Aqua-Cap breakup, I understand what you’re saying about people thinking Aquarians are unemotional… and that we really are romantics….BUT we are also idealists. That plays a big part into everything.
Wow, I’m 15 and an Aquarians and I feel super insulted right now. My mom’s also an Aqua and she’s a great mom! And I love kids and can’t wait to be a mom. Not everyone’s the same people! Ignorant people anger me so much. Try to br open-minded for once, realize that the zodiac is true about people to a point. Differnt enviroment’s, people, influences, make different people! So stop talking shit about us Aqua’s!
Why do people make such generalisations that aquas make bad mothers. I feel so sorry for them! They micht hav e seen/had one bad experience but one swallow does not a summer make people!
capppy men r crappy men they cheat more than any other sign i.e steve harvey muhammad ali my ex jim carrey elvis presley the list goes on terrible men just terrible dont date them and please dont marry them ewwwwwwwww!
I love my Capricorn. Even when we’re not together, I have faith and know from the bottom of my heart that we will come back to each other.
I love you. 🙂
I amCapricorn boy 27i am in love with Aquaries girl who is just 22, we are in a relationship from past nearly four years but only by phone(Not yet seen her), we usualy talks every day minimum for 2 hours.
Now we are planning to meet first time and planning to move forword(Marriage). Suggestion required
Aquarians can be great mothers. My mom was an Aquarius and was a loving and caring parent. More so than my father, a Scorpio. I’m also starting to a relationship with an Aquarian (I’m a Cap) and I agree with some of the other comments, it has taken off really quickly after we started talking.
If you think aquarian women are bad mothers, why dont you create the whole goddamn world population yourself? this stereotyping is so immature, grow up!
im a cap and just met an aquarian on line in the same town and have very simular interest however just broke up with a leo few months ago who took kindness as a sign of weekness and moved on just being a normal cap i guess but i hope me and the new aquarian hit if off when wedo finally meet thanks
am aquarius woman capp man i love him but think he is cheating only get the love i want when he drunk
he want me to shut up and let him do dum shit even tho i no he dum and every other day he off gone but he does drugs i still love him
Oh, I found out how it ends… Cap man tries foolishly running back to his “one that got away” and leaves the Aquarius going “wtf just happened?!”
SmartAir–What do you mean? Cap man ran back to an ex-? What sign is she? Also Aqua or something else?
well, no, she isnt available… but they have a ld affair for 5 months, then she chose to stay with the guy she was with. But, either way, they say capricorn’s have that one love that will always have their heart. She’s a libra. I did their charts, high passion but not for the long run.
OMG!!! SmartAir, that has happened to me 3 times with Cap men. I will never date another Capricorn. They are full of crap, they say one thing and mean another. They talk about how committed and loyal they are but in reality they are quite the opposite. I think Cap men are more in love with the idea of women loving them rather than learning to actually love a woman. I often see these Cap men looking for the damsel to rescue, even if they say they hate drama and clingy women. Watch the ones they marry, complete drama queens that take them for every cent they have. Cap men can’t handle smart women, they want to be the one in charge and with all the good ideas.
With your last sentence there.. that’s what had crossed my mind. It’s control, and if they can’t, then they’re not interested. Ok heres how it ends people:
Capricorn man will realize that his Aquarius woman cannot be tamed so he will leave in search of a business woman who still is a little girl at heart and doesn’t have much of a social life.
just kidding.. I still can’t figure it out. I think it was a mirror image thing. I was accused of all that HE was, but I wasn’t. Just because I was jealous one time in my life doesn’t mean I’m going to be jealous forever. I tackled the program and got rid of the problem. Smh… boys.
it dont say how it’ll end. why? 😮
We met in college. We started off as friends & when he asked me to take it to the next level, I told him I would if he stopped smoking cigarettes. He stopped the next day. The sex was UH-MAY-ZING!! We were just friends with benefits for 5 months then he told me he loved me. So we became a couple. We dated & moved in with each other. He proposed, I said yes, but that I didnt want to get married right away. We were engaged for 5 years (typical Aqua woman who doesnt want to be tied down. Typical Cap man who wants to be grounded). Our son was born close to our 7yr anniversary together & we got married 6 months later.
