True Node / North Node in 6th House Test

6. This is very good for your soul path in this lifetime:

a. Work.
b. Exercise.
C. Meditation.
d. Creative expression.

7. How can you find faith in this lifetime?

a. Seek God in all faiths.
b. Explore the beauty of nature, God’s creation.
c. Work, work, work.
d. Create beautiful objects.

8. When you feel you are being treated unfairly at work, you…

a. tend to feel sorry for yourself.
b. may get paranoid.
c. should avoid self-pity and complete the tasks assigned you without complaint.
d. all of the above

9. Escaping reality and losing yourself in imaginary worlds…

a. are best done in institutions such as hospitals, sanitariums, and monasteries.
b. are not appealing to you.
c. undermine your self-confidence and make you even more nervous.
d. will make you feel better.

10. Organization and budgeting…

a. come easy to you.
b. are a challenge in this lifetime.
c. should be avoided at all costs.
d. never got anyone anywhere!

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