North Node in 2nd House
Read about the North Node in 2nd House and then click the link at the end to take the test to see how well you understand this nodal placement.
Traditionally, the North Node in 2nd house, also known as the Dragon’s Head in the 2nd House, brings personal fortune, luck in business, and an accumulation of wealth. It might also portend a strong marriage, rich in love and intellectually stimulating. Dragon’s Tail in the 8th House is associated with abuse of the lower passions and perhaps the strange death of a partner or relative.
For those with North Node in 2nd House, this is a lifetime about personal possessions and resources. The universe will no longer support you in relying on other people’s money. Your destiny is to become self-sufficient with all that this entails: living within your means, taking care of your body, and developing endurance. As a general rule, shy away from credit and offers to use a partner’s resources. The finances of others may prove troublesome for you in this lifetime.
As you learn to live within your means, you may swing to extremes, alternating between frugality and extravagance. Perhaps you work hard to obtain a possession that is meaningful to you, but then give or gamble it away. You may resort to a sort of laziness, relying on luck to provide for you. Interestingly, the great communist theorist, Karl Marx, who proposed that all citizens of the nation should share equally in its wealth, had the North Node in 2nd house, as did Ho Chi Minh. Without commenting on the validity of communism as a legitimate economic model, suffice it to say that such thinking is not for you. Take your inspiration from Helen Keller, Benjamin Franklin, and Mohammed Ali, who all share the North Node in 2nd House nodal placement and strove diligently to become self-sufficient.
Past life experience has given you knowledge of the occult, for which you have a natural talent. You also have a sort of hangover preoccupation with sex. Be vigilant of your motivations, as well, for you are prone to acting on base motives which you may hide from even yourself. In fact, says astrologer Martin Schulman of someone with this placement, “While many may know him closely, none will know him well,” such is the depth of secrecy associated with the Eighth House, home to your South Node.
You come into this life with a strong connection to the dark side. Perhaps you feel you lived on the outskirts of society as a child. Maybe there were past lives of criminal behavior or misuse of occult knowledge. In this lifetime, your soul’s desire is to live a respectable life. You are here to develop a sense of those things that are truly important to you and to obtain them honorably.
Death is an important part of life for you, much more so than for most people. You may find in it, as you do in sex, a rejuvenating energy. In fact, this placement can bring posthumous fame. However, it is difficult for you to be completely conscious of your connection to this energy. In probing the values of others (which you do with an eye on establishing your own value system), you unconsciously lead them astray. You do not know it, but you undermine almost everything you touch. At worst, these natives are claim jumpers, with so little invested in themselves and with so little respect for others, that they claim what belongs to a friend, spouse, or other partner for themselves without even realizing it. They may also be subject to extreme moodiness, which is a way of undermining oneself. Develop self-respect and you will simultaneously learn to respect others. This will bring you emotional stability.
People with this placement may not have experienced privacy in their childhood. Circumstances in their early life left them feeling that they had nothing to call their own. The adult is preoccupied with financial security which s/he associates with harmony and peace. It is appropriate for you to be focused on material comforts in this lifetime, and you will find yourself fully engaged and passionate about life when you acknowledge your personal needs and go about meeting them with a patient, consistent, determination. Build a beautiful physical environment for yourself first, then share your security according to your values.
The bottom line is that with the North Node in 2nd House placement you must learn to manage your personal resources. Do not use all your energy on others. Earn what you need and spend less than you make. Build your physical strength. Eventually, you will establish the stability and security you so desperately desire.
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Recommended reading:
Karmic Astrology, vol. 1, Martin Schulman
Astrology for the Soul, Jan Spiller
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Thanks, Fiammata. 🙂
Lady, you help me so much with these words… now I can see the nature of unpleasant thing that i have had experienced all my life… suffering…helplessness…lots of daydreams. Now I’m start felling capable of doing something for me. I’m glad of met your page. God bless you ☼ S2 (please forgive my english, i’m foreing 😉 )
Thank you for the note 🙂
Thank you for taking the time to write, Luciana.