I LOVE my Cap man. He is patient when I need him to be, and assertive when I need him to be. He is by bestfriend, my provider, my protector, my soulmate.
-Happy in love for 8 1/2 years
nice one smartass 😉 Fellow Aquarian like myself? It doesn’t say how this relationship ends as opposed to other pairings. She has received an email, with no response. Makes me wonder. I’m also not the only one asking.
That is so right on with the Capricorn thing. My best friend is a cap man and I wanted it to be more but he lives in the past and can’t get over his ex. It’s rather disappointing but also kind of endearing. I’m over it though, I have moved on and we are still best of friends.
OMG! I love these sites! Just to read what my fellow Aqua woman have to say! We are all on point! Love Us! 😉
As far as the Cap man you were so right on point! My Cap ex cant seem to forget me but once we are reunited he does some F*** up s*** to push me away Weird!
I am an aquarius woman been in a rship with a Capricorn man for a year now… Cap man are f**k up… He said his fb and hphone is his privacy, until i am married to him… But once he forgot to logged off from his fb, i found out he has an affair with another girl… Its already 3 months… Wen i asked him, he said its biz opportunity… Before he go back to his hometown( he lived with me, and sumtimes will go back to his mom’s house) he said sorry… On the way back, he called me once n saying he feel sad everytime he thinks abt me… Now its been 3 days, no sms, no phone call… Wtf?? Yes, i agree wen ppl say capricorn mens cant handle smart women as an aquarius coz they are full of shit….. All lies…nothing they said is true…
Ok so I just met a Cap man who I am begining to fall for… reading these posts makes me have 2nd thoughts…..
dear Having 2nd thoughts…it can work…find out both of your chart compatibilities before you pull the trigger! 😉
Having 2nd thoughts,
Just stay mentally focused of your actions and words and don’t dive too quick. They like to take things slow, even if their charming words melt your heart. They are very cautious and calculated people. I miss mine a lot. Would settle for friendship at this point lol! Cap’s are such great gentlemen, but they tend to worry and have difficulty moving on from certain relationships.
He will come from no where and sweep you of your feet ladies! The capricorn man will stir a passion within you and will awaken a part of you only he could ever satisfy. I fell head over heels in love and i honestly believe he loved me to…neither one of us ever felt feelings this strong and intense with anyone before, we could not stop thinking about each other and it was a little scary, especially because i decided to leave my bf of 8yrs to explore these undeniable feelings i felt for someone who i had just met. The cap man really knows how to make a woman smile, knows all the right things to say and wow the sexual attraction/chemistry unbelievable, he has such passion! It was a whirl wind romance, the cap man loves to “assume” things and it was his assumptions and the fact he wasnt man enough to pick up the phone and find out the truth, (i thought i was at least worth the truth) that ended us, he stuffed up our second chance…i wouldn’t change what we had ever, he/us really changed me i can never go back to the old me, i still always think about him and after all the hurtful things he said to me when it ended, I still love him and crave him…enjoy every moment with your cap guy, savour every kiss, touch,glance…dont be afraid to tell him “actions speak louder then words”! this cap guy definitely left his aquarius girl asking wtf just happened?
I’ve had a few run-ins with Capricorn Men and I must say.. I am one of those aquarian women who are attracted to their polar opposites. I’ve dated a Libra before and I found it to be very annoying and overbearing.. His moon sign was a Cancer which is another opposite that I found a connection to. But the relationship didn’t last very long. But anyways..
