North Node in 7th House
The North Node in 7th House is also known as Dragon’s Head in the Seventh House and Dragon’s Tail in the First House.
The traditional interpretation of North Node in 7th House is good luck in marriage and partnership. It also means an important role for nieces, nephews, and children (especially the second child). Conversely, it can also signify a troubled early life.
Marriage and partnership may not have been comfortable for you at first. Lifetimes of individual achievement and independence make it more natural for you to go it alone and value your unique identity. You may be divorced or separated. Perhaps you have never married, because of your tendency to remain apart. However, as reluctant as you may be or have been to commit to another, marriage and partnership are part of your spiritual journey. You are here in this lifetime to learn to give with the whole heart, asking nothing of others in return. If you have not been successful in your relationships, most likely you were falling back on the old habit of trying to just get by. You may have most likely not been doing the minimum to keep a partner around. Put the needs of others first and you will be amazed at how the universe supports you.
You had many incarnations as a loner. You came into this world with a pioneer spirit. This may be seen by others as a sense of embattlement. Some will perceive you as disloyal since you are so reluctant to invest in your relationships. However, as you grow in your spiritual development, you will find within yourself an amazing ability to give self-confidence to others. Martin Schulman attributes to natives with North Node in the 7th House an ability to “give others the will where there was none” and to make them aware of their own self-worth.
You may wonder how to begin your journey of putting others first. It starts with developing the habit of detaching from yourself and recognizing the egoistic ways of your past (either previous lifetimes or childhood). You will soon learn the rewards of focusing your energy on someone other than yourself. As you take the emphasis off you and put it on the other, the habits of kindness and understanding will develop naturally. These behaviors will help you formulate appropriate goals for your relationships. Donna van Toen sees as the major issue for natives with the North Node in 7th House: “This person is torn between involvement at any cost and preservation of his or her highly comfortable image of self as a good or beautiful person.”
The core issue for you is the right balance between self and others. As you reach for your North Node, strive to be sure that every arrangement is a win-win. Both sides should benefit from any bargain. Check your tendency to assert yourself at all times.
Famous people who share the North Node in 7th House placement are Malcolm X, Barack Obama, the current Dalai Lama, Jackie Kennedy, and Woodrow Wilson. All of these luminaries are known for their autonomy, but also a great deal of charm.
Permanent relationships require tact, diplomacy, strategy, and above all fair dealing. Obligations, limitations, and even boredom are part and parcel of long-term commitments to others. However, as you compromise and cooperate with partners you will find that your investment is more than returned. Most partners look for reciprocity. You will find much more than that with your North Node in 7th House.
[1] Martin Schulman even suggests that individuals with the North Node in 7th House placement are so out of harmony with the universe that they may develop some sort of chronic ailment that allows them to take sympathy from others.
Recommended reading:
Karmic Astrology, vol. 1, Martin Schulman
Astrology for the Soul, Jan Spiller
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This interpretation is very accurate! Great insight and very soulful!!!
Ok I’m confused… I have 7th house in Aries and NN Aries. I don’t know what it is but I’m pretty selfish and lately I’ve been trying to be selfless without thinking too much about it. The thing that shocked me and gave me chills was what you said about me giving other people confidence. My friend has said that and i believe it too. The other things that you predicted actually happened this year… Its creepy.. But my question is… Aries in NN is telling me to be more selfish but NN in the 7th house tells the exact opposite like what the heck?!!
Agree with your last line! In the same dilemma.
Dear, Why o Why did the man I love so dearly is afraid to reach for me. My North node is in the sign of Libra and situated in my seventh house.
Virgo is the sign of my seventh house where Venus and Neptunes are situated. My Sun is in Scorpio, my asc. Is PISCES.
IT hurts, iT is painfull, But I do understanding This Aries man. He has been married several time (4 times). Something inside of me tells me that he is my soul mate.
I have to move forward, But iT hurts.
I can relate and it really is heartbreaking
What??? I am so confused of my north node that I loose interest in achieving it cause I don’t even know how or where to start anymore. I have Aries in 7th house so it really contradicts everything. Reading north node Aries talks about being comfort alone and avoid giving too much, while 7the house says the contrary. Any suggestions?