Hello Celestina,
I get this, wholly. I work as a personal coach and therapist, and started integrating an evolutionary astrological approach into my client work, with awesome results for breakthroughs. I researched Jung’s application of astrology in his own client work, and decided to experiment on myself. The outcome from that self-analysis/synthesis was both deeply humbling and enlightening.
With a 2nd House NN in Aquarius, conjunct Venus – also squaring Saturn, so the ‘skipped step’ resolves through honouring the intention to develop a consistent set of values through which to live within my means (and I haven’t always…) – I can relate this article to my own life experience.
“…you unconsciously lead them astray. You do not know it, but you undermine almost everything you touch…” Is this true of me? It makes me feel very shamed. How do I stop unconsciously leading people astray and undermining almost everything I touch? I mean…that’s making me cry. What is the way out?
Only you know if/when it’s true of you. My suggestion would be to take a step back emotionally, reflect, and be objective about your behavior. Perhaps there are times in your life when this has been true; perhaps in other cases it doesn’t apply at all. If it has been the case at times, my experience is that it would have only been in situations where people were drawing you in to do something they were unwilling to do themselves. In other words, you may have acted as an agent for their unconscious wishes for change.
If, after careful thought, you think there may be a part of you that undermines stability, you may find as the years go by that you bring this into consciousness and start to get more clear about your motives for things. There is a positive use for the energy when people are stuck or not growing, and you can use your great power for change for that.
I also have my north node in Gemini in 2nd house and I don’t really understand what it is referring to when it says “In probing the values of others (which you do with an eye on establishing your own value system), you unconsciously lead them astray. You do not know it, but you undermine almost everything you touch.”
I don’t know if it’s my mind “blocking” the meaning behind those words but I genuinely don’t understand what it means. Can somebody be kind enough to explain to me??
Each person would manifest this differently, and depending on what else you have going on in your chart, you might not do much of this at all. What it’s implying is that in challenging others’ beliefs you may end up doing damage to what they’ve built or you may distract them from achieving their goals or undermine them to the point they abandon or sabotage what they were working on. This would all be unconscious on your part, nothing done on purpose, something you might not even be aware you’re doing until you stop and reflect very carefully.
People may call you into their lives when they need just this sort of upheaval, but in this lifetime the higher use of your catalytic energy is to build something solid for yourself. Don’t worry too much about what others are up to 🙂 You might have a tendency to attract people who will suck you dry, so be careful of that, too.
My son has North Node in 2nd house, along with Saturn (less than 2 degrees apart) in Scorpio. He also has Pluto in the 4th in Capricorn and Sun and Moon (along with Mercury) in the 12th in Virgo. Sun and Moon less than a degree apart. He is only 2 years old and I am a nervous wreck. I cry every single day. All I see when I look at his birth chart is pain and suffering. I wish I never started learning about astrology… it has turned me into an anxious mess. I don’t even look forward to the future anymore. Please help me!
Thanks for visiting the page.
I’m not sure what part about his chart has you so sad, if any. It could be just something about the way his energy hits yours that has got you feeling this way. In that case, it will just take some getting used to, or maybe a reading with an astrologer looking at both charts could be insightful. Or could it be something you are processing about being a parent or mother, or some leftover feelings you’re processing from your own childhood, that have you so emotional? If what you’re describing is something that kicked in a few days after you gave birth and hasn’t let up, it could also be something more “real,” like post-partum depression.
I don’t know what your situation is, of course, but there’s nothing to be unhappy about in what you describe astrologically. North Node in the 2nd house is a nice placement. Saturn in Scorpio in the 2nd house may seem difficult, but a) Saturn has to be somewhere in the chart and b) there are actually much sadder Saturn placements in my opinion (people with Saturn in Cancer can lead lives of unbelievable pain, for example). Have you gone to the Saturn site and read about Saturn in Scorpio? ( There are no fixed stars implicated to indicate catastrophe in what you describe. There’s nothing in the via combusta to make me worry.
You say your little guy has Sun and Moon conjunct Mercury in the 12th in Virgo. That could be the mark of someone super sharp and also sensitive. How wonderful!
People with Moon in Virgo can be worriers, and children tend to feed off their moon sign. Another possibility is that you’re picking up and adjusting to some of his Virgo energy. If so, perhaps you can practice separating psychically and being the grounded and positive energy that balances his worry.
