Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility
This is an unlikely combination, pretty much guaranteed to destroy the best in each other after an initial period of obsession. Scorpio is a very strong sign interested in power based on sexual prowess in the female and this is not particularly geared toward enticing a Virgo man who could generally care less about power or sex and is mainly interested in self-mastery and integrity. In fact, it might be a test of his integrity to turn away from The Temptress. The initial basis of attraction between Virgo man and Scorpio woman would be the intensity they both can feel for the object of their desire. Both signs are discriminating to the nth degree. Scorpio is looking for a certain type of sexual connection — after all, sex is their religion. Virgo is looking for a particular fit — according to their inner diagram of “the soul mate”. Of all the signs, these are the two least likely to date around, to date casually, or to be players.
How to Attract a Virgo Man as a Scorpio Woman:
“Come into my parlor,” said the spider to the fly. We mean nothing negative about this; it’s just the nature of spiders and flies. If ever a man in the world needed seducing, it’s a Virgo man. So, please, Scorpio lady, do your thang.
How to Attract a Scorpio Woman as a Virgo Man:
The Scorpio woman does the choosing, but if you have your eye set on her, your best bet is to show an intense sexual vibration in your aura. This is one lady who moves quickly to consummation — if she’s interested at all — and all you have to do is be a willing participant. You probably need to muster up some emotions and say a few of the right things, but she’ll pretty much take control if she’s interested. If she’s not interested she’ll flick you off like a fly on her shoulder and you’ll just have to take “no” for an answer. By way of encouragement, I will add that your discriminating faculties are usually correct. If you are interested in her, it’s not for no reason. Trust your instincts. (Of course it’s well known that Virgo likes to “reform the whore.”)
Degree of Romance:
Scorpio will be oriented toward sex and emotions, tending to excess in both. Virgo can supply a fine stream of romantic counter-point, bringing the relationship into balance. Virgos are among the most romantic signs in the zodiac, and, like Don Quixote and Dulcinea, they handle illusion well, and the illusion is that you are a fairy princess, even if you fall a little short of the mark.
Degree of Passion:
There is a high degree of erotic attraction here which surpasses passion in its intensity. A Scorpio woman is probably every Virgo man’s secret fantasy. At least half the time he’s with you, he’ll be thinking “If this is a dream, don’t wake me up.”
Degree of Friendship:
These two can be exceptionally devoted friends. Virgo can sooth the trouble waters of Scorpio like no other and reduce the enormity of her concern to pragmatic details that can be easily taken care of. At this, she will marvel. In turn, the Scorpio woman can provide emotional support and push forward the Virgo man forward in his career. These two will always have plenty to talk about as friends, too. They are perhaps at their best in this function. Many a Scorpio woman has taken a Virgo man under her wings and helped guide him through the morass of political snares because she understands the undercurrents of the group and the not-so-nice motives of some people (people do things that the normal Virgo would blush to imagine).
Degree of Marriage:
This can make a good marriage if the emphasis is on work, raising a family, and accomplishing things. Virgo does not start out to set the world on fire, but many a Virgo becomes terribly successful by virtue of being so good at what they do. Many Virgos are “the best in their field,” be it SCUBA diving, library science, or brain surgery. Many Virgos wind up as consultants later in life because so many people have learned to look up to them. Together, Virgo and Scorpio accomplish a lot. If she is a Lady Macbeth-type Scorpio and he’s a Casper Milquetoast-like Virgo, of course it will be disastrous.
Progression of Relationship:
Virgo tends to do things right the first time, including courtship, but Scorpio may not be so easily led. She may try to rush into sex as a means of getting power. If only she knew how much better it would be to wait and do things his way. The Virgo man will probably be forgiving of any mistakes the Scorpio woman makes — and quietly correct them. As I said before, he will insist on treating her like a lady, even if she isn’t acting like one. Virgos are the farthest thing from casual and impulsive. The Virgo male will have his plan of courtship laid out carefully in his own mind, step-by-step, and it is probably a thing of great beauty. If only she would “let it be.” If you do just let it be, he will amaze and delight you, having put more thought into what might please you, than you can almost imagine.
This is likely to be a strong point in their relationship. Most Scorpio woman are masters at sex, and exude confidence and expertise at love making, whereas Virgo prides himself on going to any extreme to make sure to please and fulfill their partner. They will explore the ins and outs of sex, sharing many notes and details and points of interest. And remember both these signs are perfectionists in their own way. When they focus intensely on the erotic union, they will take years and years to explore all of the nooks and crannies of delight.
When It’s Over:
Scorpio has a reputation for bad endings, like the 3rd act of a Verdi opera. It’s hard to bring Virgo down to that level. Scorpio may rant and rave, threaten, stalk, and seek revenge, but it’s hard to carry through when the other party is disinterested. Vindictiveness is a game for two. If Virgo decides he must leave, he will do it the way he does everything — precisely and carefully, and with his own brand of honor. What she keeps throwing down, he will pick back up, polish off and put back where it belongs, until everything is tidy and in order, drawing things to a successful conclusion.
Our Rating: 7/10
The friendship part exactly describes my relationship with my Scorpio woman friend.
@Dan Thanks for the positive feedback and for stopping by the site.
Wow. This resonates on so many levels. I am Virgo currently dating Scorpio woman-she’s unlike any other woman I’ve been with- incredibly confident & skilled & high energy sexually. So much so I feel in danger of being completely overpowered & humiliated.