As of recently, I have been seeing a Capricorn Man and I need some advice. I don’t know how to approach trying to get to know him more since he has a very busy schedule and is very driven into his music career. He’s reserved, and really passionate about what he does. We already went on one date which was very successful, but I don’t know how to approach his very shy nature. I’m already really interested in this Cappy man and I need some advice from fellow Aquarian ladies as to how you ‘lured’ your cappy men! lol 🙂 He shows some interest in me by wanting to hangout before one of his shows and he’s told me that he’s very excited that I’m coming out to see him. Would he want to be just friends for a very long time first because of his reserved/ yet busy schedule? Or be interested in dating me? Help please!!
yes, as a Capricorn, i know if we’re interested we want to get to know the person before we really commit.
the communication can be dicey (difficult) between these two signs, so i would be aware of that.
sometimes Aquarius can be hurtful with the offhand comments (without realizing) …and Capricorn can be controlling/domineering, so those would be the areas to look out for. Capricorns also usually don’t like for people to act crazy…so i would limit that – be dignified, Caps are impressed by that…
So far.. communication is incredibly difficult due to how busy he is from work. I’m not sure if I should continue pursuing (since I am afraid of coming off as too pushy and scare him away), and wait until he texts me to want to hangout, or I should just text him and ask.
This situation is very unfamiliar to me because I rarely deal with Capricorn men but I really want to make this work. Should I just sit still and be patient?
Hi Aquariangoat, this is in reference to you situation.
It’s your lucky day so i hope you’re ready and here we go…….
Depends. Cap’s are simply put, CAREER DRIVEN. It is something that they can confidently exceed and do well in because it is within their grasp and realm that they can control. The same would go for health, interests, hobbies, travel etc. But relationships takes two people, NOT one thus the result of a shy, introverted (yet amazingly driven, persistent and ambitiious) and cautious type of man. You said he’s in the music sector? Perfect conversations to have is talk to him about music and what type of music you like and compare.
Second point is age. Depending on how old you two are the tactics used to attract a capricorn man are very different. For example, if both of you are young and twenty something then focus on yourself and take the “be patient” route because he’s working (i mean REALLY LONG HOURS type of working) . However if both of you are older say, after thirty or so then you should PURSUE and LET him know that you are interested. He won’t think that you are being pushy or scary but INDEPENDANT and STAND out from other woman that he’s never seen before. Show him you care and are serious about having a relationship with him. Cap man at the end regardless of his career and work, he wants to see his wife and family. In fact his focus will SHIFT towards his wife and family because his priorities have changed. TRUST ME, they do despite being borderline loner and introverts.
Of course this depends on how much you like him and you have to trust your gut feelings on this one. If you like him enough GO FOR IT, if not forget it…….
Oh and from my experience, cap men and aquarius woman have the best and most stimulating conversations. They can talk about ANYTHING and would go on and on………
My two cents, good luck
P.S. I’m a cap guy.
I’ll start from the beginning. Three years ago I met this handsome Capricorn man. The first night we met, we made out. It was very passionate, and almost life changing. Well about a year and half/ 2 years ago we reconnected via FB. He expressed how he cared about me, and I tried, and tried and tried to make something of us, but we just couldnt connect the way I wanted us to. We stayed in touch even when I turned his advancements down and in time we grew very close. We became friends. Then one day we got in an arguement which almost ended our friendship. I swallowed my pride and told hi, I was wrong because I was. He accepted my apology, but he didnt truly and really accept it until a month and a half later. During that time it ate me up inside. That’s when I first realized I cared for him, and it was more than just a friendship care. And than… recently, I’d say roughly two months ago, I confided in him. He helped me get through a tough time, and ever since then I’ve been making an effort to see if we have more. And we do. Now I’m just scared. These posts really left me wondering if i should back off. Not only that, I know capricorns are very careful when it comes to partners, aand I just dont want to fall for him and than he later on decides that I’m just not for him because Im whatever…. Help! Breezy!
dear Breezy – sounds like you guys have a good thing going…i would say, keep trying – any relationship has its risks, regardless of signs…if it’s going well, just keep working at it…fear is evil – avoid fear…pray to G-d for help…G-d is love…
sorry to be cheesy, but “the only thing we have to fear is FEAR, itself.” (this was first said by Aquarius Franklin Delano Roosevelt.)
let us know how it’s going!
