True Node / North Node in 3rd House Test

6. As you communicate with people on a daily basis, it’s natural to share ideas, but don’t forget also to share…

a. your feelings.
b. your hopes and dreams.
c. your darkest secrets.
d. all of the above

7. Your special genius is…

a. mystical wisdom.
b. an ability to make others laugh.
c. for facts and details.
d. the gift of gab.

8. Develop your keep mind through which channel?

a. Self-study and distance learning.
b. Gurus and meditation.
c. Metaphysical training or cults.
d. Higher education.

9. Avoid careers that require you to…

a. spend a lot of time with others.
b. come up with lots of ideas.
c. make many decisions.
d. talk to too many people at once.

10. The longer you live, the less likely you will be to…

a. spend so much time trying to make others happy.
b. want to find meaning and purpose in life.
c. make your daily rounds.
d. spend so much time on the Internet.

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