I’m sticking with it cos I’m learning a lot & cos I think it’s an opportunity for me to dig deep & bring forth some strength & to define my boundaries more clearly. I’m a yoga & meditation teacher & have poss overcultivated equanimity & acceptance.
any comments wd b gratefully received. Many thanks
well,i am dating a virgo man n want 2 no if things will last forever
I have lost my beloved Virgo man. I am a Scorpio, and he felt my sting. I love him, and want so much for him to be with me again. He is dating another…she is a widow, as he is a widower…they have a “common bond”, “foundation”…for a relationship. I am not interested in continuing to support all of his friends, family, and himself in grieving over his departed wife…as it seems to be a gathered interest or hobby. I feel like they are all keeping him in cement shoes, while he keeps trying to fly. He needs support, and hope for a brighter future, not to be kept guilty and grieving for his wife. (She was great…probably would have been a friend of mine!!) Yet, I love this man like no other, and want him in my life for all of my days. He still has very deep feelings for me. He is the one I love, and I have expressed that to him. Now what?
Wow…I am a scorpio woman in love with a virgo and everything you have described is how we are together. I would add that I did not initiate our first sexual encounter but since he has stirred that initiation I broke out the freaky side but held back some. I think he likes the freak in me but was also caught of guard. We have a long-distance relationship so we do not dwell too much on the sexual side. We are business partners. I know he is very enthusiatic when we set goals and converse about our next endeavors together as a team. I’ve been patient with him… at first I started to think he wasn’t as interested as I was but the tables have turned especially when he doesn’t hear from me when he thinks he should.
As a Virgo man who recently ended a relationship with a Scorpio woman I can tell you that if you have the sexual desire to be a master in the bedroom it is possible to outdo her. Stand tall and stand proud when you’re with her.
I’m a scorpio woman dating a virgo man. You had me laughing @ a virgo like to reform the whore…lol.. Would this relatioship last. One min he is all about me & the next he is m.i.a. He told me before that he is scare to fall in love with me. Should I stick it out or do what I’m good at and just run don’t look back.
I’m a scorpio woman who dated a virgo man that ended abruptly and quite horribly. When it was good, things were good, but honestly, there was always something going on, so it would never get past the good part, and dwell many times in the negative. Unlike the statement about Virgos not generally being power hungry, he definitely was about control, power, and it being his way or no way. This was an immediate roadblock, as we both craved power and it seemed that worked only in the bedroom. There definitely was passion. Outside, I did attempt to bow to him, let him lead, but he wasn’t ready, and I wasn’t comfortable with that plan either.
He was great at illusions, making one think they were the best in the world, a queen of sorts, when ultimately, his goal was to tear you down to achieve submission.
I dare not say all Virgo-Scorpio unions will be like this, but this writeup definitely hit the nail square on the head as to key traits between the 2 as they were truly evident in our disasterous relationship.
Key advice to all- be yourself. If they can’t accept you as is- screw ’em. You deserve better anyway.
I am a Scorpio woman secretly in love with a Virgo man he doesn’t knw that I love him because that’s the way our relationship is set up. We are both young and when we forst had sex I was his first that’s when I fell for him I am going crazy the crazy Scorpio way because I love him so much it tares me apart everytime we are together and have to let him go. He is in a relationship right now but on a break. I LOVE HIM. I dnt care that he has a GF as long I get to have him to my self when I can it kills me to knw he goes to her and not to me….. Don’t knw what to do I try to be strong but for how long?
I’m a scorpio woman who has been with a virgo man for 7 yrs and still going … Apart we snap at each other but in the same space … Nothing else matters … He loves to be in control and I don’t like to be controlled … He is not a very sensitive person and do not know how to express himself but very tolerant and is willing to see all sides of a situation … Very homely, clean and caring … We have our differences but his good way are much more than his bad … Something I can live with for a very long time.
oh ,virgo man attract me much
Well Im a scorpio woman and have been with my virgo man for 10 years! We have 2 children and have been married for 1 year. The biggest differences obviously are that I am a very intense, emotional person and he is alot more level-headed, relaxed and easy going. But I feel we both help each other with these things. He opens up more now and I can relax more. So it works out perfectly. Regarding the sexual connection it is huge and I feel we both are on a par with that. Virgo men make brilliant fathers as they are methodical and caring.
I love Virgo men so much I’m tempted to raise this to an 8 or a 9? What do you all think?
Hey guys i am in love with scorpion girl……dont know how to take it forward…..i just have 3 days to impress her…..we spent 2 weeks in a boot camp which was awesome….how to make her understand or tell her i like her.
Sorry i am virgo man… the way she drives me crazy..she is always in my dreams…Scorpion women are toooooooo good.
The Friendship part is absolutely true. In fact, my best friend who is a male virgo (I’m a female Scorp) was the first person I saw after finding out my disrespecting aries was fooling around. I just love him. His honor and honesty are completely uplifting to me. He’s my anchor. He genuinely loves people and is always very interested in others. He’s polite, considerate, incredibly smart and just cautious enough to be endearing. His wife (she’s a cancer/leo) is lucky to have him. To Lloyd – be yourself and she will fall hard for you. At the very least, you will have a loyal and dedicated friend – FOR LIFE.
Go on girl. Raise it to a 9. Both signs have a deep sense of self-respect and respect for others. It just simply and effortlessly works.
I’m a Scorpio woman and I just started crushing on a virgo man, he’s 20 years my senior, but I find him very interesting and I can’t wait to get to know more about him. I have been involved with several Aries the past 12 years and was married to a Gemini. The Aries men drive me crazy, there is so much passion there but then its maddening afterwards. I’m looking for a change of pace and hopefully my older virgo friend can show me just that. He seems pretty stable and dedicated which is a plus and a big change from the mess I have been involved in the past.