Astrology is only good to the extent it’s useful, and it’s not useful if it’s making you feel bad. If all else fails, maybe just lay off the astrology for a while and focus on those things you can do with him that are sheer fun. The years go by so fast! I don’t want you to worry so much you miss enjoying this time with your little one. So far as I can tell, there’s really nothing to warrant worry about his chart.
Thank you so much for your relpy. I’ve been learning astrology on my own by just watching videos/reading articles. These feelings I have of anxiety are from when I decided to research my son’s birth chart, back in July of this year. I’m kind of all over the place when it comes to learing… I use’s birth chart calculator and then watch either her videos or KRS on youtube. Lada is currently a western astrologer but I think she may be switching to vedic. KRS is vedic also. What concerns me is while doing research about my son’s Node placements, I read that it is one of the most difficult and involves a large amount of death and losing things (and people) who are the most valuable to him. I’ve also read that it can be a sign of sexual abuse (along with Pluto in the 4th). When I watch videos, sometimes their words are like swords (“lack of mother’s nourishment… your mother/father was ‘absent’ somehow…”) and it leaves me haunted by my little boy’s birth chart. I have SO much passion for astrology but I can’t get the darkness I see in my son’s chart out of my mind. 12th House is the House of the unseen/your undoing/where you put alot of energy. When I looked up Sun being there or Moon being there, people always talk about the native’s Mom/Dad being absent in some way… either death or emotionally unavailable or addiction… My husband and I have such a happy little family and our son’s birth chart has me scared beyond belief. I don’t want anything to change for the worse. I am so scared of the sudden events that my son’s South Node in the 8th House will bring. Do you do readings? If so, can you let me know how much it would be to take a look at our charts? Thank you for your time!
Hi, Angela.
To answer your question: I don’t do natal chart interpretations right now, but getting one from someone else you respect and trust may be a good idea if can alleviate your anxiety.
There are lots of happy, successful people out there with Sun and Moon in the 12th house, Saturn in Scorpio, and with Pluto in the 4th, too. Within each life there is happiness and pain, success and failure, loyalty and betrayal, loss and gain, love and death. When we talk in the symbolic language of astrology we use code to allude to things being weighted a bit more one way than another (here’s a person who might have more experience of betrayal than others, or who might feel loss more deeply), to describe the color and texture of someone else’s life experience, but it’s usually just a matter of degree and not kind. In other words, his life may not be so much different than yours in the grand scheme of things — in how much he loves and feels loved, in his disappointments and failures, in his joy and pain. It’s way too early to jump to conclusions anyway!
It may be prudent, if you really are worried about sexual abuse, or a proclivity to feel betrayal, to take some extra precautions along those lines (get a nanny cam for the babysitters, limit his time with strangers, be extra sensitive to his feelings, etc.), but I don’t think anything in a chart should warrant much more than that at this point.
You could also turn this on its head and take the exact opposite tack: take the attention away from your son’s chart and put it back on your own.
He is his own person, on his own path, and you’re here to assist him in that journey as best you can. That, of course, involves using all the tools at your disposal, like astrology. Perhaps you can learn some things from his chart that will help you help him in feeling good about himself, solving problems, steering away from trouble, being successful in his vocation, and forming loving relationships. In the end, though, he is his own person with is own destiny, and things will happen to him along the way that you can’t control. Nor can you control how he responds. You can go crazy thinking about that stuff, and it’s easy to lose the psychic boundary between yourself and your child (at least it is for most moms).
There will be so much that might worry you as he grows older. Now might be a good time to start developing your philosophy for handling that. Your own chart can help you focus on what kind of mother you want to be for him and what kind of relationship *you* would like to have. What will make this a fulfilling parenting experience for you? Knowing that may help you navigate this and also help you develop some parenting approaches you feel good about.
For example, what is your (and your husband’s) “policy” regarding worry and the things that *might* happen? Some people, for example, are very disciplined about just not worrying. Others decide to only worry about the things they can control. Some might say they use their instinct and feelings to pick and choose what they’re going to get worked up about. What about you? What works best for you?
