True Node / Node Node in 8th House Test

Think you understand the North Node in 8th house placement? Take a sheet of paper and record your answers to the following 10 questions:

1. Traditionally this placement foretold:
a. a long life and troubles with money
b. a long life and happy family
c. a short life with good fortune
d. a short, sad life

2. Soul memories of getting rather than giving should be balanced in this lifetime by…?
a. learning self-control and discipline.
b. giving selflessly to others.
c. removing yourself from all worldly temptations, such as joining a monastery.
d. all of the above

3. A good way to balance past lives of indulgence is to…
a. life this life as a pauper or monk.
b. give as much to charity as you can.
c. learn to live with only those posessions you really need.
d. live a celibate life

4. For you sex can be exhausting. It’s important to…
a. reserve some of your energy for other activities.
b. not spend too much time trying to please your lover.
c. be celibate as long as possible.
d. have sex with as few people as possible.

5. What is likely to happen int his lifetime if you become consumed with greed, lust, and possessiveness?
a. you will hate yourself
b. out of spite you will destroy all you have accumulated
c. after destroying everything you will create the energy to start again
d. all of the above

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