Am a virgo guy, in love with a scorpio woman.. took me quite time to get her, at first i thought this girl is such an angel – but wen i got her i could fell dis girl is such a spoil angel.. shez so cool and sweet, but she just don’t say much and i really wanna know so much about her like her ex relationships, life etc.. coz she got two tatoos of her ex bfs i guess and i asked her never tatoo my name on her body lol.. coz wen am gone i don’t wanna be remenbered.. so how could i possibly get her to talk dahm.. but i bet you if you say bed time virgos are as gud as da scorpio.. at first yaa maybe she was da winner, but now is either draw or i win..
Thanx Nancy. Unfortunate she had to move out. Hey i got to confess that they are the only sunsign who can match up with Virgos wit and interests. But need to watch out for their wrath as its vry scary. I am waiting for my next angel and this time hoping that its a scorpion again.
I am a Scorpio woman, I have been dating a Virgo man for, it will be two yrs Nov 18, a date which my Virgo insisted on. We dont remember what date we actually start talking, I told him it was sometime after my birthday but before thanksgiving. So I said it was somewhere around the 17th, lets make it the 17th of Nov! Then he says…”Nooo…why does it have to be the 17th…why cant it be the 18th? and Im like whats wrong with the 17th…I asked him…you dont like the number 7 ? No, he says. What, did somthing bad happen to you in the past on the 17th that you dont want to remember? No…he says again. Then what? Im just saying he says, why does it have to be the 17th…Im liking the 18th…Why cant it be the 18th? ooooK…I replied back…followed by our laughter. He has some weird control freak moments like that all the time…But I love it. I love him so much. I know that he was made for me and I for him…There is no one else. I am so thankful for him. So happy that I dont have to keep desberatly searching for him anymore. But I just have one hurdle to get over for us to have perfect harmonious bliss…The distance. Sometimes I feel like I am Odysseus fighting the gods off to get to what is destant to be mine, yet they keep me from it. and yes my Virgo is my Penelope, lol bc I got the masculin planet rule in our relationship( and it def. shows…lol). He needs me. He is my damsel in distress…lol…what can I say Ima Scorpio woman…we got that whole Joan of Ark thing going on…
Hey Satara be informed virgos are little fussy and take great interest in astrology and numerology. I dont like doing anything importan on combination ending with 8 as i read somewhere that people born on 8 would have negative impact on 4 & 8. with respect to been distant YES Virgos need their freedom not in wrong sense but needs to be alone to recharge his senses and ones in a while wants be alone. You being a water sign i understand it must be difficult for you but trust me he will not have any other reasons to be distant. Spend some time indoors he would be happy to spend quality time at home than going out. Dont be dramatic he is a very simple down to earth man who seeks consistency, loyalty and caring partner. Use you wit more than your looks he will get bowled.
I am head over-heels smitten with a Virgo man now. It’s new and he excites every pore in my body. Already I am seeing so much of what is said here and in the compatibility report as true. As all you Scorps know, patience is not one of our strong suits when we want something or someone. I am trying to play it cool, but have already shown him my obssessive side. I’m frightened of scaring him away with that.
My biggest pet peeve with him so far is he sets time limits to be online with me. He doesn’t want out chatting to become stale so he thinks it fine to chat with each other once a week or sometimes be longer apart than that. We are doing seriously long distance communicating as he lives in th UK and I’m in the US. We are also both having horrible turns of fortune right now because of the economic mess and do not know when we’ll be able to plan a trip and meet.
I want things to develop between us and really want to try and be patient and give him some time to open up to me. I’m really picky about men and so much about him piques my interest. He not only fuels my fire physically but intellectually as well.
From what I’ve read here, he may be one worth keeping. I’ll check back every once in a while here and see if I might get tidbits of advice on how to corale this Virgo man or get help on particular issues I’m facing with him.
Wish me luck.
I am a Scorpio woman, and I must confess that I’ve been looking for help online for quite sometime already… I think I am obsessed with a Virgo man.. just not to say Im in love with him, cause he lives in Hungary, and I live in the Caribbean.. What I love the most about him is that everyone I know tells me how bright and intelligent I am, but he makes me feel so silly.. and that thrills me soo much, not just intellectually, but physically too. He teases me and I tease him, which eventually leads us to flirting =P I’ve come to realize that whenever I’m not chatting with him I get anxious, nervous, cant focus on anything.. He is the first man that really gets me turned on.. I dont know what to do… I think about him 90% of my day. Im not sure if he really knows the degree of what I feel for him. He knows I like him, but I dont think he knows how much! And I can’t tell him, because admiting I like him that much will only make me suffer ’cause he’s not here with me. I want him like I’ve never wanted anyone ever!, but I cant go to him becuase getting there is quite expensive for me right now. But someday I am certain we’ll be together 🙂 Any advice???Wish me the best of lucks guys!
I am a scorpio woman who has been dating a virgo man for a while now. i must admit the beginning of our realtionship he was the sterotypical virgo man. he did not want to jump into things, he wanted to be certain. i in the situation was nothing more tha na scorpio and pushed things upon him, racking my mind why he was being so timid about our realtionship. i must say if i was to ever go about it another way i would of been much easier on him, being so pushy caused the brunt of most of our issues in the beginning. as time has passed we have found ourselves most reliant on each other with a bond that no one could compare. we are an amazing team and compliment each other so well. i have a tendancy to over-react to some things and he can talk me down and be the rational one and he has a tendancy to be a little disconnected with things and i help bring light to the more emotional side of his problems. communication is the biggest role in the success of this realtionship, i feel. the only time we do have a problem is if we get caught up in the intensity of life but soon realize that if we take a moment to put forth what we both have to offer as an opinion, we are nearly unstoppable. negativity can run rampid through any relationship, scorpio women, we are so strong… if you have love for a virgo man, just give him your strength and patience. i know i want nothing more in this world but my virgo man. he is my ultimate friend, my lover.
virgos are quite hidden in their minds sometimes…its like they have to think everything thru to every extent in their mind before taking the next step…it kills me! lol because im a scorpio girl full of curiousity… i want to find out whats going on in that mind of his, but i dont want to come off as too pushy or rather impatient. Virgos take things in stride. They’d rather sit back, observe, and analyze each thing they take in about you. They have strong points in loyalty-trust, communication-work… which i take in as a like as a potentional partner…
I’m a scorpio woman, who is physically and sexually attractive to a virgo man. We’ve know eachother for a short period of time now. He tells me that he’s interested verbally and physically but I want to know do he mentally. He says he want to take things slow and if something happens it happens. But I’m a right now type person. I don’t want to push away and show him that I’m not interested but then again I don’t want to hoover all over him and scare him away. What should I do?