🙂 thank you for the advice. I spoke to him yesterday about something that I had on my chest. And his response was ” blah.. blah.. blah & than I’m glad we can talk about these things and move on, and keep this good thing that we have going.” Hopefully it does.
So I am an Aquarius female born Feb. 14 1989, I’ve been dealing with my capricorn guy born Jan. 7,1984 for about 5 months now we speak atleast 5 days out of the week and I see him on his days off… However I am starting to feel something for him which really frightens me considering I am not really the emotional type. Well in one of our drunken conversations he says, ” we work because opposites attract” I’m figuring he would tell me how he feels about me but all he says is ” I like your personality” ?????? Did I miss something?!? Should I reconsider this relationship?! I REALLY like him and I’m willing to try something serious but I’m confused HELP!
no other word than crapicorn i adored this man whom i had a four year relationship with, until a huge row over his ex who can do no wrong. looking back he controlled me in a suggestions way(suggesting what i should do) he never seemed to take me out as he always had to be the centre of attention the thought that someone didnt like him drove him mad . kept me away from his family and friends, always put me down when i became seriously ill he ran away he never ever put me first, he was always right.. very genorous and had to buy friends …wasted love and heartache on this man,, learning to get my free spirit and self esteem back xxxx
i am in love with a capp man,we have been dating for 3yrs.we have a great bond and the best sex ever,but i do know it wont last for too much longer.
I’m a cap man in my twenties born jan 10th. The aqaurius woman I am attached to is a jan 31st b day and is older than I am with 2 kids.
We originally met at a bar in one state and instantly and had an instant connection. We went “out” i guess for a couple of weeks and she left and disappeared. A year or two later we were in communication and 4 states away discovered we lived a town apart from each other.
Here and there for a couple of years we would see each other and get together. At some points she wasn’t ready for a relationship and had personal issues other times I wasn’t ready (didn’t feel financially stable and went back to rehab for alcohol). It was actually one of the biggest reasons I made the decision to go back to rehab because of how much I liked her and knowing I wasn’t in a position to date her.
I started talking to her again maybe in november/december of last year. We had a phone conversation about how much we actually thought each other through the years and have always felt like soul mates and would be together.
I sent her flowers a time or two from texas and flew back to california a day before valentines to see her. She ended up moving into an apartment 4 streets away from where I lived (without knowing where I lived).
She was not in a good place in her life and didn’t feel confident about herself etc. We lasted from about febuary to april and I did everything I could to help her and be there for her. Then she cut communication with me and we didn’t talk for a while. She felt like I was investing in her by getting her flowers when she was sad, chocolate, and traditional things (it was really hard for me to do that but pushed through it and did it anyway).
A few weeks ago she texted me/communicated with me and said she had to initiate communication because I wasn’t going to and that’s all she wanted me to do. (i am extremely stubborn, i don’t know if other caps are)
She is HORRIBLE at communication unless it’s in person. I never know if she is actually going to ever respond to my texts or answer my calls. (most of the time she doesn’t answer my calls so after a little bit I just stop calling again even though she wants me to call and text her — and if she doesn’t answer I am just supposed to stop by her place apparently, which I don’t do). We can talk about anything and have shared things with each other that we have never told anyone else and feel very comfortable being around each other.
We are not in a relationship now but still believe we will be married someday. It feels like we could both move on opposites sides of the planet and somehow we would end up around the same place again.
I don’t know how other capricorn men are but I am very logical, methodical, and over analyze everything. Manipulation has been a problem for me and have to hold back now to not manipulate people. With her we both seem to like mind games and I am always under the wrong impression about what to do … I will be straight forward and ask a question like “where do we stand” and “do you care if i take someone else to an event” (she goes to her parents every weekend and there’s really no communication between friday-sunday with her). Anytime I ask a straightforward question the answer feels like she is saying one thing but means something else.