I don’t mean to suggest you shouldn’t or can’t focus on your son’s needs. That’s part of being a mother. I only want to point out that it’s important to maintain a balance between his needs and yours. An imbalance of that can in and of itself make for some problems 🙂
I hope this is helpful in some way. As a mother myself, I know what it’s like to be worried about your son. I think that’s just a normal part of the parenting experience.
I have north node in second conjunct Saturn
and square venus. I also have sun and mercury in twelfth house and pluto in fourth. I never suffered sexual abuse but had an abusive older brother and father in the home (regular physical violence, but very mild, more like aggressive play) and had no room to myself until i got older. Second house NN has caused me hardship financially as i have to work harder, but my genetics has made it worse. My upbringing was ok, and my health is good, its my lack of energy and drive that hurts me. But I’ve again seen many others with similar aspects, some born on the same day who have lived different lives. It comes down to how they feel inside, deep inside and their overall skills of life. These can be acquired.
Also, your son’s mercury is at home or exalted in virgo. That’s a great blessing.
Also consider all the people with twelfth house planets who succeeded, like presidents (Obama) and actors, without much suffering beyond the normal. Bill Gates has a fully stacked fourth house with saturn in Scorpio. This is where genetics must be included, as well as upbringing. Ive met people with tremendous birth charts who lived mediocre lives due to plain mediocrity and error.
Another thing to consider is once energy gets to a tipping point, it becomes normalized within the self. The problem
may not be too much scorpio and twelfth house, but other things that conflict or get in the way of those. A life of too much inner conflict is worse than a darkness in the self that has become calm and normalized and peaceful and seems to be not a problem at all, even turned beneficial.
Again, another thing to consider again is to remember genetics and upbringing. A wide range of people have these aspects who lead completely different lives. Astrology is not that exact. I’ve found that it simply isn’t, these aspects are general and different types of people have them.
I use astrology as an adjunct to natural human behaviors, genetics, upbringing, etc.
I’ve found that astrology is more of a blanket type description that cannot condemn anyone by aspect, but only mildly
affects them in some way, but its different
each time.
STOP WORRYING! Lead your son to a better way of the self through skills and self knowledge.
Also, try thinking not in terms of astrology for awhile. It won’t determine who he is.
Thank you so much for your relpy. I’ve been learning astrology on my own by just watching videos/reading articles. These feelings I have of anxiety are from when I decided to research my son’s birth chart, back in July of this year. I’m kind of all over the place when it comes to learing… I use’s birth chart calculator and then watch either her videos or KRS on youtube. Lada is currently a western astrologer but I think she may be switching to vedic. KRS is vedic also. What concerns me is while doing research about my son’s Node placements, I read that it is one of the most difficult and involves a large amount of death and losing things (and people) who are the most valuable to him. I’ve also read that it can be a sign of sexual abuse (along with Pluto in the 4th). When I watch videos, sometimes their words are like swords (“lack of mother’s nourishment… your mother/father was ‘absent’ somehow…”) and it leaves me haunted by my little boy’s birth chart. I have SO much passion for astrology but I can’t get the darkness I see in my son’s chart out of my mind. 12th House is the House of the unseen/your undoing/where you put alot of energy. When I looked up Sun being there or Moon being there, people always talk about the native’s Mom/Dad being absent in some way… either death or emotionally unavailable or addiction… My husband and I have such a happy little family and our son’s birth chart has me scared beyond belief. I don’t want anything to change for the worse. I am so scared of the sudden events that my son’s South Node in the 8th House will bring. Do you do readings? If so, can you let me know how much it would be to take a look at our charts? Thank you for your time!
Do not be scared. Please, try to find a good astrologer to teach you. I have moon in 12th and my mom has been a good mother. My moon has good aspects and I am very intuitive and artistic. Astrology should not be a sentence of bad things going to happen. We all have freedom of choice and could manifest a higher octave of the planets and their positions in our chart. If you raise your son with good values and love, and teach him to make good choices, you probably should not worry. The eighth house is transmutation and renewal as well as inheritances. Best of luck
Thank you for adding that. I think transmutation is a key concept for the 8th house.