You need to initiated the right body language..virgom men pick up on that pretty well. And majority of these guys are like over-respectful so you are going to have to make some kind of move to get the ball rolling a bit. I have dated 2 virgo men and they have the smae characteristics…to be blunt I think I am still wanting to see what would happen if I fully hooked up with the mast virgo man (he is 10 years my senior) I am in another relationsip at the moment and content but the virgo and I still have unfinshed business…we’ll see what happens I guess
i am a scorpio woman n i have met a virgo man….i’ve neva in all my life met i man so into me….let alone me into him…i neva knew scorpio’s n virgo’s were an ideal couple til i asked him wut was his b day so i can read our horoscope compatibility….he’s really sweet….i was so at lost for words cus once i read it da same day we hung out for da first time…n he blew my mind cus we were doin nunin but we had so much fun jus talkin….he listened but he also talked to me…which is wut i had been lookin for…somebodi i could talk to bout n e thing…but also somebodi who could talk to me bout n e thing…once we spent dat day togetha i jus wanted to b roun him all da time…its like he’s my soul mate…even though i like to b in control…i love a man who can be in control too…he showed me everything i needed to c in one nite…i;ve been hurt a lot in my life by men so it was kinda easy to know exactly wut i wanted out of a man…i jus feel like i could spend my life wit him…wit no problems…im easy to get uninterested in men but i pay close attention to wut a man does or says around me….but errthang dat i read about us was very true…n i cant wait to c wuts n store for us n da future….
This is the compatibility reading that has fit me the best thus far! I’m a virgo male…we got along at first as friends and flirting.But it went downhill when I started noticing that scorpios don’t really think about love when having sex. That’s the reason I have sex, to demonstrate love! I was like the woman always complaining bout the lack of affection and love. DON’T plan on dating a scorpio again!
OMG Scorpian Woman have alot in common as most of the posts are by us! I guess thats us seeking answers.This is the first Virgo man I have been interested in…He hit on me and said it was my eyes..I was cautious but wanted to see just where it may go..Although at first I was willing to get down he assured me that it didnt matter.Still we wait..I wonder if they are cautious because they are not secure with their sexual ability? IDK he seems a little bossy like he wants control I kinda like it but not sure if he can handle the real sex crazed me
Well I am a scorpio woman and have just met a virgo man, been on one date and we seemed to get on fine, same sense of humour and I was a bit worried as he said he would like to hang out again, but he didn’t give me a hug or any sort of physical contact, so am surprised he wants to catch up again, but reading all this it all makes sense, he was a really nice guy, easy to talk to, but its soooo hard to tell if he actually likes me or just wants to see me as a friend? I guess time will tell, but its funny to see the differences already within the first meeting, lol
@jaKIEo yeah its amazing how we are very similar as scorpio women, my younger sister is a scorpio woman as well and we just had a massive talk in the weekend and surprised to see how similar we are especially when it comes to relationships and sex, it does seem that sex is very important to scorpios!
Scorpio woman (early 30’s) just met a Virgo male (late 30’s)… Met him out, not my ideal situation, but since I only go out like once a moth or maybe once every two months, I took it as a blessing!! He was beautiful. I saw him the second I walked in and knew then I had to know him!! It took me damn near a hour to get his name. We flirted and talked and hit it off right away. I think I initiated contact but he responded very well. He is smart, smooth, gorgeous a very eligible bachleor. he problem I have is I am affraid I will not live up to what he thinks I am all about… I looke d SMOKIN HOT that night but under my super tight dress I have a not so perfect body and I am nervous he thinks I do… I also am unemployed right now but if you saw me you’d think I was a executive or something… I am just so scared he saw more than what was really there. I like him though and we text alot. He has me intrigued. I suppose if he likes everything perfect this is not going to work as I only perfect, but under it all, I am not!! OOOHHHH what to do!! I have to try though… He’s to damn fine to give up on before even trying!! Wish us many blessings.. We shall see if its truly love at first sight or not!! PS he drives a fly old school vette too as his weekend car lol!!!
I am a 27yr old Scorpio woman & I’m seeing a Virgo male 7yrs my junior. He is very reserved when it comes to sexuality. He only dates older women, but yet he seems intimidated by them. After 5 dates we still had not kissed yet, & I told him that was unacceptable. One night I beckoned him to my home & “we got along “” quite nice.. Now all I have to do is train him.
im a scorpio woman and i marry a virgo and im so sorry i did
I am a Scorpio woman in love with a Virgo man ten years my senior. At the beginning of the relationship, he was very reserved. Which made me so incredibly attracted to him. but as time passed, he has shown sides to him that not everyone is privy to. We connected easily on so many levels. We made love constantly. It was intense every single time. I was addicted to him as he was to me. He didn’t like the idea of being so vulnerable so fast and typical virgo fashion he has to overthink it and anyalze it to death. ( I do it too.) So, he began to push me away. I left him and moved on to pursue my ambitions. A year and half later, he chasing me down, doing everything possible to be with me. He pays for my flights across the US twice a month to see him. Calls me daily. Tells me he loves me million times a day and talks about marriage constantly. I taught him about not being scared of vulnerability and he taught me about not allowing my emotions get the best of me. He is like a new man, a man I never existed. Behind that cool mannerisms, is a passionate, open, introspective, sensitive soul. I feel special to know that I am the lucky woman he chooses to be like this with. As a scorpio, we love secerts. And his inner core is a secert only shared between us to.