For example I was at her place and stayed the night the other night.. originally I had gone over there to just ask her where we stood. The answer was we were friends and that she really isn’t in a position to date (due to the kids she can never go out so we don’t have alone time ever and her parents won’t babysit). Then she talks about us being married and we both know we love each other.
I don’t know how it is with other cap man/aquarius woman relationships. I had to stop myself from over analyzing the situations and she is still hard for me to deal with because of the communication issue. If she says one thing she really means something else and I am supposed to know that haha.
There’s lots of contradictions for what I do and say and what she does and says as well. We have a lot of differences but a deep connection on a spiritual level. I can’t lie to her (although I don’t lie anyway I am really honest) because she would know I was lying.. she’s also the type of person that can sense when something is wrong.
It’s not easy and not the dream relationship/friendship/whatever that I had in my head but sometimes you can’t help who you love.
I have really never had a girlfriend and never dated anyone or asked women out in highschool. I don’t think I had any physical relations with a woman until I was about 18. I have always been extremely picky, I go through different phases in my life of isolation, unmotivation, then that phase will pass and I will go 100% full throttle and accomplish a lot in a short amount of time.
I know for me when I want something bad enough I will stop at nothing until I have it. Then once I get it and accomplish it I become uninterested… sometimes I have to prove to myself that I can do something. The learning curve for me is extremely fast so I can teach myself a lot of information very quickly.
I do not handle failure well and if other cap man are that way that’s probably why they are so motivated and full throttle sometimes because failures will make me miserable. However if I was to need her for something, I know there’s a good chance she wouldn’t come through.
I am more independent and don’t really feel the “need” of anyone else (or want to feel the need anyway) because I find it’s a weakness.
I wouldn’t know how to give you advice for a capricorn man since everyone is different. If you are dating someone new and it’s in the initial stages then you may have to initiate things and ask him out. Then make a very positive first impression and make him really interested. For me when something is more difficult I am more interested…. so you might want to have really good sex with the guy and then play hard to get for a while and not have sex with him until he works for it. That drives me crazy… and it’s not about the actual sex it’s more of the mentality of “why doesn’t she want to have sex with me” and creates self doubt about performance etc. If someone told me i was bad in bed I would do whatever I had to whatever it took to make sure it would be great the next time because that would be a failure haha.
I don’t know if I would act on my advice that’s just me. I’m pretty sure that’s why she doesn’t communicate well because it’s a control thing where when she does communicate with me she knows she can get me to come over.
With both of us we both have had self esteem issues and if on an individual level and independent level we don’t feel good about ourselves there’s not really anything one of us can do to make the other feel better about themselves. It’s something that we have to do independently on our own. Sometimes you can supply the hammer and nails but you have to let the person build it on their own.
For me now I am not going to try to date someone else. I would rather see someone I truly care about, have a connection i have never felt with anyone else, knows me for who i am, and accepts me a couple times a month than date someone else. I am extremely loyal, never cheated, and can easily focus my attention on other things in between.
I think someone else had mentioned above that they dated a cap man that couldn’t get over his ex. I would agree with that and if the guy has an ex like that you should probably figure that out as he would probably not feel fully committed to you because of those feelings for the ex.
wow cap man.. i have read with great interest i am an aquarian an struggled with my capricorn relationship i am too, stuburn and independent how similar your relationship was to mine i also have too children couldnt really go out but loved my partner in fact still do i am an extremely loyal person and although ther relationship is over it is still difficult loved each other one day texted and spoke 200 times a day together four 3 half years, spending he rest of our lives together a row the next or disagreement which ever way you want to look at it end of no comunications what so ever neither of us would give in and speak four months later and still check my phone how life changes..