Sylvia I think you are mis-reading or mis-understanding the South Node.
This is a negative view. I do not agree that necessarily a person with the south node in the 8th has to be that negative. There are evolved people with certain aspects that express their more elevated and positive side if things
What you are missing is that the South Node is in General the negative aspect of this placement, compared to the North Node which is positive, and what we should be striving for.
I’m reading your comments from last fall and really feel for you…it’s so common to buy into helplessness (even terror) when first learning astro. I invite you NOT to live your life by it, cringing at every perceived negative inferred by the upcoming transits, etc. Instead, surround yourself with positive, metaphysical folks and find a good mentor if not a teacher who can discuss things with you. I think it would be a lovely concept to have an astro self-help/therapy group–not where members try to one-up each other with who has the worst natal charts (!!), but one with a wise therapist who also knows astrology. Everyone could discuss mundane events; personal crises, and the like, all to learn about themselves (also astrology) and how to cope in the world. Also, could you also have a wee bit of postpartum depression? I invite you to call a resource and referral group that has lists of social workers licensed to practice therapy. I prefer them because I am one, but also, I became one because of the emphasis on helping people fit into their environment — rather than labeling THEM as “sick.” Anyhoo, astro has helped me understand why a lot of evil occurs, and because of that, I allowed myself to trust in God (or Goddess/Higher Power/whatever works for you–I don’t judge).
I’m not going to comment on any part of your son’s chart, because the whole of it must be taken into account. Never forget that.
I did the same as you, looking at my son’s chart when he was an infant. I’m still learning and still looking…that’s all I’ll admit to for now, lol!
But I do use astro regularly, mainly to try and understand the outer and inner worlds (and people’s motivations!!). It has been a rich resource. In astro, as with anything else — whether religious doctrines/educational courses/news reports/medical diagnoses/political systems — glean through the dogma and determine what works for you. Don’t let ANYONE or ANYTHING undermine your own power to make your own decisions. I wish you the best.
I have searched a lot about North Node in 2nd house but until now I still didn’t get a satisfied answer for myself. I always wonder maybe because my North Node is in Pisces, I never care about the possession of others. Yes somehow I’m lazy but surely everyone has times like that. Yes I prefer a easier way to earn money but almost everyone does. I inherit some money from my mother but I also have a job on my own. I guess my AC Capricorn and my Sun sign Taurus both trine with North Node also take a big role to make my lesson easier to learn.
“What it’s implying is that in challenging others’ beliefs you may end up doing damage to what they’ve built”
This one is better for me to understand. Me as a South Node Virgo, always used to try fixing other’s thoughts, try to turn them to a better way. But I have given up to follow my North Node Pisces. I start to learn to forgive myself, and forgive others. It’s pretty hard. Sometimes it ended up that I forgot but not forgive.
As my North Node in 2nd house is Pisces, I think my money is spend for charity and art the most.
I have the same placements that you have mentioned, here! Taurus Sun, Ascendant Capricorn, and 2nd house Pisces north node! Holy Moly!
I, myself find this placement to be so confusing, and at times, contradictory. I understand that this incarnation of mine is about balancing the physical with the spiritual, but sometimes, I find this easier said than done. I can see how these placements can be very harmonious… I gues I am thankful for such a placement, in the end. Its been a fun learning experience, so far.
I also have Cap. asc and taurus sun..creepy!
I have been a student of Astrology since 1962. I appreciate your ability to break down the 2nd to 8th house Nodes, I learned quite a bit about myself and understand better why I couldn’t see this stuff (8th house SN) before. I must say that I wish you had phrased the sentence ending, “You do not know it, but you undermine almost everything you touch.”, differently. To think that I undermine almost everything I touch makes me want to not touch anything for fear of destroying it all.
Thank you for taking the time to write. Other people have mentioned that, as well, and I have put some thought into how to rephrase that, but I haven’t come up with any better words yet. Please don’t be afraid to “touch” things! You have incredibly powerful energy at your disposal which may be needed somewhere — to upset an unjust status quo, uproot a decayed structure, or overturn a stable but negative order. Your ability to undermine is a gift. Just use it consciously! And of course you have the potential to create, too: children, art, businesses, gardens, and more. The life force is in no way diminished by your ability to channel darker energy, especially as you grow in your ability to direct it wisely.