Same here, NN in Aries in 7th house. I’m scared of intimate relationships, doing everything by myself. I sit quietly in my home dreaming about having a girl and living together but when there’s a chance and someone wants to know me closer I run away or act like I’m not interesed. I’m stuck but besides this planetary position I also have sun, mars, venus and mercury in 12th house in Leo. Sometimes life sucks and you can do nothing about it…
I also have Leo sun mars mercury and Lilith in the 12th house
Yes it’s pretty confusing and thought of just leaving the chaotic Situation the way it is. But I’m a Libra/Aries for a reason so leaving wasn’t really an option for me 🙂
I had My saturn return when I Wrote here a year Ago. Now Im feeling relief, accepting and knowing my fears and insecurities is helping me gain social confidence better than ever before. By that time, I was totally confused understanding my tropical NN so I tried the sidereal astrology. I have NN in Pisces in sidereal. Combining the two birthcharts helped me find my inner Peace slowly But happily. Maybe it Will interest You too. Anybody willing to share with me Astrology chats or experiences is welcome. [email protected]
Merry christmas and Happy 2018 everyone.
Yes it’s pretty confusing and thought of just leaving the chaotic Situation the way it is. But I’m a Libra/Aries for a reason so leaving wasn’t really an option for me 🙂
I had My saturn return when I Wrote here a year Ago. Now Im feeling relief, accepting and knowing my fears and insecurities is helping me gain social confidence better than ever before. By that time, I was totally confused understanding my tropical NN so I tried the sidereal astrology. I have NN in Pisces in sidereal. Combining the two birthcharts helped me find my inner Peace slowly But happily. Maybe it Will interest You too. Anybody willing to share with me Astrology chats or experiences is welcome. [email protected]
Merry christmas and Happy 2018 everyone.
I’m a NN Aries 7thhouse as well and from what I have learned is that we need to remain true to ourselves in relationships. Also possibly be the leader of the group – rather than go at it alone.
Very accurate to me I have Libra in the 7 house and it is a double giving win win situation
— Namaste — thank you so much
I know many people above 35 years old with North Node in 7th H including me (although I am still young).. nine of them had any rrlationship.. Skme are like 50 years old and never had been in a relationship let alone marriage.. I feel like the South Node always wins.. I understand the reason myself.. I do nit know why I should be in a relationship.. I do not need another person as a burden.. I am a woman why have someone else to cook for to wash his clothes why do everything twice? I am the loser here.. I mean who wants to just give and take nothing in return? No one.. As a wokan I feel very unlucky in comparison to men.. If I was a man I wouldn’t mind being in a relationship nor having children because everything would be taken care of by the woman I would be with.. As a man even with kids if you are bored you just end it up and you are free again.. the woman though will remain alone and old doing everything by herself.. What a ruined life.. Poor women..
You have a very sound (intellectual, dare I say) comprehension of pacts that humans make with each other on a daily basis. As You’ve probably worked everything out for Your own universe, You are ready to ally with another one, also sound and balanced. There are fusions that release otherworldly energies, open up new realities, far beyond domestic chords.
I am really not able to find a reason why I should be in a relationship since I don’t want kids. Let alone the cheating that comed at some point.
I even like being alone in fact more than I like being in a relationship. Relationships get quickly boring for me. I am being useful to society since I work and even the fact that I don’t want kids is making me useful to society since there are already a lot of people on earth. Maybe it has something to do with my North Node being in Capricorn in 7th H. 7th H is not only about marriage and relationships, it also has to do with friends and any kind of close partner.. I am doing really well with both of them. 🙂
Is that really how you feel? Well, I am a male with the northnode in the 7th house.
I guess it’s true about the shitty relationships in the beginning. But with that said, do you really think you have it tough just because you’re a woman? I really feel sorry for you, mostly for how you feel. How it’s so bad to give.
As said, I’m male and apparently have it “easy” as you say. I am married, but my wife doesn’t live with me yet. Working hard on getting her with me, since she lives in another country. But no, I don’t need her with me to cook and wash and that sort of thing. Though I am sure she will when we live together, and I know she’ll be happy and proud to do so.
As for me, I will be her proud husband and work and bring in the money into the household. To take care of my wife and provide for us so we have food to eat, a roof over our heads and clothes to wear.
That said, it’s not just a matter of one giving and the other taking so much. As it is however you want to divide the roles you both have in a household.
From a male perspective following your logic. I would say, well if I wasn’t married. Sure I’d have to cook and clean and do my own laundry. But then you don’t have anyone else to take care of who would “take” your money. So I guess your logic applies to both sides, regardless of gender.
I just feel sorry for you feeling the way you did. But everyone is free to choose their own path, and choose their own way to live.
Kenny really??
On what planet do you live? Maybe you are too young/romantic/deluded or simply being a man is enough to explain it.. I am so sorry for your woman. She will be for herself too in a few years.