I’m aquarius I’m far from a bad mother if anything I need to be more strict with my kids smdh…I give my kids the world and if you or anybody tries to mess with my kids y’all see who’s the bad mother if anything I’m crazy over my kids and well protect them from anybody…
have met in Aquarius back in in school at the age of 15 s
l Lost contact with each other and she found me again a few years later and made love, lost ccontact again. The fifteen years later she finds me again. She has a kid now and we started talking and then dating. she doesn’t want to be in a serious and committed relationship but says she really cares for me and I’m very dear to her. started off talking I’ve been on the phone a lot we split up because something happen for 6 months she called me back and gave me another chance with her. now she doesn’t call or text as much as she did and said she’s busy ahead didn’t have time.but just want to let things just happen sex is great but we were two hours apart from each other when I’m with her we all on each other bunk when I’m not there I barely hear from her on the phone a text in the morning in the call at night. I’m a Capricorn man and really in love with her how do I handle this?
Hello, this is super new to me. I came upon this site and I’m very relieved that I’m not the only one who seeks for advice. So.. my birthday is on January 20th. Which means I am a Capriquarius, (Capricorn-Aquarius cusp). My personality traits are more of Aquarius. So I’ve met a Capricorn man from a online dating site. He approached me first and so I responded instantly. I thought he was very handsome, well put together, he has a great job. a lot of great things going for himself, he’s very ambitious. I, myself am a full time student in college pursuing a BA, so I’m also ambitious.
It’s sooo hard to understand if he’s really interested in me or not. On our first date we’ve met up at a park, we were supposed to go out for a jog (lol not what you’d call a typical date) but I didn’t mind it, plus I wanted to see him sweat!
The first date seemed to go well, he later text me right after he dropped me off and based on the texts he sent me he seemed physically and mentally attracted to me. He asked me out on a second date and that’s where things went from awesome to yikes!
We went out to a Bbq/bar place and had a beer, he wasn’t talkative at all, everything that came out of his mouth sound forced, also if seemed like he wasn’t thinking before he spoke, as if he was talking out of his ass. He kept shaking his left leg and that made me uncomfortable where I then started to shake my leg (I have add and anxiety disorder btw). He would stare at me constantly but I’m not so sure if he was checking me out or what! That made me even more nervous. I wish I knew what was going on in his mind. He began to be on his phone, and answer a few texts. I called him out on it because I thought that was rude so then he stopped lol We were only there for about an hour tops because he was complaining that he had work in the morning blah blah blah, he never once tried to kiss me or hug me at all, even at least in his car! I am very attracted to him and I thought he was to me, he would always talk about how he’s going to show me how much of a great kisser he is and talking all of this crap through texts, so I was like..okay.. we’ll see about that.
I don’t get it? I made lips extra juicier and he didn’t even seemed to notice. Usually when I go out on a date, guys can’t resist to make out with me.
Did something I did turned him off? Was he playing hard to get? Was he waiting or expecting me to kiss him? Is he shy? I mean come on! Despite of his weirdness at that BBq/Bar place I thought that he would still make an attempt to try to kiss me or something outside by the pier on our way to the car or in his car.
After he dropped me off, even his texts were weird, like it was sarcasm throughout the text messages so I stopped replying. I’m also the type of person that would ever vibe I get from the person I return the same vibe, so I was like wtf? I still really do like this guy because, he’s a bit mean, moodiness and I kind of like that! I could also be a bit mean and he would tell me that he can handle it. Also, he’s gorgeous and we seemed to vibe great.
So, what’s going on! I can’t stop thinking about him. His weird self!
Capricorn man here and was rejected by an aquarian female. So heres how it happens. One night on school campus alone with her after class we had some conversation going on and one topic she brought up that got me really fustrated. I have been trying to ask her out on a date but there has been bad timing and bad days. After asking her she wasn’t so surprise about it and she sees me only as a friend. Well thats okay for me beause i wad already prepared for the answer. But that wanst the case that got me hurt. She told me she was seeing this person that i know and had a hunch this whole time. She says that he has his own thing going and he offer her a marriage license that she’ll think about that opportunity in the future. So accepted my fate and died inside. I felt empty inside like i had no heart this whole time. I still say hi and talk to her on campus but i felt like im drifting away from her because i dont want to deal with the gut who has been rubbing it onto me when hes around her. He called me out made fun of me front of everyone in class. I know i can kick the dudes ass but we’re adults. The best i can do is try to stay focus improving myself further. But my days has been getting worst like as if god had given me another challenge. My friends and families are trying to convince me to stay friends with her and be there for her when she needs help. But I want to dissapear for good and forget all the times i spent with her as a good friend.