I’d like to contribute to this if I may. I’ve had 2 people close to me and my family who had north node in 2nd. Both caused damage to relationships which in 3 lives was never healed before they died.
This statement, in my life experience having them near but not directly influencing me per se, has been exactly right:-
“What it’s implying is that in challenging others’ beliefs you may end up doing damage to what they’ve built or you may distract them from achieving their goals or undermine them to the point they abandon or sabotage what they were working on.”
Please, if you have north node in 2nd, think before you speak, always practice sober second thought, respect boundaries and relationships of others – especially families not your own – and BE CAREFUL.
My north node is in 12th. I have worked *extremely hard* on myself throughout my life. I sadly know this to be true and appreciate this site stating it clearly, though I understand it’s painful. Believe me, it’s more painful to experience the damage inflicted from someone else not respecting others right to live per their own soul process.
I have difficult aspects too and know it hurts to learn things like this. But this one – really really important. Thank you for reading.
I think that to say you ‘undermine almost everything you touch’, is a horrific broad-sweeping statement for a general post-you don’t have everyone’s chart. There may be many other ameliorating/tempering factors at play in any chart with this placement.It is really the ‘almost everything’ that is really damning and brutally, negatively fatalistic. Nevertheless, you should qualify what you mean by ‘undermining’ does this mean sabotage? If so, why? Another nebulous, but nonetheless nasty claim: “In probing the values of others (which you do with an eye on establishing your own value system), you unconsciously lead them astray.” What do you mean by ‘probing’ in this context, it’s an odd word to use. How does one ‘probe’ the values of others? Then ‘lead them astray’ in what sense astray?In their beliefs, in their understanding of yours… what?
I wouldn’t take anything as a personal indictment. In trying to illustrate the dynamic at play in any placement, it’s necessary to generalize. Of course, that doesn’t mean anyone who has the placement must internalize the statements if they don’t ring true. I think that’s true for any astrological interpretation since we have to give them without context, whether good or bad. To respond to your concerns: “Sabotage” implies a consciousness of intent which is the opposite of what this placement is known for. It’s the *unconscious* tendency to jump others’ claims, pull out at crucial times, or otherwise merge energy inappropriately that marks the placement. I think an example of probing others is cross-examining them about their values or testing them with hypotheticals or even actual scenarios.
HI are you still active here cause ive alot to say hope i get response first from you then ill be able to express mysefl more freeliy
Good stuff, thank you. Have used astrology for over 20 years to understand myself, and my relationships.
I do remember apparent recent past lives as a child victim of sexual abuse in the home. I also had a recall that involved a sense of having a lifetime/lifetimes of “no privacy,” as you suggest. …I have spent many years healing past lives and apparent karmic patterns. Now I feel finally I am free to focus on the future.
I already acknowledge the value in the 2nd house NNode goal of striving for material accomplishment. Your interpretation adds new dimension to my awareness. …I feel I do get what you mean, by the power we have to unconsciously undermine others’ goals, with that old Scorpionic power. I find it is best to just stay focused on my own material goals, and try not to give opinions about others’ goals. The self-confidence to be gained in achieving that material independence you speak of, in learning the north node lesson, will then give us some worthwhile knowledge to share.
Moon is also in 8th, in Cancer. Have had very big lifelong challenge with menstrual cycle, emotionally. I have never thought to also look at this nodal position as relating to moods, as well.
Yes–I would agree to preoccupation with sex! Not actually GETTING any, though!(I do see this supported by other parts of my chart, too.) I need to remember that my North Node is drawing me away from extreme fixation on that, and that ultimate satisfaction is in fulfilling the pull of the North Node goals.
Thanks again.