I’ve known so many women in my life and NOT EVEN ONE OF THEM FELT HAPPY TO COOK AND CLEAN for their husbands and kids. The advice all women give me is “don’t ever make the mistake to depend on a man”.
You just have to work and you are complaining about your life being difficult. It is so selfish of you and it shows how most men don’t have any idea and they don’t even give a sh*t to try and understand a woman’s side. That is partially women’s fault since they feel obligated to appear like they can handle all this boring opressive stuff because that is how society wants them to be.
Imagine yourself spending all the rest of your life mainly at home, spending at least 3 hours, to cook, get the table ready, then wash the disgusting dishes, cleaning, taking care of yourself, your man and your child.. who will wake you up at night, who will want so many expenses for this and that.. who will be crying and nagging giving yoy headaches unless you leave it with a tablet in front of it watching cartoons, just for your husband to come in the evening and be proud of you? Ahahahahahahahh that gave me a hard laugh man (seriously thanks for that) but I am not that stupid. It feels more like you will be proud for having a free servant imo. Who would even say no to that? Not a single one. I would prefer to be a cleaning lady and get paid instead of a man being proud of me. I’ve seen people getting a job in order to pay someone else to do daily house chores but I’ve never seen someone leaving her job to do the housework (unless they are obligated to do so because they get pregnant and stuff).
Having a job is a blessing..
I know so many mothers feeling secretely happy to go to work in order to save themselves from taking care of their child. Go to forums and you will see thpusands of comments of women who love their children but they wish the hadn’t done them and that forum is a relief from them sonce they can not share it with a real person because they are afraid what others think of them as they are supposed to be happy spending their life in a home that now resembles a prison and a child to take care of 24/7.
They feel guilty for being absolutely normal..
Job is freedom and indipendence..
I’ve been working for the last 8 years since I am young.. and it is the best thing that has happened in my life. Why put a burden on my shoulders just to have to clean twice, spend twice on food and other things?
Men need a mother for themselves, a mother for their children, a friend who understands and supports them and a sex buddy.. while all they can give is sex.. Well I can live without sex for the rest of my life but take my freedom away and I am worse than being dead.
I am a woman, and I hate working. I hate having to leave the house to battle the world every day. I would love to marry and cook/clean for my family. Being able to stay home and raise kids would be a blessing! I have no desire for friends or contacts outside my family. Everyone is different.
WOW. You come across as very toxic. You clearly don’t understand that there is give and take in HEALTHY relationships – the key word being HEALTHY. The man in my life gives a lot more to me than sex. He also cooks and cleans, helps me out with home improvement projects, supports me in my hobbies and acts as a sounding board when I run into problems. He’s a true partner in every sense of the word and I know other woman that feel the same way about their male relationships.
I already work, clean and have food clothes and a roof for myself plis extra money to spend them.however I want. I don’t understand why is so difficult to do all of them for yourself. But I find it extremely difficult to do it for another person. If you can’t even do the basics for yourself how are you even expecting to be able to provide it for both of you and another person?
You’re missing the lesson of the NN in your 7th house! Not all men cheat, just like not all men want to get married and have children. Not all men expect you to to serve them on hand and foot at all times. Give yourself fully and expect nothing in return. This will help you heal, and in turn help others heal. And stop listening to others people’s opinions of their lives and marriage and kids…that’s THEIR life, not yours!
NN in 7th house is about learning to be selfless, not selfish, and based on what you’ve expressed here, you have a long way to go. The only way to do that is in relationship with others. Without it, you’ll doubtless never reach your full potential for your souls purpose in being here, but I wish you good fortune in your future.
dear reader!!! you are obviously blinded by privilege. You have no idea what it is to be a woman . or at least seen as one. Im trans and I can tell you I have lived as female most of my life then I transitioned and currently being perceived as a man and I got to tell you , you boys have it EASY!!!! make your future daughters, you mother , your sister, a better world by realizing the reality women have been living for eons.
Erin I am happy for you since what you want is what most men want. Just be careful because at some point after a few years your husband may make it a huge deal even if you ask for a few dollars to but clothing for yourself as if you don’t deserve it and acts like money is his and you’re doing nothing. It always starts good but ends up bad, plus with all the cheating that’s happening if he decides to leave you are lost (that is if you have children of course, otherwise you can find a job unless you are too old). Just be careful it’s a friendly advice.