I am a true Aquarian woman. I have been talking to a true Capricorn man for about a month in a half. I am good friends with his sister and his mother has accepted me as part of the family. The family says I am his next girlfriend and some say I am his girlfriend. His sister says when he really likes someone he takes his time, but if he dint care he would just one night me and never call again. We haven’t went to the next level. We have had quite a few long nights sitting up talking sharing our own ideas and opinions of any subject that comes up. but, I don’t feel like I am his girl even though I do catch myself sometimes acting like I am, like when I cook at his sisters house, I make sure his plate is specially made the way he likes it, or if I see he needs something and if I can help I will offer it, even though he is reluctant in accepting my help and most of the time turns it down, I try not to feel rejected and view it as his ego/pride is what has him to tell me NO, but thank you. Every time we see each other we kiss and when we part we kiss but, don’t let me forget to kiss him , because HE will ask WHERE is my kiss. LOL but the attraction is tormenting, and we will flirt with each other a little, when I challenge his attempts with me, HE tells me to SLOW DOWN! ( what’s up with that? sister Aquarians?) please ask your Capricorn man for advice or insight, I am confused sometimes.. I do prioritize, by giving him his space, but also letting him know I am still here at the same time. I am more of a “if we are going to do this, then lets do this , but if were not, then let me know Now! and lets just be friends. I sometimes want to back off because I don’t want to get to close and feel I am sitting here for nothing, but the sex appeal is strong, I cant imagine what it would be like, if we ever get sexually involved. NEED INSIGHT PLEASE
I am an A woman in love with an Capricorn man…..have been seeing each other for the past two years and two years prior to that our communication was only through e-mail and phone, so we became pretty good friends before the intimacy kicked in. Details aside, sex is through the roof, I cant even begin to describe it…its simply mesmorising. I know that he loves me because if nothing else, that I can see and sense from his behavior when we are alone together or amongst other people. Nevertheless, I have noticed that he lies a lot so I have trust issues with him. He talks sweet and promises a lot of things but when its action time, he does nothing or the opposite of what he was saying earlier. And of course, he will argue back and come up with thousands of valid excuses but at the end of day, after a while, he has become so predictable that I am slowly but surely losing interest in him. I am extremely patient, tolerant, and forgiving and it definitely took me a while to distinguish BS from an honest excuse from my Capy man…………….most of the time, its just a BS that I know very soon I will just get tired of it. He wants things his way, when it suits him, if I confront him, he becomes very deffensive and sometimes rude….needless to say the following day is full of apologies and sweet talk but I do get tired of it sometimes, it just gets old. I know other capy men and one thing they all have in common is intentional mental games for their own amusement, little that they know, mental is where Aquarian woman lives and if the mental game is too tiring for her, she will eventually stop playing………..I do love this man to death and I know that he loves me, I have never loved another man this way, but as someone mentioned in one of the above postings, there is no point…..capricorn men do not like to take risks, they like sameness, routine, and if you are waiting on them to make a step towards your mutual existence together, you may be in for a loooooooooooooooong and exhausting mental challenge with an unknown outome. I am sure that every relationship of this match is very unique on its own, but there is one thing for sure – Capricorn men are very charming, sexual, and confident, but there is a devious and insecure side to them as well which can be a big turn off after a while.
Wow! I have been in a two & half years relationship with a Capricorn man, and I have experienced the same. I have grown very tired of the inconsistencies. I love him so very much but cannot continue with his mental games. Aquarius Women.
I’m curious how this relationship ends…
Can you update it?