The Virgo and Scorpio union is a special soulmate bond. The kind that moves in silence. They are very alike, intense, ambitious, and intelligent. I believe this is one of the best signs together. Earth/water need each other to grow. Nancy Make it a 9-10!!!!!!
Nancy, I would like to say you are right about one thing: “it might be a test of his integrity to turn away from The Temptress.” Let just say, it much more of a challange and fun when virgo man tries to fight the magical seducation of the scorpio woman. #ScorpioWinning 😉
I really believe a scorpio woman is best suited for a virgo man. Bias? maybe. But think about it. Cancers are too moody, Pisces are too emotional and sensitive to deal with virgo’s critical and brutal honesty. A scorpio is equally honest and has a thick skin as well as an ego to not let virgo man’s critiques to affect her self esteem. But enough to take it into consideration, because it is really virgo’s way of saying he wants you to better yourself. 🙂
I am a Scorpio lady dating a Virgo man and to be honest, it was wonderful in the beginning but the whole not showing emotion is beginning to bug me. I wish he would tell me what he feels, what he’s thinking etc. At times I wonder if its all worth it or should I move on and find someone else… but I cant keep running..
this really is true!! well i am a virgo man…i’v been in relation with many womans…but never worked out…its been 3 years since i met this scorpio lady, nd it is true scorpio woman do have beautiful eyez…her eyes are lyk ocean in which my dreams are reflected…..everything changed for me…its lyk i want more of her each day…at first i thought that her being so physical was not wat i liked abt her, i waz confused…but later on i realize thats the scorpio thing…she is really possessive abt me…nd i am also possessive abt her bur never tell her that i am… we do argue some time well most of the time:p but it always ends with a smile..i really do love her…nd want to spent the rest of my life with her….
I am a Scorpio women and my soul mate is a Virgo man. The first time I met him his gaze penetrated my soul and stuck me right in heart (I know its weird because us scorpions are the “soul penetrators”). That was in high school and we had a purely sexual relationship even though I secretly yearned for more. Fast forward to my early twenties and we reconnected. This time having a “relationship” even though we had communication difficulties because we were both so guarded. My entire soul connected with his during lovemaking like it has never connected with anybody before or after. He was emotionally aloof which was hard to deal with as a passionate brooding scorpion. I felt like the relationship wasn’t progressing like i thought it should and I left him (BIG MISTAKE).
I had a leo whispering sweet nothings and telling me that I deserved so much more, so I left. My leo man ending up asking me to marry him and I wanted the marriage, wedding,an white picket fence so bad that I did…. even though I knew I was still in love with my virgo man.
Fast forward to present day (13 years later). My relationship with my leo man is a disaster. He is too invasive and needy and waaaay too clingy (&may actually suffer from BPD illness). My virgo man contacted me on facebook a little over a year ago and when I got the request it sent shivers down my spine. I am still in love with him. We connect and its like we never missed a beat. We are so attracted to one another it is scary as hell. Like polar opposites the magnetism is undeniable. I have never been able to free myself from him completely.
I can admit (even though maybe not to him). That I love him and I know I do. The ties between us are always present for the last 20 years. My virgo man is amazing and keeps me guessing and yes even pisses me off, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. If I ever get him in my grasp again… I will not let go.
I don’t know what others are saying. But you are spot on.. Miss nancy..
You have the experience.. The virgo & scorpio prediction is spot on.
Sometimes its simply too much..
I also believe scorpios best match are saggs, tauruas & scorps.
Thank you..
I have fallen deeply in love with my male virgo friend. I think he is the most amazing man I have ever met. I have always felt this very deep connection to him that until this day I cannot force myself to shake. I just opened up my entire soul to him with ease which is rare for a very private Scorpio that I am. We have been friends for years and as soon as I finally gained the courage to tell him how i felt, he pushed me away. I don’t know if he is scared, or hates that I bring out that vulnerable side in him …….but the lack of communication on both sides is what is killing us now. What bothers me the most is if he does not share the same feelings as I do, why cant he just act like how he used to before? We are both very reserved, private, and guarded people. I am so deeply conflicted internally, because my brain says walk away and let him be even though I love him and my heart wants to stick it out…..but I just have no more left. I’m emotionally drained. The saddest part is that we cannot be friends and I’m so hurt, I can’t let him go and I don’t know how to move on.
Among all the articles I’ve read about the “Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility”, this one is the most convincing. However, I’m still confused. To sum it up , you are saying that these two are NOT matching or are NOT suitable for each other right ?. In addition, who is more likely to have a stronger personality and dominance in their relationship ?. Thank you.
From what I read? I would say that the article states that they are matching and are suitable; it’s a basic matter of give and take, if you will. Now as for who has the stronger personality and dominance I would have to say it depends on each individual situation. I being a Scorpio can say that some of what I have read is not at all the way I am; maybe I am not the “normal” Scorpio then. I do fall in the middle of the Sign which means that I carry the strongest of the traits; some of what is said in this article does not “fit” me at all… I’ve read several articles, now, about the Virgo Man and the Scorpio Woman and each article has pretty much had a different take on these 2 signs but in the end all the other articles have stated that a Virgo Man/Scorpio Woman is the BEST match!!!