I agree completely with what you said about undermining everything I touch. I’m so critical and analytical, virgo, that whenever someone is doing anything even if it’s just creating something original I feel the need to analyze, criticize and let them know how they can do it better Nd what can be better. And I hate it but it is me. I analyze everything. I am 22 years old and up until just a month ago I thought I lived my life by putting myself in the other person’s shoes and trying to feel how they would in any given situation. But I don’t, I literally put myself in their shoes ND think how I would in their situation and because of that I lost the man I love. Funny because I think he was always there. His North node is in scorpio as well. Not sure what house because I forgot what time he was born but what does having the same north and south nodes mean??? In a romantic relationship..
what the hell, same thing. 22 years old, virgo rising, i always think i put myself in other people’s shoes but i don’t. i’m too selfish and self absorbed.
Virgo rising here. The same situation. I always say: “Oh my God, i’m too good for this world. I always think in others and i always try the best for they” but the truth is that i’m just a selfish guy.
can i ask what year will pisces north node be available to those of it?
Dear Celestina, thank you very much for this explanation. Somewhere it is true and somewhere it can be or not, or maybe it should be or not. Anyway, as someone who has north node in the 2nd house and in Capricorn there are some things which are pretty much as you wrote they are, as it is in this part “You may also be subject to extreme moodiness, which is a way of undermining yourself. Develop self-respect and you will simultaneously learn to respect others. This will bring you emotional stability.” and in this ““While many may know him closely, none will know him well,””. As someone who is Pisces/Sagittarius with Moon in Virgo and North Node in the 2nd house and in Capricorn, I am very skeptic when I have to decide what to do and in my tries when I want something to do, and mostly have less of self-confidence. Also, I am not someone who will spend too much and very well know how deep my pocket is. Even if I have for something in my pocket, if I am not sure if I will have it for tomorrow I won’t take a risk and spend that what I have at that moment. I’ve done many horoscopes and never for the money, because I see myself as one amateur, and by studying mine horoscope, have to say this, for how much horoscopes I’ve hit the right forecasts in the right date for some happenings, that much and more I didn’t see anything in mine. So, if you have something to add to description of this case, I will be much obliged to read it. Thanks! 🙂
I’m sorry. Maybe I’m tired of all the references people give about “self-esteem”, but I do not “undermine everything” I touch. If I ever have a problem with someone, it is usually because they are annoying me or doing something that could bring harm to me and mine. I don’t have a self-esteem problem and I do not believe that every time someone has a problem in or with society it is related to self-esteem or even psychology, for that matter. I just needed to get that off my chest. I don’t know. Maybe it’s my 2nd house north node in Aquarius.
I agree. Even despite my tough childhood i never had a self esteem problem. A lot of this interpretation is utter rubbish
I am so confused by this new information. I recently delved into my north node and what it means… and… well, at first it all made sense being that my North Node is IN PISCES and my Sun sign is Pisces and I felt I had already been going towards my true North Node purpose… away from Virgo and into Pisces energy which focuses on the inner-self and spiritual awakening.. but THEN I discovered that my North Node is ALSO in the 2nd house which utterly and completely contradicts everything I had just previously learned about North Node in PISCES. what gives? so, am I disregard the spiritual realm, take absolutely no monetary help (I am a student for God’s sake), and work myself to death in order to restore some past karma? when, in fact, my Pisces North Node tells me that I should disregard the physical/material realm which is the total and complete opposite of the 2nd house life purpose. evidently, my Virgo aspired past life had me far too deeply involved in materialism, facts, and perfectionism? I am SO CONFUSED! anyone else have North Node in Pisces 2nd house? it made me so depressed as at the moment I have very little ability to work for a livable wage because I have focused much of my life on academia (very little skills in basic min. wage work) … which I hope will eventually bring about financial stability but it just won’t happen anytime soon, but living with a spouse who works and I go to school, but apparently this is bad karma? it’s so discouraging and I feel like there are conflicting ideologies here.
Does this man I shouldn’t or can’t have intimate or established relationships?
What if your north node is in the second house but in the sign of Scorpio? (the opposing sign to the ruler of the 2nd house ie. Taurus). Should we focus on the Scorpio reading or the 2nd house reading which seems to be the opposite? This is quite confusing for those of us born with such a natal north node house placement.
