True Node / North Node in Sagittarius Test Answers
Let’s see how well you understand the north node in sagittarius placement. Give yourself a point for each question you got correctly.
1. a
2. c
3. a
4. d
5. b
6. d
7. a
8. a
9. d
10. c
9-10 correct — Congratulations! You have a firm understanding of how to maximize this placement’s meaning for your life! You are well-positioned to maximize your truth!
7-8 correct — Not bad. You could benefit from a re-reading of this placement’s impact for your life. Click here to brush up on your understanding.
0-6 correct — You should go back and study. Click here to revisit the True Node / North Node in Sagittarius placement’s impact on your life.
I really love what I just read, it makes me understand Why I have some likes and dislikes, some tendencies , My north node in Sagittarius.It helps knowing the self better.
Thank a lot for helping humanity.
I’m glad you liked the site, Angelique.
I really liked Reading this articole. IT really gelos me reorganize nu mind. Thank you !
It’s now very clear to me what happened in a past life which is the cause of financial issues in this lifetime. I knew that something I did in a past life was the cause, but until now I didn’t know exactly what it was and now I do and it makes even more sense to me. I can see my past life very clearly. Thank you for helping me to finally figure out what my purpose is in this life.
Funny you should say study astrology in my spare time. I wish I would have realized this sooner. I only JUST , at 50, learned of my sun, moon, rising. Who knew i was WAY more than just my SUN sign of Sagittarius. (Libra Rising, Leo Moon) It ties everything I’ve done in this life so far together and guides me into deeper learning of my purpose and lessons. TRUTH. Hmmmm…I defineately should have learned this way sooner. But, nonetheless, better late than never. I guess this is when I was meant to find it. 🙂
I noticed a lot of people begin their most significant discoveries after 50. I think it’s because there are a lot of things we want to accomplish before then (career, family, home ownership, travel, etc.), and it’s only around 50, when we’ve handled those other things, that we can turn our attention to study and reflection on deeper truths. What do you think?