All the sites I have visited all state that these two signs are so well matched, but it obviously goes deeper that that. Certain personalities dont match well, and with my personal experience the situation went nowhere, so it really does depend on the two parties involved. 🙁
I am a scorpio woman in love with a virgo man and from all that i have been reserching and believe me i HAVE done my reserch! also not to mention first hand expereince of the union, i have found that for sooo many reasons the scorpio and virgo match really is a match made in HEAVEN!!! i truly beieve that it’s because the two elements earth and water go together so beautifully because when you put the elements together they mold so well and transform together to make another element, mud! so that being said they go together to form and build a substance that can be used. They also tend to be on the same wavelength in many areas especially humour and last but not least because of the perfectionist qualities of both signs the SEX is none other than delicious!
I briefly spoke to my my “friend” ( or whatever he is) after three months a couple of days ago. It was his birthday so I called him and he actually answered the phone! But our conversation was very brief and he said he would call me back but im not holding my breath because he never calls. So after much overanalyzing i decided to send him a semi-long text about how I was feeling because I was too shy to tell him over the phone and perhaps a little scared because i didnt think he wanted to hear me out. When i have something to say I just say how i feel, I am very open with my emotions and he is the exact opposite its like trying to pull teeth with this man! But he has this PULL over me and I cannot verbalize it. I did feel slightly better because i have been wanting to release these repressed emotions for months and I had to bury them because wthout him knowing what is the true point? So I’m just waiting to see if he responds, and given our history i doubt it. So i guess i really do have closure and i need to move on,because our situation is going nowhere. This is one of the most painful experiences I have had to deal with of late…..and the joke is we are not even in a relationship?!?, so although some people have commented on how great this pairing is in my reality it has been bullshit. 🙁
I loved this description, and it really outlines what I’ve experienced during my last 3 months of dating a Virgo man. Especially the part about reforming the whore (haha!). Our schedules are incredibly incompatible, but he prefers I not see anyone else. When I felt like my overwhelmingly intense emotions towards him weren’t being reciprocated, he responded with the sweetest confession of realistic, pragmatic but completely reinforcing feelings. He does guide me back to the reality between us when I get too intense (with feelings for or against him). We slept together on our first date, and I absolutely use that power to keep him engaged. Not to mention our chemistry is HOT! It’s amazing that I’ve latched on to someone so physically unavailable, but with the emotional skills to keep me at it. It’s been fun, and the slowest moving relationship I’ve ever had- because of his need to be sure/sacrifice his time and that I won’t use that term unless I am his priority. But it’s been good and fun and sexy as hell! Well done, horoscope website
i have to say this was a very interesting reading about virgoman /scorpiowoman… i really liked it 😉 should be more of them! been in love with a virgo since the first time we met i knew this one would be a hard one.. we had the best sex evvvaaah and ive been with a few before him and some after him too and really cant forget him…… hurts because we are like million miles away and i will probably never see him again.. but i wish i was such a lucky girl could have a man like him by my side all the time… he really looks just perfect and he is so cool.. sexy hooot virgoman…… hope this girl alia get back hers 😉 im just the same type telling what i feel very fast and very many words…. scorpios have just too much feelings to sort out and when it comes out i think its just too much for the virgomen whos trying to keep it so cool to handle;) but it took me like 2 years before i told him about my feelings….. just had to because i want him to know it… and i kind of have that feeling that he hasnt forgot me either… i thought he knew how i felt, but that he didnt want things so emotional, because it was sex we both wanted but who could knew this was gonna be my beeest sexmate ever.. so i kept it cool my self and dissapeared out of the blue and he didnt show me any passion or feelings at all, just in bed and thats just not enough at all for a girl like me…. but i really wish i was tough enough that time to tell it but i wasnt…feels muuch better to say it as it is anyway… in the end i feel more better about it now just knowing that he knows.. what is ment to be will be thats just something i believe,but i guess we wasnt ready for that any of us anyway at that time….. and it probbably was just me feeling it that way…. i have to say it was SEX at first sight hahha and i just believe love is stronger than pride! im a proud AND shy scorpio girl.. so if he is such a cool virgo guy and every virgoman is like that , im sure about that scorpios and virgos can only survive inside bed but not outside of it…… scorpios needs that passion or we will freezzze into ice and acting like nothing happened and move on asap… scorpios are strong enough to do it but believe me it hurts… but what doesnt kill makes us stronger 😉
ya tru things that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger 🙂
How to Attract a Virgo Man as a Scorpio Woman: “Come into my parlor,” said the spider to the fly. We mean nothing negative about this; it’s just the nature of spiders and flies. If ever a man in the world needed seducing, it’s a Virgo man. So, please, Scorpio lady, do your thang.
I’m dating a Scorpio woman at the moment, actually. There’ve been a few times we’ve almost ended up dating in the past, but this is the first time we’re going past the friend stage. It’s been pretty fun so far, I’m looking forward to seeing how it goes
I’ve been in many relationships be4 but this is de sweetest .he treats me gud both in bed en anywhere else.the only prblm is too cool.he is insecure in bed, it feels tht i win evrydy.his surportive wen it comes to bussiness.the only thing is am afraid i may loose him , but he alway say am entirely difrent to all the ladies he dated be4 they agreed wth everything he said.he says wth me its it different, am the most inteligent girl he has ever met
I just checked out the Virgo woman Scorpio man article too. It says they can break up with mutual respect in a mature manner without a problem. But according to this a Scorpio temperament combined with the sex: female renders a person chronically hysterical and incapable of rational thought. I just wish I could get a horoscope from people who don’t despise women, but clearly that’s never gonna happen.
It seems that lately I attract nothing but Virgo Men. I just got out of a 3 year realtionship with a Virgo and after 8 months of being single I have met another Virgo Man. It is true in my case as a Scorpio woman that after a breakup it is usually a bad break up. I really buy into the term that someone is “dead to me” I just feel so much better hating someone and then at that point I feel like I can move on. This new Virgo man is such a nice person, he is funny and even likes watching Lifetime movies!! I am already on guard for the not so “good stuff” to come everything cant be good all the time. So far so good.