Came across this thread when trying to rationalise my own North Node in Scorpio/South Node in Taurus with North Node in the 2nd House when both general explanations tend to contradict each other. It’s interesting that no one (experienced astrologer or not) has commented so far on such a situation…can anyone throw some light on this please as I’m sure it would help many others with similar configurations.
This description of 2nd house true node is spot on with my ‘progressed true node.
The following is interesting as it pertains to me personally:
“In probing the values of others (which you do with an eye on establishing your own value system), you unconsciously lead them astray. You do not know it, but you undermine almost everything you touch.” though I have noticed opportunities to ‘undermine and lead astray’ which have manifested in revengeful thoughts that I have entertained but successfully refrain from acting out, this might explained why most of the corporations and smaller companies I have worked for have gone out of business…. not by my doing (my power is not that great) but coincidently, by being hired within the last 2-3 years of each companies’ collapse, (a not so impressive on my business resume/CV)… and,
“At worst, these natives are claim jumpers, with so little invested in themselves and with so little respect for others, that they claim what belongs to a friend, spouse, or other partner for themselves without even realizing it.” this statement manifests in my life as, ‘the overly enthusiastic friend,’ for example, I have to firmly tell myself (repeatedly), ‘this is not your home’ and stop myself from re-arranging a friend’s home if I feel they have not placed their furnisher appropriately.
I’ve studied astrology for decades now as a means to understand myself and others in my life. I’m glad I stumbled on this site, in my quest to learn more about Nodes.
With my natal Sun, Mercury and Mars in Gemini 8th house with my Scorpio Rising and Moon, I do feel like I have x-ray vision and or hyper hearing abilities into other’s thoughts and behaviors, which makes casual acquaintances uneasy.
Interesting take, I love the detail and you’re helping me understand my chart a bit more.
I have a capricorn 2nd house north node, along with my venus, Uranus,, and mars placed in my second house. I’ve had self-esteem issues, I still have issues balancing my Masculine and feminine energy- I think this is the struggle of Capricorn(masculine) north node-Cancer(Feminine energy).
I struggle with not honoring my feminine energy, I tend to let others take advantage, I used to be susceptible to energy vampires, people would read my low self-esteem and they’re able to take advantage. But my scorpio moon and rising have me eventually snapping and they get scared and never speak to me again.
It must be the current transits of Saturn-Jupiter in Capricorn that’s making me more aware of this energy. In this lifetime, I truly believe I was meant to understand self-care and hard work, along with balancing my masculine and feminine. My Sun-conjunct-Saturn, supports this masculine energy to work hard, sometimes too hard at times, while my Moon-conjunct pluto in the 1st house has me going through sometimes a turmoil of trying to balance my emotional energy. I was always told I was a sensitive child who cared what others think. Maybe it’s time to understand the reason and value in why I work so hard at times, is it for others or should it be for more for myself? That way, when I put myself first, and find a job I can enjoy and work hard towards leadership (Capricorn north node, and Sun conjunt Saturn supports being a boss) I can service others through a true, pure place. The times where I was a manager I enjoyed taking care of my employees.
Sidenote-I’m a democratic socialist- I wholeheartedly agree with some of Karl Marx beliefs in community building, we live in a capitalist society that’s driven us to rip each other apart and does not help with the growth of our future generation. Must be my strong 3rd house, Aquarius rebel talking :).
The north node is now in saggitarius. In my birth chart my north node is also in saggitarius. What does this mean?
Hi! Can we use other people’s resources (for example, our husband’s) if we earn our own money and are financially independent of anyone, or is it strictly prohibited?
Hi, Tatyana. Thank you for visiting. I don’t think it is necessary — or even possible — to be an island of resources, especially if you’re married, since by definition spouses share and share alike. However, my suggestion is to be as vigilant as possible about boundaries. The danger is that you start to forget the difference between what is yours and what is someone else’s. As long as you’re clear on that, I think whatever arrangement you have with your spouse could work. Maybe you could each have your own bank account and then set up a joint account to which you each contribute from your own, or something like that. How has your current arrangement been working for you?
I would use the same principle for any partnership. If you go into business with someone else, for example, resist the urge to merge resources entirely. Be clear on what each person contributes and will take. I think that’s best for this placement.