Saturn in Gemini

Benefits of Gemini energy

Due to the nimbleness of Gemini energy and the facility that it brings for change, the Saturn Return for those born under a Saturn in Gemini transit rarely brings crisis.

One thing that can happen is that a key colleague enters or leaves your life. Martin Scorcese and Robert DeNiro, both with Saturn in Gemini, began their long, successful collaboration during their first Returns. During Freud’s first Saturn Return, he had just completed his formal education as a doctor. Then he went to study in Paris with Jean-Martin Charcot. Charcot was pivotal in changing the direction of Freud’s career. (Charcot influenced Freud towards a vocation involving psychopathology rather than neurological work.) At Freud’s second Saturn Return, Carl Jung formally completed the split from his mentor. This was a split that had been deepening for a few years between the two men.

Peak of mental acuity

It’s also possible that you might reach the peak of your mental acuity during this time. Throughout his first Saturn Return, Bobby Fisher was at the top of his game, confounding opponents with his dominance. In 1971, he began his “miraculous year in the history of chess,” defeating Russian chess opponent Mark Taimanov, a grandmaster, with a perfect score. “It is difficult to portray to non-chess players the magnitude of such a shutout,” lamented one professional chess player. Taimanov later explained, “When Grand Masters play, they see the logic of their opponent’s moves. One’s moves may be so powerful that the other may not be able to stop him, but the plan behind the moves will be clear. Not so with Fischer. His moves did not make sense…” That’s Saturn in Gemini for you. The long term plan may not even have been clear to Fisher!

A period of force convalescence

The Return may also be a period of forced or voluntary convalescence. Especially if you have been too frenetic or unable to set priorities. Gwyneth Paltrow‘s father died just as she was starting work on a film about Sylvia Plath’s life and suicide. After filming, Paltrow decided to take at least a year off. She said, “I worked so much in my 20s, and I really burned the candle at both ends and I wasn’t too picky about what I did.” She went onto to say, “I think the combination of losing my father, turning 30, taking a year off has completely shifted everything.” Note her mentioning the lack of priorities as contributing to her burn out.

Another possibility is some kind of major accomplishment in terms of communication. John Maynard Keynes, whose economic theories changed the way governments handle the boom and bust cycles of capitalism, had a stellium in Gemini in the 10th house, anchored by Saturn at 1 degree in the sign of the twins. In the year of his first Saturn Return, he was made editor of The Economic Journal and published his first book (Indian Currency and Finance).

He then rejoined the civil service to help Britain fight the first world war, working with the treasury. As Saturn danced into Gemini in October of 2000, Justin Trudeau gave a eulogy at his father’s state funeral. This speech heralded the beginning of the son’s political career. By the time Saturn had left the sign of Gemini in 2003, completing the Return, Trudeau had reconnected with a childhood friend. This friend would become his wife, Sophie Gregoire.

A smoking proclivity

Some of the personalities I’ve mentioned in this article died horrible deaths related to smoking. This is closely associated with a Gemini signature in the astrological chart. Freud began smoking at the age of 24. First cigarettes, then cigars. Despite warnings from colleagues, Freud remained a smoker throughout his life, believing it enhanced his ability to work.ย  Eventually he contracted a cancer of the mouth as a result of his heavy smoking but still refused to quit. When the pain became too great, he requested a morphine dose heavy enough to kill him. This was administered in 1939. ย Jesse Owens smoked a pack a day for 35 years. He was hospitalized for lung cancer off and on beginning in 1979 and died of the disease in 1980, at the age of 66.

The actual smoking of the cigar or cigarette itself may be a distraction. Freud suggested addictions were substitutes for masturbation, the one great habit. However, the affliction of the lungs, which we use to breathe in and breathe out, signifies the larger issue of taking in and processing data, of making transitions. If you smoke and can use the Saturn Return to quit, there’s no better take away you can get from this article. Of course, you didn’t need to consult an astrologer to get that advice.

Final Instruction for Saturn in Gemini

So, there it is, Saturn in Gemini. That’s a lot of information to process. Are you taking it all in? Go slow. Remember to look for the big picture.

While you’re here assessing the seasons of your life, don’t forget to take stock of your mental and physical health and the relationship between the two. If the city is getting you down, don’t stay a month longer. Make the move. If you have too many conflicting responsibilities, go into exile until you establish your top three priorities. Write them down. Order your schedule accordingly.

Learn to meditate if you haven’t already. And be sure to choose your associates wisely. Everyone pretty much drives you crazy, so you’ll have to choose the ones who are worth the trouble. Beware strangers bearing gifts especially. Learn to discriminate and work with the worthy, and your professional life will be blessed indeed. Finally, be mindful and precise with your communication to the best of your ability. There may be some painful experiences there. You’ll have to work through them the best you can.

You may never get over that feeling of being different or odd. It’s okay. Think of it this way: The spiritual person is always in exile in this world. Look up at the stars and think of home, then look around you every now and then so you can taste the fruit of many gardens. Mix it up with the rest of us when you can bear it. Just don’t worry too much about what anyone else says or thinks. “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” So said Oscar Wilde. And there’s a guy who ought to know.

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