What kind of ‘whore’ does these Philosophical Zodiac Astrologers think us Scorpio women are….we are not just about sex, sex and more sex, though having that connection is important for us, buttttt COME oooon now, give is a break, will ya shhheeesh!
So true however, once you make us have to raise that stinger you’re “dead” , buried, probably alive too and forgotten for your ass, as though you never existed, we will walk past you and act like a total stranger ( that’s kinda what you’ve become to us), If I ever see another Virgo man in this lifetime, I’ll run and hide under a rock and never to come out for air, I’d rather die or come out and kill you is never a totally ruled out option!. They are the most despicable, heartless, lying son of a bitch one will ever come across, did I forget to mention LIE, sickening to the soul, if you do anything else to us, never lie, lying is an abomination to the lord and much so to us as well, if you mean yourself any good, never lie, BECAUSE might not be today, or tomorrow, or the other day, next week or next year BUT we will find out, there is no question about it and if you are fooling yourself and thinking we know nothing, then you’re just as naive misleading yourself to believe that, observant we are and enjoy analyzing our surroundings and people in it before taking actions.
I had one in my life for a number of years and every single day I would ask myself, would this really be the man I will spend the rest of my life with, it was a truly traumatizing experience for me because I knew he was not what I wanted or should say no longer after what happened.
Degree of Marriage; OFF-COURSE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN DISASTROUS, for the very same reason I gave back the ring within a week, just did not feel it happening at all, and I wasn’t going to risk finding ‘true’ happiness by restraining myself in misery with someone I had lost ALL Respect and Trust for, just wasn’t gonna happen. ( my dream man was still out there looking for me, I just felt it – and we will revisit how I came to that conclusion at a later date). AND so glad am I that I followed through on my gut instincts because if it doesn’t feel good, then it probably never will.
But woe and behold early ONE MORNING for sure out of the mucky tainted waters (scorpio/water and virgo/earth = mud), there was a breath of fresh AIR and oh so cool and mesmerizing it felt, I would smell it at a distance but never really could understand where it was coming from or why the scent kept lingering in the air, and so without a doubt I did Trip and ended up Falling on an amazing, though rather uncanny chap, who I can never get enough of in a weird kinda way too, who is this man, who sent him and what did they tell him, I asked myself… he is so down to earth, keeps my laughing so hard, feeds my soul, stimulates my mind with an experience out of this world, already has earned my Respect for a number of reason but one in particular just because……….
Degree of Marriage here; indeed “Terrific – somehow he has managed to take the sting out of this Scorpio for sure” and I know why I say this.
He is the only one who has ever managed to do this…. EVER!
Someday for sure, he and I will just sit and laugh about all this for sure , I have found the man of my dreams, CANT WAIT 😀
(on a much, much, much heavier note, son of a bitch virgo tried to ruin my life – stay away from them people, they are pretenders of the earth!!!)
We all have our flaws and some of us are or has been working real hard to make it right, in reality though, some people just love you for who your are and not minding your shortcomings.
I do not want, nor, do I want you to want, the idea just of each other, that is way too easy, moreover its not real. I want you – faults and all, and I would want you to want me – faults and all.
Its an amazing feeling to be touched by someone who not only understands your mind, but acknowledges your flaws yet loves your soul.
Have a great week.
Merry Xmas & Happy New Year in Advance
I’m a Scorpio woman in love with a Virgo man for 3 months now. I just enjoy our time together because I don’t know how long it’s gonna last. We do everything together & show each other love & affection. We’ve met each other’s families & spent the holidays together like a real couple. I’m afraid I won’t be able to have his baby and he’ll leave me. I’m also afraid we’ll be together but not with a baby of our own. I know a baby won’t make a man stay so not having a baby won’t make him leave either. I have 4 children so he already has children, my children. Meanwhile we can practice making a baby together. I call him my hubby because I’m his wifey. He says we’re getting married someday when family, friends & even strangers ask us when we’re getting married. I’m just waiting on him to propose & I’m saying yes!
Yeah Coco, lets here whats happening why you wont be able to have his baby, is it for medical reasons, did you have a bad past experience and its making you scared,….lets hear whats happening with you.
Coco are you still there…..stay with us coco, lets get to the whats bothering you!!
Coco, is there some sort of male infertility condition happening with your future hubby and its bothering you that you may never be able to share that bond of conceiving a baby together, does he have any children of his own as I see you mention you already have??…..Girl worrying about that is the least bit of your problems, what you are worrying about is not such a big of deal just have faith because God works in mysterious ways and you would be surprised to find you end up getting pregnant with twins when you least expect it, so if thats the case If I were you I wouldn’t at all be worried about that.
But please lets here from you, we can only assume unless you come back and speak up, if we dont know then we certainly wont be able to advise you accordingly or make any kind of suggestions, but quit worrying about that for now though.