Liz and Michelle,
theoritically I understand almost everything but I believe only what I see applying in reality that’s the difference. I don’t listen to others’ opinions I just see the facts. There is a reason that I know so many people and something definately is wrong since all give the same advice and have same problems. You have to learn from others so that you avoid as many mistakes as possible for yourself. Let’s say I know about 200 hundreds of couples and the ones that haven’t divorced are cheating but women stay because they have kids and they can not find a work at their age or because kids are too young to be left alone. I know that “not all” I just haven’t seen it yet not even once in my life even though I’ve seen a lot. Aside from the practical part that no one can really convince me that it’s better to live woth someone else because I am the happiest I’ve ever been being free, handling everything exactly as I want and having to take care only of myself. But since I don’t want children and marriage I don’t see the point of a relationship, at all. It has also to do eith the fact that I had quite many male friends (not all close ones of course) but I saw how they nice they treated their girlfriends on their face while I was the one knowing what hypocrites and what motives they had to do it, I find most women to be very gullible especially when it comes to men. That’s why they don’t learn from others and they think tgat they are the ones to be lucky/in a different situation etc etc.
Just stating my point of view I’m not trying to say that I am the one being correct and you being wrong, nor trying to change your opinion by any means.
*** Michelle I’m happy for you too I hope your relationship and your man’s good behavior lasts. Wish you the best
very interested what you’re saying. I was fantasizing when I was a teen howbnice it would be for women to turn into men (magically) and men into women fornlike 10 or more years. Men will never understand hownspoiled they are and how easy they have it compared to women
reading the responses to your comment, and more of your inputs, i see where you are coming from. BUT (you saw this coming i know) it sounds a lot like you’re views are stemming from personal experiences and what you’ve observed in your environments growing up. like me, there were probably lots of failed or complicated situations to relationships regarding close friends and/or family members that misconstrued your view of relationships and love. i feel the same way to an extent. but i could be wrong about you! i believe there should be equal participation in (any form of) relationships. you just have to be open up to the possibility of hope, and not be afraid to be honest if you feel a relationship is one-sided! you don’t have to be what society wants you to be, or what you think a man wants you to be. BE YOURSELF. if a man/woman cannot handle you, i am sure there is someone who will love you and bow down to your every beck and call. haha. if you ever want to talk more about this (i am ALL ears) all my information is here.
best wishes,
nicole – a NN/capricorn/7h placement 🙂
I’m curious the implications of a Aries North Node in the 7th house would be. Seems like it’s a bit of a contradiction. Would the general North Node reading apply?
Thank You. Great Article!
God Bless You
DID this come from Schumanns books? If so i disregard it. Having consulted with him once, for a fee, he basically and rudely said i am to be a doormat for the twisted porn addict, my husband, who was divorcing me because he wanted to swing. This is not the opinion of everybody as i found out later. He was rude because i had to bring my toddler son. He had no problem taking the $80, though. This was over 30 years ago. thanks for NOTHING, Schulman! Patricia Harris, west palm beach, florida.
It is not accurate for me. The more I give, the more I repel people. The less I care what others think and focuss on myself the happier I am.
This contradicts the North Node Aries to the point that it should be mentioned that as an Aries North node you should not compromise. Giving is important but not to the extent to where it jeopardizes your values and individuality. Arguments are also ok. It happens. No ones perfect. Though this shouldn’t be a normalcy. It’s about using diplomacy instead of compromise.
You’re absolutely correct, Sam.
General descriptions, such as this article, can confuse and misguide others. Aries North Node is about balance between independence and partnerships (whether it’s work or intimate).
I have a Virgo SN in the 1st house and Pisces NN in the 7th. The best of astrologers say the North Node in the 7th means that to fulfill one’s destiny, you must have a “marriage” partner. I’m an astrologer myself, and after years of studying and thinking about my own chart, I’ve concluded that this simply isn’t true. There are many factors in the chart that can change this didactic statement. The 7th house is about all one-on-one relationships that have intimacy – not just marriage partners. These people can be business partners, students, close friends or someone you just met. For me, it is clear that giving to others – helping them – imparting confidence and skill – is indeed important but teaching one-on-one is the way that I do it. I have very intimate one-on-ones every day as a teacher and with people I come into contact with casually. The most touching intimacy can happen in one minute in the grocery store line, if one sees the opportunity to show compassion or say something meaningful. I’m not married or partnered, but I’m doing my NN in Pisces, 7th house. For the very spiritual person, the most important “marriage” is with one’s own soul. Being true to one’s inner self is important. When I gave up the idea that the NN in the 7th must be about a marriage-type partnership, it released me from the misery of expectations unfulfilled and I’ve been happy and content. I have an Aries Sun, and like many who have commented here, I need to have the courage to be independent. It doesn’t mean I don’t love, but it means that I must live my life on my own terms. I have a lot of intimacy in my life and that is the essence of the “House of Marriage”. There are many ways to be intimate – to be giving to others – and to learn from others in the 7th house. If someone came along who shows himself to be my partner, I will embrace him. But I’m not waiting around with expectation or even thinking about it.