I’m unlucky enough to have a broken relationship twice with Virgo men. It was literally beautiful relationship but as I’m scropio woman haha I end up destroying everything. I had break up 5 months before and sadly happily it was a mutual decision(but I messed up here too haha at first) but it’s life we should move on I’m sure he is happy with his life without me so why would I bang my head time and again. I still do love him but I’m literally happy for him even though I’m not part of his life and also I’m sure he’ll never forget me that’s the Scropio spirit right?? So everyone this life is for once who knows what will happen tomorrow so forgive everybody and be happy
I am a scorpio female (11/11) 25y. My bf is a Virgo male (10/20) 27y. We have been dating for 5 months now. The relationship is going great and progressing. With a virgo, you must push if you want progress, but after you push retreat and wait for him to do it. because if you keep pushing he wont do it, but if you tell him once its what will make you happy then sit back and wait, if he loves you- he will surprise you with whatever it is you asked for… as long as you showed patience and stopped bringing it up. loll i guess he wants it to be on his time so it dont look like your controlling him. The first couple of months of the relationship… great, got to know eachother and spent everyday together. 3 rd month was rocky, just because as a scorpio I love lots of emotion, and they arent that emotional, to know if he cares about u, is by seeing if hes doing small gestures for you. Mine cooks for me atleast 2 times a week, he works nites i work morning so every morning i go to my car he has left a morning coffee for me to drink on my way to work (we live 10 mins from eachother). He is my personal alarm, he calls me at 7 am sharp every morning to wake me for work. He brings me lunch about twice a month to work. He takes my car while im working to get my oil changes and car washed and cleaned. The DO stuff for you when they are in love. They arent good with saying it. The reason we had ups and downs during the 3rd month is becuase as a scorpio I wonder if he really loves me since hes not emotional and it started arguments. My best advice, if hes doing things for u he does, he will love you to pieces and you will never hear more than I LOVE YOU. no mushy gooshy long paragraphs like romeo and juliet. BUT there is 1 thing. I would Complain it made me FEEL unloved to not get long notes and stuff… then leave the topic alone. and behold 1 or 2 days later .. i get it. it would last a while then stop (since they’re not used to it). i would wait a week casusally make a complaint then leave it alone… and again I would get it a day or two later for about a week. They arent programmed to be all lovey dovey, but they do want to do that for you. you just have to give them a little push and when they do it and you respond with adoration for it… they will learn to keep doing it for you. They love making you happy and doing things for you if they love you. Month 4 and 5 went great since we got through all the arguments and made it through the 3rd month. its all communication. Always tell HIM (virgo) what u dont like. (i have a virgo moon so im just as critical) then have patience to see him change it for you… they love patience. if you show it after asking for something, more than likely you will get it. Now my virgo man and I are searching for an apt together. we started a company together… and hes wayyy affectionate with words more so than he used to be. its just a little training since they arent used to it, but they can do it , and enjoy doing it… because they like the adoration they recieve back. I will tell you that one day I was in his facebook msgs… just casually looking through because we dont mind eachother seeing our stuff…. even though we rarely look… and I saw a msg to his dad and brother telling them how much he loved me and wanted to marry me one day and sent lots of his favorite pictures of me to them (they are in another country). I never knew he felt that way nor did i know he sent that to them weeks earlier. But it made my heart happy knowing he did even though he never told me…. like i said they dont tell you their feelings … they feel you should know by how they treat you. He does everything for me which I love. But seeing that msg to his family assured me of his intentions for me and made all of my questions regarding his feelings for me disappear and thats why since that 3rd month we have been so great. I now know he dont say it, but he feels it, and as long as hes DOING things to try to please and help make my life easier… thats how I know he still FEELS in love with me.
btw i have never experienced the hot then cold thing with my virgo man. He is always 100% with me. I even have gotten scared, broken up, pulled away etc… and everytime my virgo man tells me he is there for me at home waiting when im ready to talk and work things out, and that even though i need my space or want to break up cuz im mad about something…. he will never give up on me and will not be doing anything other than trying to make money, not out looking for a new girl. Hes very patient with me. Im the one that gives him hot then cold. but it usaually only lasts a day or two.
I’ve dated one virgo maybe 4 or 5 years ago and recently got really close to another Virgo in which I believe he was in love with me as I was with him. The one I dated years ago I fell in love with him but I was really pushy….it was hard for me to love him because of my past…my pain from my past kept me from recognizing real love back then….after ruining the relationship and not realizing what I did….I got in a abusive relationship wit a Sagittarius….while I was with this Sagittarius and going through the abuse my Virgo came for me but still I didn’t recognize love in my face….his words before I got wit Sagittarius was that HE WASNT GONNA WAIT FOR ME FOREVER….which is what happened….after finally leaving the Sagittarius….he was and is still wit his Leo girlfriend/baby momma… hurt me so bad…..and all I could do was except the fact that I messed up…..I still haven’t moved on in my heart….but as long as he happy I’m cool….recently I happen to meet another Virgo and we became close and reminded me of my ex Virgo in some ways….this time I recognized love when I saw it but it was hard for him to settle wit me because of his past….he runs from me and it reminds me of my ex Virgo because before we split he ran from me….instead of telling me where I was going wrong they both run….I love really deeply and running to me cuts me… ex Virgo hurt me so bad when he broke up wit me because I did something he didn’t like to get his attention…..he was the first person I ever connected wit…..I cried for days when we broke up….finally I got tired and fought for him and he took me back but it didn’t feel the same anymore….he made me go through so much….he didn’t treat me the same….and finally WHEN he realizes everything I stop caring which is what led me to the abusive Sagittarius….I found in the beginning with the Sagittarius what I was looking for in ex virgo which was somebody who would stay….my recent Virgo seems to be mad wit me about something but instead of talking about it he runs….then he expects me to do what he wants after he runs…..DONT RUN FROM ME….JUS TALK TO ME….LET ME IN….LET ME LOVE U….I love virgos with a passion but I jus may be done with loving a Virgo and all together….
First of all what makes Scorpio so dangerous. We are both water and earth…No category….we conform to anything very well. And we will surcum instantly. Watch out very dangerous. I am a Scorpio women married to a well rounded Virgo man. What a sexy couple. I can’t explain it. And if I could I wouldn’t even try we are a very powerful match. I’m older he’s younger . What a man. I told him when I met him. People love to hate me or hate to love me….Oh Yes….I will just leave you with that. DO NOT CATEGORIZE SCORPIO….