@Jyoti Josahentara: As a 7th house Pisces NN fellow traveler — and fellow teacher (history, in my case) — your comment made me want to stand up and cheer. Indeed, it really resonated with, fleshing out out the grave misinterpretation that I, like you, feel that all too many astrologers make with regard to the 7th house.
Thank you so much for calling for a broader interpretation of 7th house NN as you share your valuable experience of this nodal position.
The refreshing voice that you bring to this comment also prompts a plea: Please, please, please write and publish your astrological thinking. Please! In my view, you’d be doing the world a great service, as astrology needs voices like yours that don’t simply embrace cookie-cutter, simple astrological interpretations — e.g. Scorpios are sexy; Aquarians are space cadets; the 7th house denotes only or even mainly marriage and committed romantic partnerships, etc.
In the meantime, please know that you are appreciated; your comment is gold, and I hope that other 7th house NN folks stumble upon it. Thank you.
You seem to have a passion for it. Maybe you should think about writing, too 🙂
Strange. I thought that when Rahu or north node is in the 7th, this means that you will marry or find lasting love later in life.
OMG this is so true. im a libra sun in the 7th house and NN libra in 7th house as well. my rising and south node are both in the first house. i can tell im very aries-ish and i need to stop being so independent and thinking i can do it all by myself. i have the mentality that i dont need anybody. im trying to stop that! trying to channel my inner libra that i know is there, just in the shadows lol
This is really interesting indeed. I was married and divorced and have three children and grandchildren. With NN in the 7th in Capricorn I find it’s not about marriage but about every person I come in contact with and how I can be selfless in that connection. How I can be kind and loving to everyone. I had to build a loving relationship with myself first to be able to give freely to others. The joy that I feel in giving in this way fills my heart to capacity. What better feeling in this life is there.
I think the difficulty for N Node Libra in 7th House Virgo is when one of the people who you are mentoring is practically intractable but you sort of get by thinly as friends yet they are always hurting your feelings or violating boundaries. You make them feel great but you really feel awful. There’s a lesson in there somewhere, right?
Throughout the course of the planetary alignments, there are a number of phases to be experienced, each of which is crucial for its own unique reasons. And whether you’re an Aquarius or a Scorpio…infact, you know as well as anyone that new beginnings may be just as nerve-wracking as endings can be heartbreaking. If you’re feeling disheartened by what appears to be…yet another long and uncertain journey ahead of you, take heart in the knowledge that every journey seems impossible until you actually set foot on it.
With Venus placement, it may become challenging to understand each others approach to love and romance, which I might add, could lead to deep hurt feelings, On the bright side though, Mars, the planet of aggression that we all feel is the worst, has actually facilitated the perfect harmony — the highest level of compatibility where it matters most; passion and sexuality.
Notwithstanding, one possible indicator of an inability to manage one’s own emotions is a tendency to be inconsiderate of the feelings of others. In my opinion, the most effective approach is to simply let your feelings guide you and express what’s on your mind and in your heart.
Further, you shouldn’t disregard the fact that you share an intuitive ability to understand and respond to each other’s emotional states, to me I believe that is something that not many people experience, so then why would anyone have that and let it go?
Approaching the new year, 2023, also known as the year of “7”, which in numerology ( 2+0+2+3) is ‘thee’ foundation number, similarly associated with spiritual awakening – which takes me back to approximately seven years ago when I somehow stumbled into a kindred spirit with whom I share sooo many surprising similarities in terms of how we think and communicate, and even despite our seemingly conflicting ideals on responsibility, boundaries and fears, we understood each other…. so very well.
But whether it was fate or chance, it has been challenging for the most part, but the serendipitous coincidence, I must say, has given life to some remarkable beginnings that were brought forth at just the right time. During our time apart, to counterbalance the mental haze I experience at times, I had to remind myself that letting go of any form of expectations would allow me to see that the world I formerly claimed to have known… seems to be no longer my home, or was I living in a world that I had outgrown?
Having to let go and move on as a result of significant shifts that are taking place right now. It was only by adhering to the truth that I was able to find my way to acceptance of reality. I find that when you’ve been through a lot, you get a clearer picture of how things should be and how they might be, and ultimately, you can tell just how they will turn out, or not; to be..
Altogether, there is a chance for the life-changing experience you’ve always wanted, and the only way to make sure you don’t miss it; is to keep the window from closing.
Happy New Year🌻